
Jiwei Consulting released the "IC Industry Talent Development Insight Report (2024)"


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As the foundation and core of the information technology industry group, the integrated circuit industry has become a strategic, basic and leading industry related to the national economic and social development. As a representative of high-tech industries, the integrated circuit industry has higher barriers to entry for talents than other industries. Talents, as the core competitiveness that promotes corporate development and social progress, play a vital role in the development of enterprises and society.

The report "IC Industry Talent Development Insight Report (2024)" is divided into six chapters and eight sections:

OverviewIt covers a chapter and the important findings in this report. The main contents include the latest industrial development status of China's integrated circuit industry in 2023;EnterpriseIt covers two chapters. One chapter is an analysis of the data of listed companies in the integrated circuit industry, and the other chapter analyzes the talent preferences of all integrated circuit industry companies from the perspective of recruitment, including specific contents such as hard skills and salary payment levels.SalaryIt covers two chapters in total. One chapter is the industry salary report, which mainly analyzes the industry job salary data around the hot cities where the industry focuses; one chapter is the analysis of the current status of industry enterprise benefits, including specific contents such as social security, bonuses, and vacations.TalentCovers the content of one chapter. Specifically analyzes the job-seeking preferences and behavioral characteristics of college students majoring in the integrated circuit industry. Including the expected industry, position, region, unit, channels for college students to obtain job information, factors that determine signing contracts, expected salary, etc.Colleges and universitiesCovering the content of one chapter. By sorting out the employment quality reports of target universities in 2022 and 2023, this paper introduces the number and structural characteristics of the overall graduates of typical target universities in the integrated circuit industry, the employment status of target professional talents in the industry, the graduation trends and the demand of enterprises.PolicyIt covers one chapter, which is mainly used to analyze the industrial policies of the integrated circuit industry and other related contents.

Overview: Overview of the development of the integrated circuit industry in 2023

The strong market demand brought by emerging applications such as artificial intelligence, 5G, consumer electronics, automotive electronics, and smart wearable devices has provided huge growth space for my country's semiconductor industry. With the continuous intensification of geopolitics, it is imperative to build my country's own chip industry chain. The localization and localization process has become a top priority in the 14th Five-Year Plan.

From the perspective of the development of the integrated circuit industry, my country's cumulative integrated circuit production in 2022 was 324.19 billion pieces, a year-on-year decrease of 9.81%. JW Insights believes that my country's integrated circuit industry has a significant agglomeration effect, and the provinces and cities with important industrial centers have made great contributions to the overall production capacity of the industry.

Among them, Jiangsu Province, as an important province in the development of integrated circuits in my country, cannot be underestimated in its contribution to the total output of integrated circuits. From January to September 2023, the cumulative integrated circuit output of Jiangsu Province was 71.955 billion pieces, accounting for 29.40% of the national total output, which is close to 30% of the national total output.

From the perspective of China's integrated circuit import value and import volume from 2017 to 2023 and China's integrated circuit export value and export volume from 2017 to 2022, JW Insights believes that my country has a significant trade deficit in the field of integrated circuits, which is also increasing year by year. This also reflects to a certain extent that my country's integrated circuit industry still has a high dependence on foreign markets. At the same time, the macro environment such as the political environment, social environment, economic environment, and technological environment also continue to promote and influence the development of China's integrated circuit industry.


(1) Talent status of listed companies in my country’s integrated circuit industry

The stock market is a barometer of the market economy and can accurately and intuitively reflect the fundamentals of corporate development in the market. The financial and personnel management of listed companies have attracted much attention from investors. JW Insights has sorted out and analyzed the disclosed data of listed companies in China's integrated circuit industry in order to help industry companies and related practitioners better understand the relevant content.

Through analysis of listed companies in the industry that participated in the survey, JW Insights pointed out that among the current listed companies in the semiconductor industry, more than 40% of listed integrated circuit companies have a staff size of 1,001-5,000 people, 26.43% of listed companies have a staff size of 501-1,000 people, 20.26% of listed companies have a staff size of 101-500 people, and the proportion of listed companies with a staff size of over 10,000 people is only 7.05%.

