
the policeman sentenced for the tangshan assault case: there were objective reasons for the delay in dispatching police officers, and the hearing gave me hope


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on the morning of september 22, a hearing will be held at the caofeidian district court of tangshan city, hebei province to review the appeal of chen zhiwei, the former police officer involved in the "barbecue restaurant beating case", for abuse of power.

chen zhiwei, a former police officer at the airport road police station of the lubei branch of the tangshan public security bureau, was sentenced to one year and one month in prison for abuse of power in the "tangshan beating case."

on august 4 this year, he reported that the case officers had interrogated him in violation of regulations. two days later, tangshan issued a report stating that chen zhiwei did not follow the case regulations in handling the "06•10" barbecue restaurant beating case, and after discovering the main offender chen jizhi in the hospital, he deliberately failed to perform his duties and let chen jizhi leave, causing a bad social impact. after trial according to law, he was found guilty of abuse of power and sentenced to 1 year and 1 month in prison. he did not appeal after the verdict.

regarding chen zhiwei's complaints about the case handlers' illegal interrogation, forced conviction, failure to respond to reports, and delayed appeal procedures, the working group conducted investigations by reviewing files, viewing videos of detention and interrogations, checking transcripts, reviewing chen zhiwei's own confession, and talking to relevant personnel, and found that the problems he reported were not true.

regarding his report that the actual response time was more than 10 minutes and that he was asked by relevant leaders to read a script of "response time of 5 minutes", after verification, it was found that he discussed with the police officers (who have been dealt with according to law) before the interview and concealed the matter before announcing it to the public.

now, he said in an interview with jiupai news that when he received the notice to attend the hearing, he saw a glimmer of hope and had a chance to speak and defend himself through the judicial process.

chen zhiwei's appeal attorney zhou zhaocheng told jiupai news that the formation of chen zhiwei's case has its historical background, which to a certain extent reflects the determination of tangshan judicial organs to turn the knife inward and scrape the bone to heal the wound. as an attorney, he hopes that the hearing and trial of the case can reach a reasonable and legal conclusion.

hearing notice. photo: new yellow river

conversation parties

【1】there are objective reasons for the delay in dispatching police

jiupai news: when can we report through the internet?

chen zhiwei:i was released on july 16 last year. within a year, i have been reporting case issues to various departments in tangshan. the materials i submitted piled up higher than the table.

jiupai news: after the report, did the relevant departments communicate with you?

chen zhiwei:after reporting the case, i have been communicating with relevant departments about the details of the case. as a result of the communication, the caofeidian district court of tangshan city held a hearing as the case handling unit.

when i received the notice to attend the hearing, i saw a glimmer of hope, and it gave me a chance to speak and defend myself through the judicial process.

jiupai news: are you confident about this hearing?

chen zhiwei:i have faith in myself. as for how the court will ultimately decide and proceed, i cannot predict.

jiupai news: can you tell us what happened that day?

chen zhiwei:the day before june 10, i went to work at 8:30 in the morning and started doing various police work. there were police officers from other places coming to our jurisdiction and needed to cooperate with the work. i was so busy that i didn't even have lunch and worked until the early morning. i returned to the station around midnight and reported the day's work to the duty director han mouyong. he told me that i had to get up early the next morning because there was a case reporting meeting that i needed to attend.

when i came out of his office, it should be 2:30 am, and i went back to the dormitory to take a nap. at about 3 am, my colleague knocked on the door and said that the leader had arranged a police call for a fight (referring to the tangshan barbecue restaurant beating case).

my duty is to be a community police officer, not a dispatch police officer. the police officer on duty was taken out for a drink by han mouyong, so my boss asked my colleagues to find me to respond to the call.

work group discussion. photo/dafeng news

jiupai news: and then?

chen zhiwei:there was a municipal engineering project at the entrance of the station, which blocked the road. i took a long detour to the scene, which took about ten minutes, and arrived at about 3:09 in the morning. the first instance court's judgment stated that the public called the police at 2:41 and arrived at the scene at 3:09. it was said that it was my fault that the police were delayed. i didn't understand it at all. after a little investigation, i knew why it took 28 minutes to arrive at the scene. i shouldn't have been on the scene, and i was told at almost 3 o'clock.

[2] detainedhourmy mother passed away, and i didn't even see her for the last time.

jiupai news: what about the police dispatch process?

chen zhiwei:because the police dispatch process is very simple, it only takes a few hours, and the entire process is recorded. there are also colleagues and other witnesses, as well as phone records of reporting to leaders and work group records.

subjectively, i had no motive. the girl who was beaten worked in a nearby business ktv. i didn't know them, and i didn't know chen jizhi's side either. in addition, i shouldn't have been the police, but i did, and i handled the whole process for nearly 3 hours, doing everything i could think of and do. the case was solved to a certain extent, because shen xiaojun had been arrested and chen jizhi's identity was confirmed, and all that was left was to summon him. moreover, he did not abscond after receiving treatment, and in the end he and his wife did not choose to be hospitalized, and went home directly afterwards.

jiupai news: the notice stated that the problems you raised are not true.

chen zhiwei:from a legal perspective, if what i said is not true, it is a rumor and will be dealt with according to the law. every word i reported under my real name is a fact, and every piece of evidence i posted is objective and not forged by photoshop.

jiupai news: what impact does this incident have on you?

chen zhiwei:the impact was too great. i was sentenced to one year and one month. my mother died while i was in custody, and i didn’t even see her for the last time. a big reason for my mother’s death was that she was shocked by this incident and couldn’t accept it.

jiupai news: can you tell us about yourself?

chen zhiwei:i come from the countryside, so i may be a bit weak. i wasn't very good at studying before. i was the monitor of the class in school, joined the party in college, served as the president of the student union, and won the provincial outstanding cadre and provincial three-good student awards. in other people's words, i am very honest, like the kid next door who doesn't cause trouble and only knows how to study.

after graduating from university, i took the provincial "village official" exam and worked in my hometown for less than a year. i had a dream of becoming a police officer since i was a child. during my time as a "village official", i applied for the political and legal police exam and went to the provincial police academy for two years of training. after that, i went to work at the airport road police station of the lubei branch of the tangshan public security bureau. i worked there for less than four years.

jiupai news: do you think being a police officer is hard?

chen zhiwei:i lived and ate at the police station, and i was busy working overtime. my hometown was only an hour's drive from my workplace, but i went home six or seven times a year because i had no time to go back. i worked overtime every day and there was no way i could finish the work.

jiupai news: what is your demand?

chen zhiwei:after the hearing, i hope the court can initiate a retrial and clear my name.