
a new chapter in the capital's livelihood! beijing's achievements in livelihood development since the 75th anniversary of the founding of new china


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seventy-five years of forging ahead, a new chapter in the capital's people's livelihood
——achievements in beijing’s people’s livelihood development since the 75th anniversary of the founding of new china
in the 75 years since the founding of the people's republic of china, under the strong leadership of the communist party of china, beijing has continued to explore and gradually embarked on a path of high-quality development with the characteristics of the capital. it has achieved remarkable and great achievements in economic and social development. employment, residents' income, residents' lives, prices, agriculture and rural areas and other people's livelihood undertakings have made great progress. people's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes, and their sense of gain, happiness and security has been continuously enhanced.
1. the employment structure has been significantly optimized and the quality of employment has been increasingly improved.
over the past 75 years since the founding of the people's republic of china, beijing has been working hard to develop its economy while timely adjusting its employment policies in response to major contradictions in different periods, promoting the continuous expansion of employment in the city. in particular, since the 18th cpc national congress, the city has launched a number of employment stabilization measures, strengthened employment assistance for key groups and regions, and the total employment has continued to increase, with a significant improvement in the quality of employment, which has effectively promoted the long-term stable development of the city's economy and improved people's livelihood.
the employment structure has undergone profound changes. over the past 75 years, beijing has actively implemented the relevant employment promotion policies of the central government, doing everything possible to expand employment opportunities, safeguard the foundation of people's livelihood, and the total employment has continued to expand. in 2023, the city's permanent employed population will reach 11.29 million. at the same time, the adjustment of the industrial structure, the development of enterprises of various ownerships, and the change in residents' employment concepts have brought about the adjustment and optimization of the employment structure. the number of employees in the tertiary industry has continued to increase, becoming the main body of absorbing the labor force. the employment structure of the three industries has been adjusted to 2.1:16.2:81.7 at the end of 2023, realizing the transformation to a "three-two-one" pattern, bringing more convenience and better services to residents' lives.
the quality of employment has improved significantly. over the past 75 years, with the continuous expansion of total employment and the continuous optimization of employment structure, the quality of employment has received more attention. the 19th national congress of the communist party of china proposed "achieving higher quality and fuller employment". beijing actively develops emerging industries such as high-tech manufacturing, productive services, and digital economy. new employment forms such as short video live broadcast and online education continue to emerge, and residents' employment options are becoming more and more abundant. the all-round and multi-level social security system has been gradually improved, and the quality of employment has been significantly improved. first, urban employment has maintained a good trend. in 2023, the number of new urban employment in the city will be 281,000, and it has remained above 200,000 for 19 consecutive years. second, labor efficiency has been greatly improved. social labor productivity has increased from 2,500 yuan/person in 1978 to 362,800 yuan/person in 2022. the average wage has increased significantly. in 2023, the average annual wage of on-the-job employees in urban non-private units in the city will be 224,600 yuan, an average annual increase of 8.9% compared with 1952. third, the employment security system is becoming more and more perfect. the security standard has been significantly improved. the minimum wage for employees will be raised from rmb 210 per month in 1994 to rmb 2,420 per month in 2023, and the minimum unemployment insurance standard will be raised from rmb 174 per month in 1995 to rmb 2,124 per month in 2023. insurance coverage will be wider. in 2023, the number of people participating in basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance for enterprise employees will be 18.015 million and 14.184 million respectively, 6.9 times and 6.5 times that of 1995 respectively; the number of people participating in work-related injury insurance will be 13.639 million, 6.4 times that of 2000.