In terms of personnel composition of listed companies in the integrated circuit industry, there were 632,900 employees in listed companies in the integrated circuit industry in 2023. From the perspective of different job types, production personnel with 328,200 people ranked first in the number of personnel in all job types, followed by technical personnel with a staff size of 194,800 people, ranking second in the number of personnel in all major job types.

In terms of the educational background of employees in listed integrated circuit companies, JW Insights believes that the integrated circuit industry has a long industrial chain and each industrial chain can be independently chained, which also leads to a large difference in the educational background of people working in the semiconductor industry. For example, the design and equipment fields are knowledge-intensive, and therefore a large number of highly educated professionals who graduated from excellent universities are gathered.

In 2022, the demand for talents with bachelor's and above education backgrounds among listed integrated circuit companies will increase, while the demand for talents with college education background and below will decline to a certain extent.JW Insights pointed out that with the continuous replenishment of the industry's talent supply, the rapid development of the industry has placed higher and higher demands on the professionalism of talents. Having a certain academic background has also become one of the abilities that companies continue to pay attention to in talent recruitment.

In terms of salaries for listed companies in the integrated circuit industry, the average salary for companies with 101-500 employees was outstanding, reaching 363,100 yuan per year, followed by companies with 501-1,000 employees at 337,000 yuan per year.

(2) Talent demand of Chinese integrated circuit industry enterprises

From the perspective of integrated circuit companies' recruitment preferences in 2024, JW Insights pointed out that social recruitment and campus recruitment are the two main recruitment forms of companies. Survey data shows that among the companies surveyed this time, more than 90% of the companies have social recruitment needs, and only 8.53% of the companies have campus recruitment needs.

Among them, enterprises with a scale of 100-499 people ranked first in terms of talent demand for campus recruitment and social recruitment, accounting for 43.55% and 28.94% respectively. The second largest group was large enterprises with a scale of 1,000-4,999 people, with campus recruitment and social recruitment accounting for 16.91% and 19.58% respectively.JW Insights believes that small and medium-sized enterprises are in the process of passing the start-up phase and entering a rapid development phase, and are in high demand for talent.Large-scale enterprises have a long accumulation period, have more funds and strength for technology iteration, and their existing personnel are insufficient, so they need more excellent compound talents to supplement. This also reflects from the side that my country's integrated circuit industry enterprises are in a benign state of coordinated development.

From the perspective of the city preferences of integrated circuit companies for recruitment,The distribution of talent demand in different tier cities can better reflect the agglomeration effect of the industry. The talent demand in first-tier cities represented by Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen accounts for nearly 50%. The talent demand in new first-tier cities is second only to first-tier cities, accounting for 36.63%. With the increasing promotion of domestic substitution in the integrated circuit industry, the cities covered and involved in the industry are also sinking to second-tier cities.

In terms of recruitment job preferences of integrated circuit companies,Positions such as sales managers, embedded software development engineers, key account managers, hardware engineers, and FAE engineers are among the most in-demand positions in integrated circuit companies.At the same time, there are large differences in job demands between different industry chains. Design companies maintain higher demands for core engineer positions such as analog chips, digital front-ends, and digital verification, while the most scarce position in the manufacturing industry is still process engineers with professional capabilities and practical experience, and the packaging and testing industry has the highest preference for excellent EHS engineers.

In terms of the hard skills preference of integrated circuit companies in recruitment, the educational requirements of integrated circuit industry companies are relatively high, and the minimum educational requirement is concentrated in undergraduate. The experience requirements of integrated circuit companies for talents are concentrated within 10 years, among which those with 3-5 years of work experience are the most sought-after.

Salary: Current status of salary and benefits in my country's integrated circuit industry

As an important tool for modern enterprises to motivate employees' potential and one of the main factors affecting job hunting and career choices, compensation has always been a common concern of enterprises and talents. Affected by and restricted by different levels of economic development, there is a large gap in compensation levels between regions. There are certain differences in the payment of average wages for employees in cities of different tiers, and the differences are particularly obvious after adding years of work. JW Insights believes that the average compensation levels of Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen rank first among major cities. A high degree of education plus longer years of work are a double guarantee for high salaries.

