
ranking of chinese cities' attractiveness to post-95s talent: shenzhen surpasses beijing to top the list, while wuxi and qingdao rank among the top ten


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text: ren zeping team

expert of zhaopin research group


we have been working with to launch population reports for many years. population is the foundation of all economic and social activities, and young talents are the first resource. the report of the 20th cpc national congress proposed that "talent is the first resource, innovation is the first driving force, and we should implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, and the strategy of innovation-driven development". as the demographic dividend disappears and the value of talents becomes increasingly prominent, we have jointly launched the "china's talent attraction ranking: 2023》report, which depicts the overall job seeker mobility trends across the country. in this article, we focus on post-95 talents and explore the mobility trends of post-95 job seekers.


top 50 cities in china that are most attractive to post-95 talents: post-95 talents tend to go to the eastern region, especially the yangtze river delta and pearl river delta city clusters. among them, shenzhen surpassed beijing to top the list, and wuxi and qingdao entered the top ten for the first time this year.

shenzhen, beijing and shanghai ranked in the top three, and guangzhou, hangzhou, nanjing, chengdu, suzhou, wuxi and qingdao ranked in the top ten.among them, shenzhen has a lower settlement threshold than beijing and shanghai, and with its innovative industrial structure, it provides more jobs and can attract more young people to work in shenzhen. wuxi has many measures to attract talents. in 2016, wuxi launched the "taihu talent plan", focusing on supporting the introduction and cultivation of six types of key talents for industrial development, formulating various welfare policies such as work subsidies, salary subsidies, and settlement subsidies, and constantly updating them. in 2022, qingdao's gdp ranked third among the major cities in the north, and its economic growth rate ranked fifth in the country. the rapidly growing economy and high-quality industries have attracted many talents.among the top 20,tianjin, jinan, ningbo and xiamen have slightly improved their rankings compared to last year.among the top 50 cities, shenyang and dalian have seen a slight rise in rankings, due to the fact that the net inflow of talent has turned from negative to positive, and the core cities in northeast china have become more attractive to post-95s talents in recent years. overall, coastal cities have seen an increase in their attractiveness to post-95s this year.

interpretation of detailed indicators: first-tier and strong second-tier cities attract highly educated talents, and guangdong and jiangsu have high innovation vitality.looking at the cities that rank high in each sub-indicator, in terms of highly educated talents, first-tier cities and strong second-tier cities such as nanjing, hangzhou, and chengdu rank high; in terms of income, first-tier cities and cities in the yangtze river delta region have more advantages; in terms of innovation, shenzhen and suzhou have stronger innovation vitality; in terms of culture and entertainment, the tourist city of lhasa ranks high, driving the overall index ranking into the top 50.

talent mobility trends: post-95s prefer developed cities and are more inclined to go to the yangtze river delta and pearl river delta regions.this year, talents born after 1995 have clearly gathered in the eastern region, with the net inflow of talents born after 1995 in the eastern region accounting for 18%, which is significantly higher than the 14% of the country's overall mobile talents.look at the lines,people born after 1995 prefer first- and second-tier cities, but this year the attractiveness of first-tier cities to post-1995 talents has declined compared to last year, while the attractiveness of second-tier cities has increased slightly, and the net outflow trend from third- and fourth-tier cities has city cluster,those born after 1995 are more inclined to go to the yangtze river delta and pearl river delta regions, while the net inflow of beijing-tianjin-hebei has declined compared with last year, chengdu-chongqing and the middle reaches of the yangtze river have continued to have net outflows, and the five major urban agglomerations have a combined net inflow of 13.1%, much higher than the 10.4% of the country's overall mobile talent.

key cities: the mainstream of post-95s is to move between first-tier cities and within urban agglomerations. 1) first-tier cities:there is a higher degree of concentration among those born after 1995, and the net inflow of talents born after 1995 accounts for a higher proportion than the overall mobile talents in the country. the net inflow of talents born after 1995 in shenzhen is 1.1 percentage points higher than the overall mobile talents in the country, mainly because shenzhen has a low threshold for settling in and focuses on building a talent-friendly urban environment. shenzhen and guangzhou, beijing and shanghai are each other's top source cities for talents born after 1995.2) second-tier cities:hangzhou has a higher degree of concentration of talents born after 1995, and the net inflow of talents accounts for 0.7 percentage points higher than the national overall mobile talents; the talent interaction between nanjing and the yangtze river delta is very frequent, partly because there are many universities in nanjing, and talents from the yangtze river delta gather in nanjing for study, and return from nanjing to other cities in the yangtze river delta after graduation.