2. residents’ income level has reached a new level, and income sources have become more extensive.
in the 75 years since the founding of new china, with the rapid economic development of beijing, the employment structure and quality have continued to improve, the income distribution pattern has gradually improved, the proportion of residents' income in the national income has increased significantly, residents' income has continued to grow rapidly, and the channels for increasing income have become more extensive, laying a solid foundation for achieving common prosperity.
residents' income has achieved a leapfrog growth. in the early days of the founding of new china, beijing residents' income was relatively low, less than 300 yuan per capita. since the reform and opening up, with the full implementation of the distribution system based on distribution according to work, the results of economic dispatch and development have benefited the people more. beijing residents' income has achieved a continuous leapfrog increase from 100 yuan to 1,000 yuan and then to 10,000 yuan. residents' lives have improved from solving food and clothing to entering a well-off life and moving towards the door of wealth. the per capita disposable income of residents exceeded 1,000 yuan in 1987, exceeded 10,000 yuan in 2001, exceeded 30,000 yuan in 2011, exceeded 50,000 yuan in 2016, and reached 81,752 yuan in 2023, which is 270.7 times that of 1978, with an average annual growth of 13.3%.
residents' income sources are more diversified. in the early days of the founding of the people's republic of china, wage income accounted for more than 90% of beijing's urban residents' income, and rural residents' income was mainly wage income and net operating income. with the continuous deepening of economic system reform, the expansion of employment channels and the change in income distribution, the income sources of urban and rural residents have gradually shifted to the comprehensive growth of four incomes. in 2023, the proportion of residents' income other than wages was close to 40%, an increase of 26.2 percentage points from 1978. net transfer income has injected new impetus into income growth. in 2023, the per capita net transfer income of residents accounted for 20.6% of disposable income, becoming the second largest source of income. residents' investment awareness has been continuously enhanced, and the rental market has been active, driving the net property income from nothing to an increase in proportion. in 2023, the per capita net property income of residents reached 12,280 yuan, accounting for 15.0%. the activity of market entities has increased, residents' enthusiasm for business and entrepreneurship has continued to increase, and net operating income has grown rapidly. in 2023, residents' net operating income was 1,026 yuan, 68.4 times that of 1978.
iii. material products have greatly increased and residents’ living standards have significantly improved.
over the past 75 years since the founding of the people's republic of china, beijing has created favorable conditions for improving residents' living standards on the basis of a substantial increase in residents' income levels. at the same time, with the continuous improvement of the consumer market and the continuous optimization of the consumption environment, the people's growing needs for a better life have been better met, the pace of upgrading of durable consumer goods has accelerated, residents' consumption has gradually shifted to development and enjoyment-oriented consumption upgrades, and residents' living quality has leapt forward.
residents' consumption expenditure has increased 100-fold. in the early days of the founding of new china, the per capita consumption expenditure of beijing residents was only 100 or 200 yuan. with the rapid growth of residents' income, the level of residents' consumption has increased significantly. the per capita consumption expenditure of residents exceeded 10,000 yuan in 2003, exceeded 30,000 yuan in 2014, and reached 47,586 yuan in 2023, which is 169.3 times that of 1978, with an average annual growth of 12.1%.
residents' consumption has shifted from survival-oriented to development-oriented. in the early days of the founding of new china, residents' consumption was basically used to meet the needs of food and clothing, and the living standard was maintained at solving the problem of food and clothing. over the past 75 years, the consumption structure of beijing residents has been gradually optimized and upgraded. the proportion of survival-oriented consumption expenditures used to meet basic living needs has declined rapidly, while the proportion of development-oriented consumption expenditures used to improve the quality of life has continued to rise, and the engel coefficient reflecting the quality of life has dropped significantly. in 2023, the engel coefficient of residents was 21.3%, a decrease of nearly 40% from 1978. development-oriented and enjoyment-oriented consumption expenditures have increased significantly. in 2023, residents' expenditures on daily necessities and services, transportation and communications, education, culture and entertainment, medical care, and other supplies and services accounted for 35.1%, an increase of 15.3 percentage points from 1978.
the pace of upgrading of durable consumer goods has accelerated. over the past 75 years, beijing residents' durable consumer goods have experienced a trend of change from small to large in quantity, from non-existent to existing in variety, and from low-end to high-end in quality. the renewal and upgrading of household equipment has continued to accelerate, gradually transforming from the "old three items" and "three major items" to modern, high-end and electrified goods. in 2023, the number of household cars per 100 urban and rural households will be 51 and 52 respectively, 17 times and 17.3 times that of 2000 respectively; the number of mobile phones will be 216 and 226 respectively, 7.7 times and 16.1 times that of 2000 respectively; the number of air conditioners will be 188 and 200 respectively, 2.7 times and 10 times that of 2000 respectively.
