
why would kolon do a marketing campaign that won’t make quick money?


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yao wan

because he became a suspect, hu ge was targeted.

in the mountains, the detective duo was throwing aggressive questions at hu ge one after another, although they only got a series of calm and flawless answers. although hu ge produced an "alibi", the detective duo seemed to have no intention of stopping there, and they even used a lot of specious rhetoric to try to trick hu ge into falling into the trap.

it is obviously not easy to get rid of these traps, but hu ge has his own solution.when the "alibi" had been polished to impeccable perfection, the answer was revealed: the real identity of the detective duo was environmental volunteers. the questions asked to hu ge were the test of the organization's recruitment of new members - what time was the garbage thrown away, where was the waste discarded, and whether the wild animals were fed.

never thrown away, never fed.

the detective duo could no longer ask any questions, and hu ge finally passed the test and became an environmental protection volunteer. the questions were difficult, but as long as you took the right actions, it was easy to pass. hu ge had an "alibi" because he really did nothing - he enjoyed the story of nature, and left nothing behind and took nothing away.

the above plot comes from a high-end quality outdoor lifestyle brandKOLON SPORT kolon released the latest short film "alibi", and "it is natural to have a story" is the value theme of the short film.9moon20on the same day, kolon announced hu ge as its brand ambassador. when the two important initiatives overlapped, various related topics quickly emerged.

on social media, the official weibo post received nearly 80,000 comments, reposts, and likes. as of press time, the weibo super topic related to the film is #it is natural to have a story#the post received 170 million views, 221,000 discussions and 648,000 interactions. in the comments under the topic, many netizens began to share their thoughts on environmental protection.the story

this is why hu ge once again asked the audience questions at the end of "alibi". the best outcome is that everyone can find their own "alibi" related to environmental protection and sustainability in the process of self-questioning, but further sparking public thinking and discussion is obviously the real purpose of kolon.


how does a brand find the right partner?

there is no doubt that celebrities can help brands gain visibility on social media.

this is nothing new. when luxury brands, which have always been aloof, began to strategically use a large number of actors, singers and opinion leaders for publicity in the 2010s, almost the entire retail consumer industry further confirmed the importance of celebrity marketing. from newcomers who have just become popular to talented people who have won numerous awards, celebrities with appeal are a scarce resource and are being snapped up.

the most common way for brands to cooperate with celebrities is to promote products and activities through a series of means after officially announcing the celebrity's specific identity, thereby increasing sales in the short term. looking further ahead, brands can continue to be exposed on the hot search list of social media by leveraging the celebrity's own traffic and the enthusiasm of their fans.

this is a very direct "self-serving" marketing. brands need to earn revenue and profit to maintain their operations.stablefrom the perspective of the industry, it is difficult to simply judge such practices as right or wrong. as some celebrities have been involved in public opinion incidents one after another, coupled with changes in the entire entertainment industry, many brands have begun to rethink their celebrity strategies in recent years. an important keyword is "fit". today, brands are more concerned about whether the content of cooperation with celebrities can bring long-term benefits to the value concepts presented.

from this perspective, the short film "alibi" co-produced by kolon and hu ge is obviously special. the entire short film neither promotes the brand and products, nor emphasizes the aura of celebrities, nor does it promote any specific activities. its core themes are only charity and environmental protection, and as we all know, these two fields are often rarely associated with words such as exposure and sales.

being able to make this film is, to some extent, a test of the compatibility between the star and the brand. the number, depth and popularity of hu ge’s own works are undoubtedly the factors that most brands, including kolon, consider when choosing to cooperate with him.considerbut hu ge’s past involvement in public welfare, especially in the field of environmental protection, really made him the person who spoke out the value concept of kolon.

hu ge, the brand ambassador of kolon

since 2013, hu ge has become a member of the charity organizationthe organization is dedicated to recycling garbage along the 450-kilometer route from golmud, qinghai to the tanggula mountain pass on national highway 109, and promoting environmental protection concepts to tourists.the second half of the yearnearly 160,000 pieces of trash were picked up on both sides of the highway.

