
The number of active blue-collar users has reached 250 million. Kuaishou Kuaipin is committed to reducing costs and improving recruitment efficiency. It has invested 100 billion yuan in traffic support


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Our reporter Yu Yujin ( reports from Beijing

The current domestic economy is in a continuous recovery trend, and corporate production and operation have entered an expansion period, which also means that corporate recruitment demands continue to grow. In the past year, Kuaishou Kuaipin's recruitment short videos and live broadcasts have been watched by 100 billion people throughout the year, and the interactive data generated based on the content is nearly 7 billion. Based on the content ecology, nearly 25 million job leads were generated in a single month, and the two-way job intention matching logarithm increased by 167% month on month.

Li Huan, vice president of Kuaishou and head of Kuaishou's Kuaipin business, told the China Times reporter on July 11 that short videos and live broadcasts are becoming more and more popular among users. Currently, users prefer short videos and live broadcasts for recruitment, which has reached 17.7%, an increase of 12.4% compared to two years ago. Kuaishou Kuaipin will continue to focus on blue-collar workers in 2024, build a recruitment ecosystem based on content and algorithms, live video and social networking, and create a full-domain recruitment solution.

More than 1.18 million two-way work intentions reached

Geng Chen, general manager of Qingdao Zhitong Tianxia, ​​told the China Times that due to the epidemic in 2020, it was difficult to recruit people offline. More than 50 franchise stores of the company were in a semi-paralyzed state. Traditional recruitment has been severely affected and restricted. It was also from 2020 that the company released works on Kuaishou and tried live broadcast recruitment. Geng Chen also said frankly, "You don't know until you try. Once you try, you will be surprised. The effect is very good, and the cost is low."

In fact, short video and live broadcast recruitment have been around for a long time. Before and after the outbreak of the epidemic, in response to the trend of online recruitment,,, Lagou, etc. successively launched recruitment services such as video and live broadcast. As recruitment information on the platform gradually increased, Kuaishou was the first to call out that it would become a short video and live broadcast platform for live broadcasts. Kuaishou established the blue-collar recruitment platform "Kuai Zhaogong" in January 2022, which was later upgraded to "Kuai Pin". There is no need to submit a resume, and you can sign up with one click. The simplified operation of Kuai Pin is more suitable for the blue-collar group.

The reporter learned from Kuaishou that Kuaishou Kuaipin is building a base for businesses in the form of content recruitment. The number of active blue-collar users of Kuaipin has reached 250 million, and platform users have also developed good recruitment content consumption habits.

Sun Xueling, deputy secretary-general of the China Talent Exchange Association, told reporters that in order to adapt to the rapid development of the digital economy and the diversification of employment forms and labor needs, human resources service agencies have widely applied new information technologies such as the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence to innovate and develop new modes and new business forms; digital transformation and upgrading has become an important trend in the development of the industry. New services such as live streaming and flexible employment are emerging in this stage, and the momentum for development is becoming increasingly strong.

"Live streaming for job promotion appeared before 2020, and some local employment departments and companies began to apply it on a small scale. After 2021, affected by the epidemic, live streaming for job promotion has developed rapidly due to its advantages and characteristics such as low cost, strong interactivity, high efficiency and convenience, wide participation and quick response, and quickly became a new model for human resources recruitment." Sun Xueling also said.

On December 28, 2023, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Notice on Promoting the Application of Live Streaming Job Promotion in the Field of Public Employment Services". It can be seen that live streaming job promotion has broad application space in promoting employment services.

As of July 2024, Kuaishou Kuaipin's recruitment short videos and live broadcasts have been viewed 100 billion times throughout the year, generating nearly 25 million job leads in a single month, of which more than 1.18 million resulted in two-way job intentions.

Persistent in reducing costs and increasing efficiency

Helping businesses reduce costs and increase efficiency has become a key word for Kuaishou Kuaipin.

According to Li Huan, with the further growth of merchants and positions, Kuaipin has found that merchants are increasingly demanding improvements in employee communication efficiency. Therefore, over the past year, the company has focused on building intelligent customer service dialogue capabilities, building a merchant recruitment communication corpus, and automating job recommendations to help merchants complete user intention confirmation in a more intelligent way, as well as help merchants complete the overall post-investment onboarding conversion.

"In May this year, the number of merchants on the platform that have opened intelligent customer service reached 42,000, and the labor cost savings of some merchants can reach more than 1 times." Li Huan revealed.

Geng Chen also said that since the launch of Kuaishou Kuaipin, the company's recruitment model has changed. As a more efficient communication medium, Kuaipin's live broadcast has a wider reach, faster speed, and the lowest cost.

"On an Internet recruitment platform, a worker's resume costs about 100 yuan. Those who do dispatch know that the agency fee sometimes needs to be lost money. However, with Kuaishou live broadcast, all you need is a mobile phone and a resume, which greatly reduces the cost," Geng Chen further stated. After Kuaipin went online, all the company's recruitment has become simpler. Kuaipin not only allows the company to recruit workers through live broadcasts, but also allows "old friends" to sign up through the short videos released by the company, and it is more precise. Whether it is age, type of work or even city, you can choose, which is very effective for us recruiters.

In order to better serve merchants, Kuaishou Kuaipin launched the 5R talent pool system, "to find more and more accurate potential talents who are interested in you, and to solve the problem of difficulty in recruiting and even more difficulty in recruiting suitable people at a very low cost." He Yongqi, head of users and traffic at Kuaipin, described the system in this way.

In addition, based on the two-way complementarity between the content field and the center field, Kuaishou Kuaipin will provide hundreds of billions of traffic support in the next year, of which 20% of the traffic will be explicitly tilted towards the content field, allowing content management businesses to obtain 100% of resumes.

In addition to helping businesses reduce recruitment costs and increase efficiency, Kuaishou's exploration of commercialization has also begun. As early as the Q1 2023 earnings conference, Cheng Yixiao, founder and CEO of Kuaishou Technology, said, "On the monetization side of the Kuaishou business, our CPQL (cost per qualified lead model) lead pricing model is gradually running through and has completed testing with key industry customers. It is expected that commercial monetization revenue will gradually increase in the next one to two quarters." Cheng Yixiao said.

However, the commercial information disclosed about Kuaipin subsequently decreased. It is worth noting that the Kuaipin business was also adjusted to the Kuaishou main site in December 2023.

On December 7, 2023, Kuaishou released an internal email announcing a new round of organizational structure adjustments. The Local Consumption Business Department under Kuaishou's Commercialization Division was adjusted to the offline of the main site and renamed the Recruitment and Real Estate Business Department, responsible for Kuaishou's recruitment and real estate related businesses; personnel changes include Li Huan serving as the head of the Recruitment and Real Estate Business Department, reporting to Kuaishou's senior vice president Yu Yue, and no longer serving as the head of the Talent Ecology and Content Operations Department under the E-commerce Division, and no longer serving as the head of the Distribution Business Department under the E-commerce Division.

Editor-in-charge: Huang Xingli Editor-in-chief: Han Feng