
Quick Review | Do we need to “feed” our works to the platform AI? The rights of the original creators cannot be suspended


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Liu Yujing, News Commentator

Recently, many online writers have posted that a "supplementary agreement on AI training" has been added to the Tomato Novel contract, requiring authors to agree to "feed" their works to the platform's AI for content development. Some authors were not aware of this clause when they signed, and those who became aware of it later expressed strong opposition.

The creative inspiration, writing style, and logical thinking of the original novel author are all the author's strong core competitiveness. How can we give them to AI? Every creative output consumes the author's brainpower. How can the painstaking work be used to make wedding clothes for AI?

It is sad that the song is popular but the author is not, and the novel is popular but the author is unknown. It is okay to cherish talents and to release the talents of high-quality authors to a greater extent, but the way to improve high-quality productivity should focus on cultivating and caring for authors, rather than cloning "Author No. 2" to increase the creative pressure and survival crisis of novel authors.

The platform also stated that "after signing, all/part of the content and related information of the work will be used for platform AI model training or other new technology research and development scenarios. The training and production content is protected by the platform's copyright, and plagiarism or piracy is not allowed."

This behavior of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs will undoubtedly chill the author. The platform only protects the copyright of the novel, but not the copyright of the author. The platform and the novel author are in a symbiotic relationship, and the platform cannot sever the connection between the text product and the text producer. When protecting the ownership of the product created by AI, the author's reasonable and legitimate rights and interests should also be fully considered.

Although the platform stated that their original intention was to develop auxiliary tools that can help writers improve writing efficiency and reading experience, and believe in the value of people, the sense of crisis of the original novel authors deserves recognition, and the actual main and auxiliary relationship is worth pondering. People are not only production tools, and their value is not to serve machines.

As artificial intelligence technology matures, related applications emerge. Users can explore and try, but they should also be careful not to be "fooled by technology". Moving too fast does not necessarily mean steady progress. Be careful not to blindly pursue production efficiency while ignoring production relations. Platforms should not use "tyrannical terms" to test the bottom line of text creators and intellectual workers, but put the terms on the table, so that both parties can discuss and work together to turn danger into safety, and jointly respond to challenges and avoid risks.