as a volunteer, hu ge has also visited qinghai many times and used his influence to call on more people to pay attention to the environmental protection issues on the plateau. the latest news is that on june 5that the national main event of the "world environment day", hu ge was listed in the "2024annual list of specially invited observers of the ecological environment", and earlier he was the initiator and cooperated with dragon tv on the public welfare environmental documentary "moving forward".

of course, fit works both ways.

nowadays, environmental protection and sustainable concepts have penetrated into every aspect of kolon's daily operations. from the core product level, kolon has formulated strict environmental protection quality control strategies for upstream suppliers, promoted the implementation of green supply chain responsible procurement, water conservation and carbon reduction projects, and insisted on promoting the use of sustainable products, packaging and sustainable raw materials.

but it’s not just about products.

since 2020, kolon road lab has been established in 31 cities across the country, including beijing, chengdu, and shenyang. participants can explore the practical operation of sustainable concepts through outdoor classes, outdoor hiking, river tracing and other activities.the "road camp" laboratory held 169 outdoor activities, attracting a total of 3,236 outdoor enthusiasts.

furthermore, kolon will also donate outdoor clothing to several national nature reserves, including the sanjiangyuan national park administration, the northeast tiger and leopard national park administration, the sichuan provincial administration of the giant panda national park, and the qinghai provincial administration of the qilian mountains national park, starting from 2023, to provide professional protective equipment for the daily work of the rangers there.

combining these initiatives, kolon has condensed theEARTH MATTERS"the value concept. in a broader sense,EARTH MATTERS"taking the entire earth as the subject, it emphasizes its importance as the carrier of all living things; and on a smaller scale, this concept also highlights the role of individuals in the field of sustainability and environmental protection, and gathers this into a more influential shared belief.

kolon road lab

how does one concept turn into countless practical measures?

this is definitely not an empty slogan.

back to the collaboration between kolon and hu ge.EARTH MATTERS"as a guide, the focus on sustainable development issues has been placed on product design, manufacturing and production. hu ge, on the other hand, first participated in environmental protection issues through individual actions, and then used more universal concepts from an individual perspective to influence and call on more people to pay attention to sustainable development.

as the embodiment of the external extension of brand values, the spokesperson represents the brand's image, connotation and tone, and also carries the brand's views on the current era. choosing hu ge means that kolon intends to stand at a higher angle - beyond the perspective of using celebrity popularity to promote outdoor equipment and brands, to build and convey deeper value concepts and further explore the symbiotic relationship between man and nature.

for many brands, it is not easy to tell environmental stories and implement sustainable initiatives.

environmental protection and sustainability issues areESGpart of the concept of environmental, social and corporate governance (esg)EnvironmentalSocial and Governance) is a collective abbreviation for the supply chain. the name shows the wide range of internal links and stakeholders involved. for example, if a brand wants to implement a stricter quality control strategy on the supply chain side, it often first needs to set up a new responsible department internally, which requires application in the early stage, recruitment and planning in the later stage, which is quite complicated.

however, these measures are unlikely to bring efficient and profitable returns in a short period of time.

in today's consumer industry under pressure, many fashion companies are pursuing operational stability.stableneeds, we have toESGsome have reduced the number of projects and budgets, while others have simply suspendedESGstrategyaccording to the financial report of anta group, kolon's sales revenue continued to be stable.stablegrowth, but no one can predict the future trend.

kolon road lab
kolon road lab

kolon clearly has not given up or retreatedESGstrategy ideas.

in addition to continued advancement in environmental protection and sustainability, kolon has also increased its focus on female consumers in recent years. no one will question the spending power of women, but compared to yoga and jogging, which are more urban, women are often absent in the field of outdoor sports. to this day, in sports that require high physical ability, such as skiing and mountaineering, men still dominate.