revelation:first, we should fully respect the objective laws of population and industry gathering in advantageous regions and urban development, and follow the trend based on the comparative advantages of various regions. the report of the 20th cpc national congress proposed "building a coordinated development pattern of large, medium and small cities based on urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas, and promoting urbanization with county towns as important carriers"; second, we should further deepen the reform of the household registration system and further eliminate the shackles of free population migration; third, we should optimize the spatial structure within urban agglomerations, promote the improvement of industrial structure, public services and transportation facilities, so as to promote the equalization of public services.

risk warning:sample bias; there is a certain discrepancy between resume submission and actual talent flow.

table of contents

1. decoding the characteristics of post-95 job seekers

2 overview of the list: yearning for developed cities, preferring the yangtze river delta

2.1 china's top 50 cities for post-95 talent attraction: shenzhen, beijing and shanghai rank first

2.2 interpretation of sub-indicators: first-tier and strong second-tier cities attract highly educated talents, and guangdong and jiangsu have high innovation vitality

2.3 talent mobility trends: post-95s prefer developed cities and are more inclined to go to the yangtze river delta and pearl river delta regions

3 key cities: the mainstream of post-95s is to move between first-tier cities and within urban agglomerations

4. enlightenment: fully respect the objective laws of population mobility and promote equalization of public services


1. decoding the characteristics of post-95 job seekers

china has a total of about 260 million people born between 1995 and 2009, aged 14-28, and about 200 million people of working age (aged 16-28). has more than 321 million professional users, more than 51.27 million monthly active users, and more than 11.76 million partner companies. among them, about 80% of job seekers, that is, users who submitted resumes that year, have college degrees or above, far exceeding the 22.1% of the total employed population in the country; among job seekers, about 55% are aged 16-28, that is, the post-95 talents referred to in this article; among the post-95 talents, about 53% are cross-city job seekers, that is, the city where they currently live is different from the city where they submit their resumes, which is higher than the cross-city job seekers ratio (40%) among the overall job seekers in the order to highlight the characteristics of the post-95 generation, this article uses the national overall mobile talent statistics and the post-95 mobile talent behavior data compiled by for comparison, and explores the characteristics and mobility trends of post-95 job seekers.

1) from the perspective of gender, the proportion of female job seekers born after 1995 is higher than that of the overall mobile talents in the country. this year, the proportion of women born after 1995 and the overall mobile talents in the country are 47% and 44% respectively.the male-female ratio of post-95s and national overall mobile talents is 53:47 and 56:44 respectively, and the proportion of females among post-95s mobile talents is higher. it can be seen that post-95s women are highly educated and independent, and have a strong desire to find a job.

2) in terms of educational background, 57% of the post-1995 mobile talents have a bachelor’s degree or above, which is higher than the 52% of the overall mobile talents in the country.among the mobile talents born after 1995, those with high school or below, college, undergraduate, and postgraduate or above education levels accounted for 11.7%, 31.4%, 49.5%, and 7.4% respectively, and undergraduate and above education levels accounted for 56.9%, up 3.1 percentage points from last year; the overall mobile talents in the country accounted for 15.9%, 32.6%, 45.0%, and 6.5% respectively, and undergraduate and above education levels accounted for 51.6%.this year, the proportion of post-95 mobile talents with bachelor's degree or above has increased compared with last year, and their education level is relatively higher than that of the overall mobile talents in the country.

3) in terms of salary, those born after 1995 are newcomers to the workplace with relatively low salary levels. among mobile talents, 84% have a monthly income below 8k, which is much higher than the 70% of the overall mobile talents in the country.among the post-95 generation and the national overall mobile talents, the proportion of monthly income below 4k yuan was 35.8% and 23.3% respectively, and the proportion of monthly income above 8k yuan was 16.0% and 30.0% respectively. most of the post-95 generation talents are newcomers in the workplace with relatively low income. last year, the proportion of post-95 generation mobile talents with monthly income below 4k yuan and above 8k yuan was 37.1% and 13.6% respectively.this year, the monthly income level of mobile talents born after 1995 has increased significantly compared with last year.

