
22-year-old chinese teenager, world championship western cooking champion!


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recently, at the 47th world skills competition,kang bangcheng, a 22-year-old employee of gulin vocational high school in ningbo, zhejiang province, defeated several european and american contestants and won the championship in the cooking (western cuisine) event. this is also the first time that the chinese delegation has won the gold medal in this event.


the highly competitive cooking (western cuisine) event is the

world championships participating countriesmost projects

the worldskills cooking (western cuisine) competition has 44 participating countries, making it the event with the most participating countries in the entire competition. compared with previous competitions where the competition topics were announced three months in advance, this year's competition was announced only one and a half months in advance, so the preparation time was very limited. in addition, it also takes time to adapt to the local ingredients in france.

kang bangcheng, champion of the 47th worldskills competition in cooking (western cuisine):nearly half of the local ingredients are different from those in china, especially meat, fish, and duck. the second is the local climate. when we were training in china, the temperature was relatively high. when the local ambient temperature dropped, the plates would cool faster than in china. these were all points we needed to consider at the time.

the competition lasts for four days:

first day: basic skills assessment

the next day, test your cooking skills

day 3: test your cold dishes and pastry skills

day 4: restaurant practice

the competition requires players to:

separate yolks and whites of 15 eggs in 2 minutes

whip egg whites by hand in 3 minutes

cut a garlic clove into 25 pieces in 30 seconds

final,with his superb skills, kang bangcheng won the first gold medal in the cooking (western cuisine) event for the chinese delegation.

kang bangcheng, champion of the 47th worldskills competition in cooking (western cuisine):i never thought that i could win a gold medal in the european home stadium. the moment i stepped onto the podium, i felt like my dream of many years had suddenly come true.

becoming a cooking master has been kang bangcheng's dream since childhood. because of his love for cooking, he gave up studying in a key high school after the junior high school entrance examination and went to a vocational school to study western cuisine.

kang bangcheng's grandfather kang mingzhang:kang bangcheng scored over 600 points in the high school entrance exam. he said he must learn to be a chef. his father didn't agree, so i told him to go.


overcoming the differences between chinese and western diets

kang bangcheng said that the biggest challenge in his daily training is to overcome the differences between chinese and western food cultures.

kang bangcheng, champion of the 47th worldskills competition in cooking (western cuisine):the spices commonly used by westerners, such as basil, rosemary, and thyme, are too prominent, which is actually a bit contrary to the concept of chinese cuisine. all coaches said that the dishes i made tasted more like chinese cuisine. the training plan given to me by the coach was to eat the food i made myself. some foods made me feel a little nauseous.

as kang bangcheng ate more and more western food, his cooking skills gradually improved. but new challenges also followed. in 2020, while preparing for the national skills competition, he once wanted to give up.

kang bangcheng, champion of the 47th worldskills competition in cooking (western cuisine):one month before the official competition, i was still 40 minutes overtime. during a training session, i told my coach that i didn’t want to do it anymore and didn’t want to compete.

faced with kang bangcheng's near collapse, the coach gave him a day off. the next day, kang bangcheng found that his tools and process sheets had all been taken away by the coach.

kang bangcheng, champion of the 47th worldskills competition in cooking (western cuisine):when i started cooking this dish, i found that all the steps and recipes were memorized in my mind. my fluency improved dramatically. when i finished the dish, i looked back and found that i had finished it 40 minutes earlier.

kang bangcheng overcame psychological barriers and successfully won the "ticket" to participate in the 47th world skills competition and won the championship. kang bangcheng said,winning the world championship is not the end. i will continue to cook delicious food for everyone and help china train more champion players.