this is not because there are more male consumers, but because people tend to believe that men have stronger abilities in such fields.ofwomen with strong figures, stronger physical fitness and a natural desire to challenge their limits are naturally more suitable for such high-intensity sports. this kind of thinking is reflected in the business field, that is, there are not many outdoor sports products and brands specifically for women.

however, with the change of social culture and thought, the stereotypes of the past are obviously no longer applicable to the current outdoor sports scene. people can see that in the outdoor sports industry dominated by black, white and gray, kolon's products present brighter and more vivid colors, and there are many more suitable forfemaleconsumerversion——the most direct way to show whether a brand is truly friendly to women is through its products.

no one has ever stipulated that you can’t be a “conspicuous bag” in the outdoor world.

on women's day in 2024, kolon released a set of photos taken by spokesperson liu shishi on its wechat official account. in the photos, she was wearing a full set of kolon outdoor equipment, walking calmly in the jungle. the caption of the article read "explore the unlimited power of 'her'". kolon thus presented the positive attitude that women can express in outdoor scenes, and its first athlete signed in china, jin yuan, is also a woman.

kolon signs contract with cross-country runner jin yuan

this is reflectedESGsocial issues in concepts.

making consumers feel close by conveying the values ​​is a change in marketing mindset. instead of talking about the functionality of the product itself, telling a story that consumers can relate to is risky in itself and requires brands to truly understand consumer needs. once consumers can relate to the values ​​conveyed by the brand, brand activities are likely to receive very good responses.

through one cleverly conceived project after another, kolon makes people feel friendly and close. for the new generation of consumers, the era of relying on simple packaging to sell products is over. now they no longer blindly uselarge and luxurious” as a selection criterion, it is more about whether a brand demonstrates authentic and credible cultural values, and ultimately forms brand loyalty based on this.

this is the reason why kolon can maintain its position in the current uncertain market.stablehealthy reasons.

sustained attention brings about real change

with the growing trend of outdoor sports, kolon has continued to present a richer image through various initiatives in recent years.

one example is the kolon natural camping festival. the popularity of camping has increased rapidly during the epidemic, and many outdoor sports brands have held activities and marketing advertisements in this field. kolon is different in thatit can be used2021the camp will open in the urban scene of shenzhen mixc in 2018, and one year later, it will explore nature in the suburbs of yongguichuan rehe valley in chengde city, hebei province.

in 2023, kolon went deep into the inland and chose to hold the natural camping festival in taikoo li, chengdu, and worked with spokesperson liu shishi to experience a high-end outdoor lifestyle. kolon recycled waste tent fabrics, tent poles and other materials and transformed them into small tree art installations.the kolon coffee zone and the kolon road camp lab, which recreates a variety of camping scenes, were brought to the event. in the bustling city crowd, the characteristics of nature itself are magnified, which not only echoes kolon's roots, but also broadens the wearing scenes of the brand's clothing and enhances the dissemination of the value concept behind it.

as of press time, the weibo super topic #自然而然校园節# has received more than 69.75 million views, and more than 1,000 notes have been accumulated on xiaohongshu. people have felt the resonance. one netizen wrote in the interaction of the super topic: "if you like camping, you don't necessarily need to escape. in a corner of the city, you can sit on the ground anytime, anywhere and feel the symbiosis with nature."

it is not easy to continuously resonate with consumers, especially in china, a market as vast as this one. this requires brands to have strong enough insight and generalization capabilities to accurately grasp the main demands of consumers. kolon is obviously good at this.its advantages are not only reflected in its excellent community operation capabilities, but also in taking outdoor culture as a core measure in its brand development strategy.

kolon brand spokesperson liu shishi participated in the natural camping festival in chengdu

as a brand established for more than half a century, kolon continues to focus on the outdoor industry.kolon has always been the first in asia to adoptGORE-TEXprofessional fabrics, also with its excellent quality and innovative design, have becomesponsor of the 1988 seoul olympics.