living conditions have greatly improved. over the past 75 years, beijing's housing supply has gradually shifted from welfare distribution to a combination of commercial housing and affordable housing, with richer supply methods and housing types to meet the housing needs of residents. especially since the 18th national congress of the communist party of china, the city has strictly implemented the central government's requirement of "housing for living, not for speculation", actively explored and improved the affordable housing system, increased efforts in the construction of affordable housing, and ensured that residents "have a place to live", and the per capita housing construction area has continued to increase. in 2023, the per capita housing construction area of ​​urban and rural residents will reach 34.58 square meters and 52.59 square meters, respectively, an increase of 27.88 square meters and 43.39 square meters compared with 1978. the non-capital function relocation is orderly promoted, resource allocation is optimized, and the urban living environment continues to improve. the city's per capita park green space area increased from 3.6 square meters in 1949 to 16.9 square meters in 2023; the urban greening coverage rate increased from 22.3% in 1978 to 49.8% in 2023; the capacity for harmless treatment of domestic waste increased from 6,550 tons per day in 2000 to 28,426 tons per day in 2023; the average annual concentration of fine particulate matter (pm2.5) dropped from 89.5 micrograms per cubic meter in 2013 to 32 micrograms per cubic meter in 2023.
iv. the price reform has achieved remarkable results and the overall operation is stable.
in the 75 years since the founding of new china, beijing has conscientiously implemented the specific requirements of the party central committee on economic system reform, and has embarked on a reform path from planned prices to "combining adjustment and release, and standardized management". it has actively promoted price reform in key areas, continuously improved the dynamic price adjustment mechanism, and focused on improving people's livelihood and enhancing people's sense of gain. consumer prices have been stable and production prices have remained stable.
the operation of consumer prices has become more stable. over the past 75 years, with the deepening of reform and the improvement of the market economy, the operation trajectory of the consumer price index (cpi) has resonated with economic development, showing a development characteristic from fluctuation to stability. before 2002, due to the overall exploration period of reform, the cpi fluctuated greatly due to the relatively weak economic foundation and the concentrated introduction of various economic reform measures. from 2002 to 2011, market rules continued to play a role. although prices fluctuated due to the impact of the international financial crisis and the high price of pork, the overall operation was more resilient. since the 18th national congress of the communist party of china, with the improvement of the socialist market economy, the commodity market structure has changed from a "seller's market" to a "buyer's market". at the same time, the pace of price reform has been significantly accelerated. measures such as the tiered price system for electricity, water and gas for residents' daily life, the adjustment of public transportation fares, and the comprehensive reform of the separation of medicine and medicine have been implemented successively. the number of government-priced items has continued to decrease, and the cpi has shown a moderate upward trend. in addition, the city has effectively implemented the central government's "supply and price stability" policy, the vitality of market entities has been fully stimulated, and the ability to effectively respond to external shocks and resist risks has been continuously strengthened. the overall operation of cpi has tended to be stable, with an average annual increase of 1.9%, which is significantly narrower than the founding of new china and the early days of reform and opening up, minimizing the impact of external shocks on prices. food prices have turned from large fluctuations to stable operation, effectively stabilizing the "rice bag" and "vegetable basket" of the people in the capital.
industrial producer prices[1] fluctuate steadily within a reasonable range. over the past 75 years, the capital's industrial development has undergone profound changes, gradually transforming from traditional heavy industry to high-end, intelligent, green and service-oriented. since 2000, the industrial producer price index (ppi) has gradually been aligned with the market and international practices, going through a period of significant fluctuations, stabilization and then low-level operation. before 2012, affected by international market prices, beijing's industrial structure and policy factors, ppi fluctuated greatly, with an average annual increase of 2.6%. since the 18th national congress of the communist party of china, beijing has continuously implemented the strategic positioning of the capital city, fully exerted the role of price leverage, assisted in the relocation of non-capital functions, and further improved the energy-saving and environmental protection price policies in the production field. the proportion of high-energy-consuming industries with large price fluctuations such as steel and non-ferrous metals in industrial output value has gradually decreased, and the impact of commodity price fluctuations on the city's ppi has gradually weakened; the proportion of high-tech industries has gradually increased, and the price fluctuations have narrowed. affected by factors such as accelerated product updates and improved innovation capabilities, the ex-factory prices of the automobile manufacturing industry, pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, and computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry have generally declined, and the year-on-year change in the city's ppi has been within 3.1%.
