
master juexing: there are three steps to move towards a new normal in chinese buddhism


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editor's note:on september 21, 2024, the "haishang forum" and the second forum on the theory and practice of humanistic buddhism, jointly organized by shanghai jade buddha temple and fudan university, opened in shanghai, the birthplace of humanistic buddhism. master juexing, vice president of the buddhist association of china and abbot of shanghai jade buddha temple, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. he emphasized that in the new era, if chinese buddhism wants to go steadily and far, it must start from three aspects. buddhist culture edited the full text of master juexing's speech as follows:

venerable juexing, vice president of the buddhist association of china and abbot of shanghai jade buddha temple, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony

if chinese buddhism is to move forward steadily in the new era, first of all, it must stand at a theoretical height and deeply understand the spiritual essence, basic connotation and practical requirements of promoting the sinicization of our country's religions: integrate the correct views on the country, nation, religion, history and culture into its own governance and system construction, make correct interpretations of doctrines and rules that are in line with the development of contemporary china and the fine traditions of china, abide by laws and regulations, serve society, be closely linked to the destiny of the country, and resonate with social progress.

second, we must stand from the perspective of practice, take the idea of ​​"humanistic buddhism" as a starting point and a way to effectively promote the process of sinicization of religion in my country. humanistic buddhism was proposed by master taixu on the basis of summarizing and carrying forward the characteristics of chinese buddhism. it is not only a summary of the mainstream history of chinese buddhism, but also has the characteristics of adapting to the development of modernization. therefore, we must continue to actively adapt to and integrate into the call and mission of the times, take the inheritance of the tradition of patriotism and love for religion as the core, and make efforts from the three dimensions of political conscious identification, cultural conscious integration, and social conscious adaptation at the same time to create a new model for the study and practice of humanistic buddhism in the new era. as the place where the idea of ​​"humanistic buddhism" is passed down from generation to generation, shanghai jade buddha temple must "awaken the masses and contribute to society" in the process of caring for society, participating in society, and taking root in society, and put the spirit of humanistic buddhism into practice.

third, we must clarify our own positioning and advantages, and integrate regional culture and historical mission into the governance and construction of the temples themselves. shanghai is the birthplace, inheritance and development of the idea of ​​"humanistic buddhism". we have a heavy responsibility to practice humanistic buddhism. whether it is master taixu who founded the juequn society in the jade buddha temple and advocated the reform of buddhism; or mr. zhao puchu who took over the book "buddhism in life" from master taixu; or master yuanying who organized shanghai monks to participate in rescue during the anti-japanese war; they are all on the land of shanghai, closely linking the fate of buddhism with the country and the nation, and nurturing, inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of humanistic buddhism with practical actions. this year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the shanghai buddhist association. in the new era, shanghai buddhism will continue to hold high the banner of "humanistic buddhism" and realize the creative transformation and innovative inheritance of the temple system through the intersection and integration with the red culture, jiangnan culture and shanghai culture in the practice of "promoting the sinicization of my country's religious management system".