
8 types of chronic diseases are included in the first batch of catalogs! those who comply can be prescribed a prescription for up to 12 weeks


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beijing municipal health commission, beijing municipal medical insurance bureau, and beijing municipal drug administration recently issued a notice to further improve the management and use of long-term prescriptions for outpatient chronic diseases. beijing has included eight types of chronic diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, and coronary heart disease, in the first batch of chronic disease catalogs applicable to long-term prescriptions at the municipal level.
eight types of chronic diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hyperlipidemia, bone and joint diseases, and mental illnesses, are included in the first batch of chronic disease catalogs applicable to long-term prescriptions at the municipal the same time, the guiding drug catalogue is determined, and national essential drugs and centralized procurement drugs are included in the long-term prescription drug catalogue as a priority. each medical institution shall refer to the types of chronic diseases applicable to long-term prescriptions and the scope of long-term prescription drugs formulated by the health administrative department. on the premise of ensuring rational and safe use of drugs, long-term prescriptions for chronic diseases applicable to long-term prescriptions and drugs outside the drug catalogue may also be issued.
long-term prescriptions shall not be issued for special drugs such as toxic drugs for medical use, radioactive drugs, drugs that are easily made into drugs, narcotic drugs, first and second category psychotropic drugs, antimicrobial drugs (except drugs for the treatment of chronic bacterial and fungal infections such as tuberculosis), drugs under national key monitoring, drugs that require blood drug concentration monitoring, drugs for intravenous use, and drugs with special requirements for storage conditions (except insulin).in principle, chinese patent medicines and chinese herbal medicines are not included in the scope of long-term prescription medications.
the core hospital of the comprehensive medical alliance should take the lead in conducting long-term prescription medication training for medical institutions in the medical alliance at least once a year according to the long-term prescription chronic disease medication guidelines and drug catalog, and provide necessary medication guidance services; community health service institutions in the medical alliance should be equipped with relevant drugs in the catalog and fully promote prescription continuation services. each medical institution should appropriately strengthen the allocation of long-term prescription commonly used drugs based on the long-term prescription drug issuance situation of the institution to ensure patients' long-term prescription medication.
for chronic disease patients who meet the conditions for long-term prescriptions, long-term prescriptions are encouraged to be issued in community health service institutions. long-term prescriptions for chronic diseases that are not suitable for primary care should be issued by secondary and higher medical institutions. for long-term prescription patients who meet the referral standards, referrals will be made between primary medical institutions and higher-level hospitals according to their condition, ensuring patient safety while promoting hierarchical diagnosis and treatment.
the attending doctor shall prescribe the medicine according to the patient's condition and the dosage required by the relevant regulations, and the medical insurance fund shall pay for it. when the insured person prescribes a long-term prescription, the number of days in advance for prescribing medicine shall be relaxed from 5 days to 7 days, so as to ensure the continuity of medication for chronic disease patients and solve the problem that patients with multiple chronic diseases need to see a doctor in advance because of inconsistent drug packaging specifications.if a patient goes to the hospital again to get the same medicine when there is more than 7 days' supply of the prescribed medicine, the medical insurance fund will not pay for the accumulated excess.
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guidelines for long-term prescription medication for chronic diseases released
the municipal health commission recently formulated and issued the "beijing long-term prescription medication guidelines for 8 types of chronic diseases". patients with 8 types of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and coronary heart disease, who meet the standards, can be prescribed long-term prescriptions for up to 12 weeks.
according to the guidelines, long-term prescriptions can be issued to patients diagnosed with diabetes when their medication regimen is stable, compliance is good, their condition is relatively stable, their blood sugar levels reach the blood sugar control target after medication, their blood sugar control is stable for 3 months or more, and they have no history of severe hypoglycemia.
when the condition of a patient with confirmed coronary heart disease is relatively stable and no longer requires complex treatment, he or she can enter the recovery stage; the cardiovascular specialist treatment plan is determined and the continuous medication plan has not been adjusted for more than 3 months; and when the relevant clinical laboratory test indicators are basically normal or stable, a long-term prescription can be issued.
long-term prescriptions may be issued for patients diagnosed with copd when their medication regimen is stable, compliance is good, their condition is relatively stable, their symptoms have been stable for 3 months or more after medication, and acute exacerbation of copd, congestive heart failure, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, bronchiolitis obliterans, and diffuse panbronchiolitis have been excluded.
long-term prescriptions can be issued when patients diagnosed with hyperlipidemia have a stable drug treatment regimen, good compliance, relatively stable condition, and blood lipid levels reach the lipid control target after drug treatment and have been stable for 3 months or more.
long-term prescriptions can be issued for patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis or primary osteoarthritis, whose medication regimen is stable, whose compliance is good, whose condition is relatively stable, and whose joint lesions caused by other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and gouty arthritis are excluded.
long-term prescriptions can be issued when the patient is diagnosed with hypertension and the drug treatment plan is stable, compliance is good, the condition is relatively stable, the blood pressure level reaches the blood pressure control target after drug treatment, the blood pressure is stable for 3 months or more, and secondary hypertension is excluded.
when the condition of a patient with confirmed cerebrovascular disease is relatively stable and no longer requires complex treatment, he or she can enter the recovery stage; the neurology specialist treatment plan is determined and the medication plan is continued without adjustment for 3 months; and when the relevant clinical laboratory test indicators are basically normal or stable, a long-term prescription can be issued.
when a patient is diagnosed with a mental illness and, after examination, has ruled out organic diseases or acute mental disorders caused by psychoactive substances; his condition is relatively stable and the psychiatric drug treatment plan is clear; and the relevant clinical examination and test indicators are basically normal or stable, a long-term prescription may be issued.
the first long-term prescription for patients with chronic diseases should be issued by a physician with intermediate or higher professional and technical qualifications in a disease-related specialty at a secondary or higher medical institution, or by a physician with intermediate or higher professional and technical qualifications in a primary medical and health institution. before each prescription is issued, the physician must personally examine the patient and determine whether the conditions for long-term prescriptions are met. patients with multiple diseases who require long-term combination medication are advised to consult a pharmacist at a higher-level medical institution before continuing long-term treatment.
(source: beijing daily client)