5. high-quality agricultural development has achieved remarkable results, and rural revitalization has been rapidly promoted.
over the past 75 years since the founding of the people's republic of china, beijing's agriculture has undergone profound changes in industrial structure, production methods and functional positioning, in line with social and people's livelihood needs in different periods, on the basis of leveraging the capital's advantages and grasping the capital's positioning. agricultural production has undergone a comprehensive transformation, rural economic strength has been significantly enhanced, and remarkable results have been achieved in the construction of human living environment and rural civilization.
the structure of agricultural production continues to be optimized and adjusted. in the early days of the founding of new china, in order to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people, agricultural production was mainly based on planting. as residents' demand for agricultural products shifted from food and clothing to diversified, beijing's agricultural product structure also adjusted accordingly, and actively carried out diversified operations such as cash crops such as vegetables and animal husbandry. since 2015, beijing has fully implemented the spirit of general secretary xi jinping's important speech during his inspection of beijing. focusing on the strategic positioning of the capital's urban functions, the scale of traditional agricultural production has been orderly reduced, and production capacity has been steadily improved. it has entered a stage of high-quality development centered on "adjustment and transition", and agriculture has shifted from traditional planting to modern agriculture, and from focusing on production functions to focusing on ecological functions. since 2020, in order to improve the ability to ensure stable production and supply of "rice bags" and "vegetable baskets" products, beijing has strictly implemented the joint responsibility of the party and government for food security, tapped planting potential through measures such as land withdrawal, reclamation and reclamation, and accelerated the recovery of grain, pigs and other products. in 2023, the city's grain crop planting area was 1.342 million mu and the total output was 478,000 tons, an increase of 92.3% and 66.1% respectively over 2019; the pig inventory was 267,000 heads and the output was 329,000 heads, an increase of 1.0 times and 16.1% respectively over 2019.
the pace of rural revitalization has accelerated. over the past 75 years, beijing has continued to promote the construction of a well-off society in an all-round way. especially since the 18th national congress of the communist party of china, the city has thoroughly implemented the rural revitalization strategy, and the policies to help farmers increase their income have been continuously strengthened, and the income level of rural residents has increased rapidly. the per capita disposable income of rural residents exceeded the 1,000 yuan mark in 1988, exceeded 10,000 yuan in 2008, exceeded 30,000 yuan in 2020, and reached 37,358 yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 7.5%, 2.0 percentage points faster than that of urban residents, and the growth rate has exceeded that of urban residents for 6 consecutive years. at the same time, beijing has vigorously developed urban modern agriculture, continuously improved the quality and efficiency of urban modern agriculture, and continuously developed rural tourism and boutique homestays. in 2023, there will be 1,044 agricultural sightseeing parks in the city, an increase of 32 from 2005, with a total income of 2.12 billion yuan, an increase of 1.7 times. the city's rural tourism income is 1.5 billion yuan, and it has received 12.739 million visitors, an increase of 3.8 times and 67.9% respectively from 2005. the "100 villages demonstration, 1,000 villages revitalization" project has been launched, and a total of more than 2,800 villages have been built into beautiful villages and 2,946 villages have been converted from coal to clean energy.
looking back on the glorious journey since the founding of new china 75 years ago, beijing has made brilliant achievements in the development of people's livelihood. in the future, we must unite more closely around the party central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core, guided by xi jinping thought on socialism with chinese characteristics for a new era, strengthen our confidence, forge ahead, closely follow the residents' "seven haves" and "five qualities" requirements, actively respond to the concerns of the masses, and strive to promote the high-quality development of the capital's people's livelihood, and make contributions to the capital in promoting chinese-style modernization and achieving common prosperity for all people!
[1] beijing began to formally compile the industrial producer price index in 1990.