In terms of corporate welfare in the integrated circuit industry in 2024, the coverage rate of five social insurances and one housing fund in first-tier cities of the integrated circuit industry reached 78.26%, while the highest was in third-tier cities, reaching 87.7%. Among cities of different levels, the coverage rate of supplementary provident funds in second-tier cities was the highest, at 20.62%. Second-tier cities have a relatively large population, but the mobility of talent is higher. In order to attract and retain talent, companies may provide more welfare benefits, including supplementary provident funds.

In terms of vacation benefits, JW Insights believes that the proportion of positions that provide paid annual leave is the highest in companies in the southwest, with 32.52% of positions enjoying paid annual leave. The next highest is in South China, with 28.76%, and in East China, with 16.54%. In terms of bonus benefits for integrated circuit companies of different sizes, the proportion of performance bonuses is generally on the rise as the size increases, except for companies with less than 50 employees, which have a higher performance bonus allocation rate.

Talent: Job-seeking preferences of students from universities targeting my country's integrated circuit industry

The majors of the students in the integrated circuit industry target majors survey subjects focus on electronic information science and technology, electronics and communication engineering, integrated circuit design and integrated systems, electronic information engineering, microelectronics and solid electronics, microelectronics science and engineering, etc. Among them, electronic information science and technology accounts for 5.03%. Among the factors that affect the employment choices of fresh graduates, the major studied, economic situation, and school background are the top three.

In terms of the size of the company, the industrial chain, and the preferred city of employment, large companies with more than 500 employees are still the preferred size of the company by current graduates. Graduates of majors such as integrated circuit engineering, electronic information, microelectronics and solid-state electronics, and electronic science and technology have the highest preference for the design industry. Nearly 70% of graduates choose the city where their university is located as their first employment city, followed by cities with strong industrial concentration, such as Shanghai and Beijing.

From the distribution of expected salary, the graduates of the class of 2024 have the highest expected salary for IDM companies, reaching 370,000 yuan/year, followed by the design industry (Fabless), with an average expected salary of 331,500 yuan.

Colleges and universities: Current status of talent training in typical target colleges and universities in my country's integrated circuit industry

JW Insights surveyed 81 target colleges offering integrated circuit-related majors, with a total of 277,100 students for the class of 2024. The 10 colleges and universities that provided the most students were well-known science and engineering colleges such as Shanghai Jiao Tong University (School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering), Xi'an Jiaotong University (Department of Telecommunications), Beijing University of Technology (Department of Information Science), and Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (School of Communications and Information Engineering).

The total number of students from the 27 exemplary microelectronics colleges included in this report is 104,559. According to the statistics of the employment quality report data of 13 exemplary microelectronics colleges, the employment units of the 2022 graduates of 12 colleges with relevant data are mainly enterprises. Enterprises are still the "stabilizer" for absorbing graduates' employment. Among them, the talent absorption capacity of private enterprises and state-owned enterprises basically ranks first in each region, followed by state-owned enterprises, scientific research institutions and foreign-invested enterprises.

Policy: Overview of China's Integrated Circuit Industry Talent Policy

In order to further optimize the talent development environment, promote the gathering of industrial talents, and form a good pattern of integrated development of industry and talents, the country and key cities have successively issued talent-related policies. For example, the State Council issued the "Several Policies to Promote the High-Quality Development of the Integrated Circuit Industry and Software Industry in the New Era" to accelerate the integration of integrated circuit industry and education; Shanghai issued the "Several Policies to Promote the High-Quality Development of Shanghai's Integrated Circuit Industry and Software Industry in the New Era" to optimize the reward policy for R&D design personnel and corporate core teams; Shenzhen issued the "Several Measures on Accelerating the Development of the Integrated Circuit Industry" to increase the efforts to introduce and retain talents; Guangzhou issued the "Several Measures to Accelerate the Development of the Integrated Circuit Industry" to implement a talent gathering policy of internal training and external introduction of talents.

At the same time, the report focuses on the talent policies of nine major integrated circuit cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu and Xi'an in the policy chapter, in order to provide policy references for integrated circuit companies and industry practitioners.

At present, the "Integrated Circuit Industry Talent Development Insights Report (2024)" has been officially launched on the Aijiwei official website and APP. You are welcome to log in to the Aijiwei official website and Aijiwei APP, click on the "Jiwei Report" column on the homepage to place an order.

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