
75 events in 75 years - shandong's imprint in party newspapers|1999: shandong launches state-owned enterprise reform


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editor's note
this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china. 75 years is a span of time, but also a journey of progress.
newspapers are witnesses of history. for 75 years, as the official newspaper of the shandong provincial committee of the communist party of china, dazhong daily has been in line with the party, the masses, and the times, recording the wonderful stories and development legends performed on the land of shandong, writing a moving picture of the tenacious struggle and unremitting efforts of the people of shandong, and witnessing the tremendous changes of the economic and cultural province that are changing with each passing day and keeping pace with the times.
although time has passed, the memories remain. dazhong daily·dazhong news client launched the column "75 years, 75 events·shandong imprints in the party newspaper pages", which captures fragments from the pages of dazhong daily, and together with everyone, listen to the echoes of history, feel the pulse of development, and set out again towards a new expedition.
in march 1999, the provincial symposium on deepening reform of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises was held in weifang and jinan in two areas to discuss the outstanding problems and solutions faced in establishing a modern enterprise system and turning losses into profits for enterprises. on october 29, the provincial party committee and the provincial government issued the "implementation opinions on implementing the decision of the cpc central committee on several major issues concerning the reform and development of state-owned enterprises". through the joint efforts of the whole province, large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises and the three-year task of getting out of difficulties were completed as scheduled. on april 2, 1999, dazhong daily published the article "resolutely complete the goal of state-owned enterprise reform" on page 1 to report on this. the full text is as follows:
li chunting stressed the importance of emancipating the mind and boldly practicing at the symposium on deepening reform of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises
resolutely achieve the goal of state-owned enterprise reform
jinan, april 1, 2017: the provincial government recently held seminars on deepening reform of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises in weifang and jinan, carefully studying the spirit of the 15th cpc national congress and general secretary jiang zemin's important speech on state-owned enterprise reform, and deeply discussing the outstanding problems and solutions faced in establishing a modern enterprise system and turning losses into profits for enterprises. specific arrangements were made for the implementation of document no. 5 of the provincial party committee and the general office of the provincial government, mobilizing the whole province to unify thoughts, improve awareness, and resolutely fight the tough battle to achieve the two goals of state-owned enterprise reform in three years.
after listening to the speeches of the delegates, li chunting, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor of the province, stressed that we must emancipate our minds, boldly practice, and unswervingly complete the requirements of the party central committee and the state council to achieve the two goals in three years. from this year to 2000, 111 key state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises in the province will initially establish a modern enterprise system, and 85% of other state-owned enterprises will complete the restructuring task; the average asset-liability ratio of 111 key state-owned enterprises will drop from 60% to 54%; and the loss rate of state-owned enterprises will drop below 15%.
li chunting pointed out that the reform of state-owned enterprises is currently facing many difficulties and there is no ready-made experience to follow. under this circumstance, the most important thing is to emancipate the mind, follow the "three reforms and one strengthening" advocated by the general secretary and the requirements of the 15th national congress to explore the form of realization of public ownership, take the three benefits as the standard, reform with determination, boldly practice, revitalize the stock of state-owned capital, and optimize the use of the increment. now many enterprise leaders have seen the situation and difficulties faced by the survival and development of enterprises, but their main energy is still focused on studying and solving the contradictions and difficulties encountered temporarily. it is more important to focus on enterprise reform to treat both the symptoms and the root causes. we should start with emancipating the mind, actively explore and experiment, and create reform forms with different characteristics. adhere to the principle of survival of the fittest, revitalize good enterprises, and resolutely eliminate enterprises that are really hopeless to get out of trouble.
li chunting stressed that the key to solving the problems of soe reform and development is to build a good enterprise leadership team. first of all, we need to select a good leader. otherwise, we cannot fundamentally solve the problem. the good enterprises nowadays are good because of the leader, the unity and coordination of the team, and the innovation ability of the team. in the process of reform, we must follow the requirements of establishing a modern enterprise system, and standardize one by one in terms of property rights restructuring, corporate governance structure, division of powers, internal management of enterprises and mechanism innovation, so that there are rules to follow. we must establish a responsibility system, and provinces and cities must manage their own enterprises well, and solve the problem of large losses of provincial and municipal enterprises through reform. in the internal management of enterprises, we must highlight the word "strict" and truly establish and improve the distribution system and employment system. the new distribution mechanism must reflect the principle of contribution, and the employment system must implement the appointment system. in the development of enterprises, we must act in accordance with the requirements of market laws and avoid duplication of construction. using advanced technology to transform traditional industries and develop high-tech industries is our development direction. when developing new products, we must consider both high-tech and the multi-level market. local governments and enterprises should also organically combine reform with the enterprise's ability to bear the burden, the redeployment of laid-off workers, the reemployment of employees, and the maintenance of stability, and strengthen ideological and political work.
the meeting was chaired by vice governor han yuqun. he said that this year is a critical year for the reform and relief of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, with tight time and heavy tasks. at present, we must focus on the implementation of document no. 5. to achieve the goal of state-owned enterprise reform and turning losses into profits, we must first achieve breakthroughs in three aspects: first, to achieve breakthroughs in the common development of various economic elements with public ownership as the main body; second, to achieve breakthroughs in mutual shareholding among state-owned enterprises and diversification of investment subjects; third, to achieve breakthroughs in accelerating the establishment of the state-owned capital investor system. in the authorized operation of state-owned assets, we must strictly implement the conditions for authorized operation, accelerate the pace of authorized operation, improve the constraint and incentive mechanism of authorized operation, and ensure the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets. we must proceed from the overall situation of improving the state-owned economy, take capital as a link, accelerate the construction of enterprise groups, and enhance the competitiveness of shandong enterprises.
mayors and commissioners from 17 cities and prefectures across the province, heads of relevant provincial departments, and heads of 111 key state-owned enterprises attended the symposium. (yin yan)
(edited by wang jianmei and gong xiaolei)