4) from the industry perspective, those born after 1995 are more likely to be distributed in emerging industries. their mobile talents account for 24% in the it industry, which is higher than the national average of 21%, and 14% in the real estate industry, which is significantly lower than the national average of 18%.the top three industries with the most mobile talents born after 1995 are it|communications|electronics|internet, real estate|construction, and production|processing|manufacturing, accounting for 23.8%, 14.1%, and 13.9% respectively, and a total of 51.9%, up 2.8 percentage points from last year, and a slight increase in concentration. these three industries also have the most mobile talents nationwide, accounting for a total of 52.3%. the industry concentration of talents born after 1995 is slightly lower than that of the overall mobile talents nationwide. among them, the proportion of those born after 1995 in it|communications|electronics|internet is higher than 21.1% of the overall mobile talents nationwide, while the proportion of real estate|construction is lower than the overall mobile talents nationwide, indicating that young people prefer emerging industries such as the internet, electronics, and communications. last year, the top three industries with the most mobile talents born after 1995 were also it|communications|electronics|internet, real estate|construction, and production|processing|manufacturing, accounting for 24.0%, 14.0%, and 11.1% respectively, and a total of 49.1%.this year, the proportion of talents born after 1995 engaged in production, processing and manufacturing industries has increased compared with last year, while the proportion engaged in tmt industry has decreased.from the perspective of secondary industries, the proportion of mobile talents born after 1995 in the internet/e-commerce, education and training, and professional consulting industries is 9.8%, 8.0%, and 6.5%, respectively, which are all higher than the national overall mobile talent figure of 8.5%, 6.9%, and 4.8%. the proportion of mobile talents born after 1995 in the real estate and construction field is 11.5%, which is lower than the national overall mobile talent figure of 13.9%.

2 overview of the list: yearning for developed cities, preferring the yangtze river delta

2.1 china's top 50 cities for post-95 talent attraction: shenzhen, beijing and shanghai rank first

judging from the talent attraction index for those born after 1995, shenzhen, beijing and shanghai ranked in the top three, and guangzhou, hangzhou, nanjing, chengdu, suzhou, wuxi and qingdao ranked in the top ten.previously, we and zhaopin jointly launched the "china city talent attraction ranking: 2023", in which the talent attraction index was defined as the weighted result of the proportion of talent inflow, the proportion of net talent inflow, the proportion of fresh graduates, the proportion of talent inflow with master's degree and above, per capita disposable income, and net population inflow.young talents born after 1995 grew up in an era of rapid economic growth. they have a rich life and prefer a balance between career development and enjoying life. when choosing a city for employment, they not only pay attention to salary, but also to the innovation environment and the development of the cultural and entertainment industry. based on data availability, this article selects per capita disposable income, the number of patent authorizations per 10,000 people, and the number of cinemas per 10,000 people as external indicators, and superimposes the four internal indicators provided by, namely, the proportion of inflow of talents born after 1995, the proportion of net inflow of talents born after 1995, the proportion of inflow of talents born after 1995 with a master's degree or above, to construct the talent attraction index for talents born after 1995.

judging from the results, talents born after 1995 tend to go to the eastern region, especially the yangtze river delta and pearl river delta urban agglomerations.among the top 50, there are 37, 6, 5 and 2 cities in the eastern, central, western and northeastern regions respectively; there are 4, 28, 16 and 2 first-, second-, third- and fourth-tier cities respectively, accounting for 100.0%, 80.0%, 19.8% and 1.1% of the number of first-, second-, third- and fourth-tier cities respectively; there are 18, 7, 3, 2 and 3 urban agglomerations in the yangtze river delta, pearl river delta, beijing-tianjin-hebei, chengdu-chongqing and the middle reaches of the yangtze river respectively.

shenzhen surpassed beijing to top the list, and wuxi and qingdao entered the top ten cities for attractiveness to post-95 talents for the first time this year.according to the innovation indicators we selected, shenzhen ranks first among the top 20. at the same time, shenzhen has a lower settlement threshold than beijing and shanghai. with its innovative industrial structure, it provides more jobs and can attract more young people to work in shenzhen. beijing's talent inflow and net talent inflow rankings this year have dropped, ranking second; shanghai and guangzhou are third and fourth respectively; second-tier cities hangzhou, nanjing, chengdu, suzhou, wuxi, and qingdao are among the top ten. chengdu's ranking has risen by one place compared with last year, and wuxi and qingdao have risen by 2 and 3 places respectively, ranking among the top ten for the first time. among them, wuxi has many measures to attract talents. in 2016, wuxi issued the "taihu talent plan", focusing on supporting the introduction and cultivation of six types of key talents for industrial development, formulating various welfare policies such as work subsidies, salary subsidies, and settlement subsidies, and constantly updating and iterating. in 2022, qingdao's gdp ranked third among the major cities in the north, and its economic growth rate ranked fifth in the country. the rapidly growing economy and high-quality industries have attracted many talents.