compared with other popular outdoor brands in recent years,kolon2007the company has already started to develop the chinese marketsince then, kolon's development in the chinese market has accelerated further.

while emphasizing cultural values, the outdoor product r&d capabilities accumulated by kolon over the past decades have not been diluted.

the recently launched extremeshanying journey seriesfor example, kolon's research and development goals areby exploring cutting-edge materials and cutting-edge technology, kolonli has brought new blood to the existing product line. in reality, kolonli has indeed done so. the biggest feature of this series is its extreme lightness.Lthe total weight of the product is only 2500 grams, equivalent to five bottles of regular mineral water.boxwall+airtubethe filling technology can meet the wearer's needs in high mountain environments.warmth, breathability and other functionsdemand.

strong r&d technology has enhanced kolon's competitiveness in the field of outdoor sports. in addition to the above-mentioned series of urban and light outdoor operation measures, kolon has also made efforts in a series of more "hard" outdoor sports such as mountaineering and hiking in recent years.after going down the mountain” cooperated to open a destination store in luowuli village, bingzhong, yunnan, to provide outdoor equipment support for backpackers and self-driving enthusiasts.

ultimately, these initiatives will allow kolon to reach a wider audience.

kolon extreme mountain journey series

putting consumer experience first

andafter going down the mountain"the cooperative stores are only part of kolon's offline diversification strategy.

as of may 2024kolon has opened about 160 stores in mainland china and hong kong, china, covering multi-level markets such as first-tier and new first-tier cities. some of these stores are located in core shopping malls in prime locations in cities such as beijing china world mall, shanghai jing'an kerry center and nanjing deji plaza.

the latest kolon store will open in shanghai xintiandi at the end of september 2024. along with the opening of the new store, the new kolon natural camping festival will also be held in the outdoor square of xintiandi. this is also a camping space in the city.

kolon held a natural camping festival in shanghai xintiandi

this is not the first time that kolon has innovated in the offline space.

on the occasion of its 50th anniversary in 2023, kolon will open the firstbrand culture center kolon 1973". kolon 1973 covers an area of ​​nearly 500 square meters and is one of kolon's largest stand-alone spaces in china.

the design of the entire space was undertaken by luozhu renewal architectural design office.coarseunder the heavy concrete frame, kolon 1973 is divided into"good food and sleep outdoors""jin yi ye xing"andthe three themes of "a different world" and "a different world" present content that is enough to be regarded as an encyclopedia of outdoor life.

this is a reflection of continuous experimentation and breaking boundaries.

according to future plans, kolon will further expand its offline store network and strengthen its strategic layout in the national high-end retail market.after taking root in first-tier and new first-tier cities, kolon will accelerate the opening of new stores in more markets of different levels, and continue to launch new store spaces through new designs and creativity. at the same time, it will improve online channels. currently, kolon has opened multiple online sales channels such as the official wechat applet, tmall and, effectively expanding the brand's market influence in areas where physical stores are not set up.

kolon 1973 brand cultural center

with the addition of these measures, kolon hopes that its brand influence will cover the whole country and present high-end quality outdoor lifestyle concepts with diverse values, sustainable concepts, and outdoor equipment equipped with professional r&d capabilities to more consumers.

from its various actions in the past year, whether it is choosing xu minghao, who represents the spirit of youth, as a brand ambassador, or signing athlete jin yuan, kolon has always emphasized the diversified development direction of future image and value. and from the most direct social media voice, these actions have also brought a lot of exposure to kolon, which will help expand its influence.

qingshan capital once pointed out in a report that consumers now"they don't buy brands, they join brands." they choose the lifestyle and values ​​behind the brands. kolon has already grasped the essence of this. what people need to do now is perhaps to wait for its next "move."

this time, he collaborated with hu ge"alibi" is just the beginning.
