
there are a few or dozens of cases in each village. many places report that it is difficult for older rural youth to find love and marriage.


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recently, many places across the country have responded to suggestions and proposals reflecting the difficulties faced by older rural youth in finding love and marriage.

"the difficulty for older young men in rural areas to find spouses has become an increasingly prominent social problem. according to surveys, in the vast rural areas of our county, it has become a common phenomenon that there are at least a few and at most dozens of older young men in each village who cannot find a spouse. these older young men are gradually marginalized by the real society because they cannot smoothly start a family step by step and cannot realize the personal life cycle model under traditional cognitive thinking." the civil affairs bureau of fuyuan county, qujing city, yunnan province said in response to a proposal recently.

fuyuan county civil affairs bureau analyzed that the imbalance in the population's gender ratio is the root cause of the problem. according to statistics from relevant departments, between 1980 and 2010, there were about 36 million more males than females born in my country, which means that 10%-15% of men born after 1980 will have difficulty finding a partner.

the urban-rural gap is the direct cause of this problem. rural youth still generally have low income levels, low cultural levels, and low production and living skills. in addition, there is still a gap between rural and urban production and living conditions and economic development. this problem is particularly prominent in rural areas, especially in remote, poor and backward areas.

high prices for betrothal gifts are another major factor that exacerbates the problem. influenced by bad values, the amount of betrothal gifts has become almost the only criterion for judging the quality of a man before marriage. the woman's family often asks for betrothal gifts of hundreds of thousands or even millions of yuan, which makes ordinary rural families feel disappointed.

among the relevant replies, the measures taken by the fuyuan county civil affairs bureau are worthy of attention. for example, the local authorities said that they will promote the reform of marriage customs, advocate obtaining a marriage certificate without holding a wedding ceremony, advocate the abolition of betrothal gifts and dowries, advocate that sons and daughters share the responsibility of caring for the elderly, and advocate that children's surnames follow the father and mother respectively; attach importance to rural education, improve the quality of the population, balance urban and rural educational resources, allow rural populations to enjoy the same educational resources, improve the cultural quality of rural labor, and enhance the competitiveness of individuals in social life; develop rural industries, retain labor resources, allow rural labor to stay in their hometowns to work, especially reduce the outflow of female labor, and increase the marriage opportunities for rural male youth in some areas.

the fuyuan county civil affairs bureau also revealed that it will vigorously develop matchmaking services led by government organizations. first, it will attach equal importance to standardization and development. the government will take the lead in promoting paid matchmaking services, establish a database of people of the right age who need matchmaking services, and allow people in need to share data and information to increase two-way selection opportunities. second, it will vigorously develop international matchmaking services, especially matchmaking exchanges with neighboring countries and regions, and provide a convenient channel for the realization of foreign-related marriages and social integration after marriage.

"marriage registration data in the past three years show that the age of first marriage in our county is getting older and increasing year by year, while the number of marriages is decreasing year by year. among them, the proportion of single high-level female talents and rural young men with poor family economic conditions is relatively high, and there is an obvious phenomenon of 'rural boys can't get married, and urban girls can't get married.'" in july this year, a proposal reply posted on the website of tonggu county, yichun city, jiangxi province stated that the problem of difficulty in marriage and love for older young people has become a common social phenomenon, and it is urgent to build a sound social support mechanism for marriage and love for older young people.

the tonggu county civilization office, the county women's federation, the county human resources and social security bureau and the county federation of trade unions jointly responded that in order to solve the problem of marriage and love difficulties for older young people, the following measures will be adopted to gradually solve the problem. first, focus on long-term effects and improve the social support system for marriage and love. party committees, governments and departments at all levels should pay attention to and pay attention to the marriage and love problems of young people, and include them in the assessment indicators of changing customs and grassroots social governance. through departmental linkage, we will promote the joint efforts of the whole society to care about and solve the marriage and love problems of young people. second, strengthen education and guide the establishment of a correct view of marriage and love. link up with mass organizations such as the federation of trade unions, the communist youth league and the women's federation to do a good job in public opinion propaganda and education guidance, and actively organize and plan mass activities that incorporate the connotation of marriage and love civilization. third, take multiple measures to improve the marriage and love capabilities of young people. combined with relevant policies such as industrial parks, actively promote the employment of rural people with employment difficulties, and at the same time actively establish and develop "matchmaker" big data, integrate marriage and love blind date activities, explore and create collective weddings, blind date, cultural and sports interests, group participation in volunteer activities and other projects that young people like, and stimulate the enthusiasm of young people to participate.

in putian, fujian, the management committee of meizhou island national tourism resort responded in june this year to the issue of "alleviating the problem of older unmarried people in rural areas" and stated that the district has always insisted on regulating and guiding people and things that engage in behaviors such as high bride prices and lavish weddings. by constantly improving village rules and regulations, giving full play to the role of the red and white council, and agreeing on relevant standards, it has continuously consolidated the civilized custom of 68,000 yuan for marriage bride prices. at the same time, it actively advocates "zero bride price" or "low bride price", guiding unmarried young people to establish a correct view of marriage while effectively reducing the cost of marriage, alleviating the pressure on young people of marriageable age to get married, forming a good atmosphere of public opinion for changing customs and advocating new trends, and promoting the healthy development of social civilization.

the local government has continuously enriched the channels and content of vocational skills training, broadened horizons, inspired thinking, and improved the skills and income-increasing abilities of young people by entrusting meizhou bay vocational and technical college to carry out high-quality farmer training projects on a regular basis, deeply implement vocational skills improvement actions, and continuously organize and implement high-quality farmer education improvement projects. at the same time, it has actively implemented preferential policies for employment and entrepreneurship, such as entrepreneurial guarantee loans and entrepreneurial subsidies, to reduce entrepreneurial costs, stimulate young people's entrepreneurial enthusiasm, solve employment and wealth problems, and create a good foundation for marriage.

zhangping city in longyan, fujian has also taken steps to address the difficulty faced by older rural youth in getting married by changing customs and providing skills training.

according to the zhangping civil affairs bureau in may this year, each administrative village in zhangping has established a red and white council, a red and white council account, and incorporated new weddings into village rules and regulations, guiding people to change their customs, gradually abandon the complicated rituals and expensive betrothal gifts in rural marriages, and establish a frugal view of marriage.

the local area continues to carry out special actions such as "two treatments and one demolition", improving the rural living environment, improving the quality of rural construction, and village cleaning, to promote the upgrading of villages from clean and tidy to beautiful and livable, enhance the sense of gain and happiness of rural youth, and attract more young people of marriageable age who have gone out to work to return home.

in addition, the human resources and social security department of zhangping city guides older rural youth to participate in vocational skills training organized by the human resources and social security department, so that they can master certain vocational skills and improve their professional competitiveness. according to the industrial situation of the city, they focus on guiding them to participate in vocational skills training in tea making, tea evaluation, electricians, welders, edible fungus cultivation, etc., to stabilize and increase the economic income of older rural youth. participate in various online and offline recruitment activities held by the city, such as "spring breeze action", "private enterprises", "summer recruitment", "live broadcasting with jobs", etc., to solve the employment problems of older rural youth and increase the economic income of this group.