among the top 20, tianjin and jinan rose by 4 and 5 places respectively compared with last year. this is due to the lower housing prices compared with strong second-tier cities, coupled with the talent attraction policies in recent years, which has increased their attractiveness to those born after 1995; ningbo and xiamen both rose by 3 places compared with last year. ningbo has accelerated the pace of industrial transformation and upgrading in recent years. emerging industries such as "ningbo smart manufacturing" and "ningbo service" have developed rapidly. the implementation of the "yongshang happy employment" plan has attracted a large number of talents. in recent years, xiamen has launched a series of measures such as the "six measures to stay in xiamen" to provide guarantees for talents to "stay in xiamen", which has increased its attractiveness to those born after 1995.

among the top 50 cities, yantai rose by 8 places compared with last year. in recent years, yantai's talent policies have been continuously strengthened, and the school-enterprise cooperation has increased its attractiveness to post-95 talents. the net inflow of talents has increased by 0.1 percentage points compared with last year. shenyang and dalian rose by 6 and 8 places respectively compared with last year, due to the net inflow of talents turning from negative to recent years, core cities in northeast china have become more attractive to talents born after 1995.

overall, coastal cities have become more attractive to those born after 1995 this year.

2.2 interpretation of sub-indicators: first-tier and strong second-tier cities attract highly educated talents, and guangdong and jiangsu have high innovation vitality

looking at the cities that rank high in each sub-indicator, in terms of highly educated talents, first-tier cities and strong second-tier cities such as nanjing, hangzhou, and chengdu rank high; in terms of income, first-tier cities and cities in the yangtze river delta region have more advantages; in terms of innovation, shenzhen and suzhou have stronger innovation vitality; in terms of culture and entertainment, the tourist city of lhasa ranks high, driving the overall index ranking into the top 50.

in terms of highly educated talents,the top ten cities with post-95 master's degree and above talents are beijing, shanghai, shenzhen, nanjing, hangzhou, chengdu, guangzhou, tianjin, wuhan and suzhou, accounting for a total of 45.6%, a decrease of 4.9 percentage points from last year. as first-tier cities, beijing, shanghai and shenzhen gather highly educated talents, accounting for a total of 20.6%, but it is 4 percentage points lower than last year, and the agglomeration effect has declined. strong second-tier cities such as nanjing, hangzhou and chengdu have a greater agglomeration effect on highly educated talents than the first-tier city guangzhou. chengdu gathers more than 50% of undergraduate colleges in the province, including 2 985 and 5 211 schools. the number of college students is at the forefront in the southwest region, and it has an innate talent advantage. nanjing has a strong talent reserve team. as of 2022, the number of college students in nanjing ranks 8th in the country and ranks first in the yangtze river delta. it also has a loose settlement policy to attract talents. hangzhou has joined the "talent war" in recent years, and zhejiang university-related companies have a strong momentum in "talent war".

in terms of income,the top ten cities in terms of per capita disposable income, namely shanghai, beijing, suzhou, hangzhou, guangzhou, ningbo, nanjing, shaoxing, shenzhen and wuxi, are all located in the yangtze river delta region except the first-tier cities. urban residents in jiangsu and zhejiang are highly wealthy, especially suzhou and hangzhou, which have surpassed the first-tier cities of guangzhou and shenzhen and ranked third and fourth in terms of income.

in terms of innovation,the top ten cities in terms of the number of patent authorizations per 10,000 people are shenzhen, suzhou, zhuhai, wuxi, changzhou, guangzhou, hangzhou, foshan, nanjing and zhongshan. among them, five cities are located in guangdong province and four are located in jiangsu province. guangdong and jiangsu have strong innovation vitality.

in terms of entertainment,the top ten cities in terms of the number of cinemas per million people are lhasa, nyingchi, sanya, zhuhai, hami, zhoushan, wuxi, zhenjiang, baishan and nantong, half of which are located in the eastern region. post-95s pay more attention to the balance between work and life, and rich entertainment activities are more attractive to young people. tourist cities such as lhasa rank high, and with their advantages in entertainment, they are also among the top 50 in this ranking of post-95s talent attraction.

