
The affordable housing that college students bought 6 years ago is now difficult to resell. The official said that policy adjustments are being further promoted.


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Reporter of Meijing: Liu Songhui Editor of Meijing: Chen Mengyu

"80% off the market price" and "developers have priority to buy back"...

In the years when the real estate market was hot, hot cities launchedHousingIt has attracted many qualified home buyers and also solved the needs of college graduates to buy houses and find jobs in big cities.

In the fourth year after graduation, Zhang Yue, who was studying at a university in Wuhan, bought a fully decorated apartment in Area A of Yangtze River Youth City in Huangpi District. During the few years he stayed in Wuhan to work, Zhang Yue gradually had the idea of ​​changing houses.

However, after she looked around the community, she found out that the house could only be repurchased by the developer, Changjiang Youth City Development (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan Company), or resold to other college graduates.

Zhang Yue is not the only one in Changjiang Youth City who has such a replacement demand. Many owners said that they bought the houses because they saw the "developer buyback" promotion. Now there is no buyback and the transaction conditions are restricted, which is unreasonable.

A person from the Housing Management Section of the Housing and Urban Renewal Bureau of Huangpi District, Wuhan City, told a reporter from the "Daily Economic News" on July 23 that the bureau had received requests from many owners of Changjiang Youth City for replacement and had submitted policy adjustment suggestions to the municipal bureau, and was waiting for further policy adjustments.

The developer has no repurchase plan for the time being, "the new houses have not been sold out yet"

Yangtze River Youth City is a project jointly developed by Wuhan Zall and Xiaomi Group. It is located in the northern part of Wuhan City, close to Hankou North Metro Station on Line 1.

According to local media reports in Wuhan, at the end of December 2018, the Yangtze Youth City Student Apartments were sold to college students staying in Wuhan at 80% off the market price.

According to the Wuhan Housing Authority, the lowest unit price for this project is 6,002 yuan per square meter, the lowest total price for a single unit is 260,000 yuan, and the average price of a fully furnished house is only 7,000 yuan per square meter, which is 30% off the price of a fine-decorated house in the same area. At the launch site, many college students lined up in the snow to participate in the lottery to buy a house.

Zhang Yue, who works as an intellectual property agent in Wuhan, is one of those who bought houses. She told the reporter from the China Business Network that she was in her fourth year after graduation, had no house in Wuhan, and had no housing transaction record in the past three years. After submitting her information, she was soon told that she was eligible to buy a house.

Among the many houses available, Zhang Yue chose a 72-square-meter apartment with a 40-year land use right. It was his first house in his life, and the price was relatively favorable. The salesperson also told him that the developer would buy it back in the future, so Zhang Yue quickly made the decision to buy it.

But as she gained more work experience and a deeper understanding of the city, Zhang Yue wanted to put her house up for sale and move to a better neighborhood in the city. After all, Hankou North is the terminus of the subway, and transportation is becoming less and less convenient for her.

"The location of the community is relatively remote, and the surrounding living facilities are incomplete." Zhang Yue introduced that in order to buy a house to improve her living needs, she plans to list the apartment for sale or hand it over to the developer for repurchase.

However, a person from the Wuhan company said that the company has no plans to repurchase the houses from the owners for the time being because some new houses in the Yangtze Youth City project have not yet been sold, and "half of the more than 900 houses in Area C are still on sale."

The policy will be further adjusted

Wuhan City began to provide housing security for university graduates in 2017.

According to the official website of the Wuhan Municipal Government, in October 2017, Wuhan officially introduced new policies on settlement, housing, and income for college graduates who stay in Wuhan, including the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening Housing Security for College Graduates."

The policy allows students to settle down in Wuhan with their graduation certificates and enjoy 20% discount on house purchase and rental, which has become an attraction for many college students to stay in Wuhan to work and live. According to the policy, college students who have graduated within 5 years, have Wuhan household registration, have started a business in Wuhan for 1 year, and whose families do not own houses in Wuhan and have no housing transaction records in the past 3 years can apply to purchase one set of housing for college graduates.

At the same time, the policy also mentioned that the housing for university graduates will be subject to a circular exit mechanism, and the housing cannot be listed for trading. If it needs to be sold, the original seller will buy it back at 80% of the market price at that time if the property has full ownership;Shared ownershipIf the shares are sold out, the co-owners will repurchase them at 80% of the market price at that time according to their ownership ratio.

On May 22, 2018, the Wuhan Housing Security and Housing Management Bureau and the Wuhan Talent Recruitment Bureau jointly issued the "Wuhan University Graduates' Affordable Housing Supply and Management Measures (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Supply and Management Measures (Trial)"), which proposed the concept of priority repurchase.

In June 2018, Wuhan’s first batch of affordable housing for college students at 20% off the market price was launched at Linkong Airport Youth City, and the 392 units were quickly selected by lottery.

According to Wuhan Morning Post, after the announcement of the housing registration, more than 11,000 people consulted by phone or on-site, and 2,121 people submitted housing registration materials on-site. After strict review by the city and district housing management departments, more than 1,800 college students met the requirements for applying for affordable housing, and 1,585 people participated in the on-site lottery.

The aforementioned person from the Housing Management Section of the Housing and Urban Renewal Bureau of Huangpi District, Wuhan City, said that the bureau has paid attention to the difficulty in reselling housing for college students, and said that under the current housing market conditions, it is unreasonable to restrict resale conditions.

"At present, the proposal has been submitted to the municipal bureau, and specific policy adjustments are being further promoted."

As for the developer's repurchase commitment, it said that the policy requires developers to have the right of first repurchase and the right to choose not to repurchase.

(At the request of the interviewee, Zhang Yue is a pseudonym)

Daily Economic News