2.3 talent mobility trends: post-95s prefer developed cities and are more inclined to go to the yangtze river delta and pearl river delta regions

1) in terms of regions, this year, talents born after 1995 have gathered significantly in the eastern region, with a net inflow of talents accounting for 18%, significantly higher than the 14% of the total mobile talents in the country.the proportion of people born after 1995 who flowed into the eastern region was 60.6%, slightly higher than the 59.3% of the total mobile talent in the country; the proportion of people who flowed out was 42.6%, lower than the 45.2% of the total mobile talent in the country.the eastern region is better able to retain post-95 talents;the proportion of post-95 talent inflow in the central region is 17.5%, slightly lower than the 19.0% of the national total mobile talent, and the proportion of outflow is 26.6%, slightly higher than the 25.0% of the national total mobile talent.talents born after 1995 are leaving the central region;the proportion of inflow and outflow of post-95 talents in the western region is higher than the overall mobile talent in the country; the proportion of inflow of post-95 talents in the northeast region is the same as the overall mobile talent in the country, and the outflow proportions are 6.9% and 7.7% respectively. the talent mobility in the northeast region is relatively low.from the perspective of the proportion of net talent inflow,this year, the net inflow of post-95s in the eastern region and the overall mobile talent in the country accounted for 18.0% and 14.0% respectively, and the agglomeration effect of post-95s in the eastern region was higher; the central region was -9.1% and -6.0% respectively; the western region was -6.3% and -4.7% respectively; the northeastern region was -2.5% and -3.4% respectively. the net outflow of post-95s in the central and western regions was significantly greater than the overall mobile talent in the country, and the northeastern region was slightly lower than the overall mobile talent level in the country. this regional feature is consistent with last year. the eastern region has a developed economy, accounting for more than half of gdp, and has a higher per capita output value. the energetic and ambitious post-95s young people prefer the eastern region with high economic vitality and great development potential.

2) in terms of talent inflow and outflow, the post-95s prefer first- and second-tier cities. however, the appeal of first-tier cities to post-95s talents has declined compared with last year, while the appeal of second-tier cities has increased slightly, and the net outflow trend of third- and fourth-tier cities has narrowed.this year, the proportion of talents born after 1995 in first-tier cities is 18.7%, higher than the 18.6% of the total mobile talents in the country this year, and the proportion of talents outflow is 11.7%, lower than the 13.4% of the total mobile talents in the country; the proportion of talents born after 1995 in second-tier cities is 47.4%, higher than the 44.9% of the total mobile talents in the country this year, and the proportion of talents outflow is 43.5%, lower than the 45.4% of the total mobile talents in the country; this shows that compared with the total mobile talents in the country,those born after 1995 are more willing to stay in first- and second-tier cities.the proportion of post-95s flowing into third- and fourth-tier cities is lower than the national overall mobile talent, while the proportion of outflows is higher than the national overall mobile talent, indicating that compared with the national overall mobile talent, post-95s are more inclined to flow out of third- and fourth-tier cities. in addition, this year, the proportion of post-95s flowing into first-tier cities has dropped by 2.5 percentage points compared with last year, while the proportion of post-95s flowing into second-tier cities has increased by 0.4 percentage points compared with last year, indicating that the willingness of post-95s to stay in second-tier cities has increased slightly this year compared with last year.from the perspective of the proportion of net talent inflow,this year, the net inflow of post-95s in first-tier cities and the overall mobile talent in the country accounted for 7.0% and 5.3% respectively, while the proportions in second-tier cities were 3.9% and -0.5% respectively. the agglomeration effect of post-95s in first-tier and second-tier cities was significantly higher than that of the overall mobile talent in the country; the proportions in third-tier cities were -2.4% and -0.5% respectively; and the proportions in fourth-tier cities were -8.5% and -4.3% respectively. the net outflow of post-95s in third-tier and fourth-tier cities was significantly greater than that of the overall mobile talent in the country. first-tier cities with many job opportunities, high incomes and sufficient economic vitality still attract young post-95s, while young people also gather in second-tier cities with higher development potential and cost-effectiveness. but last year, the net inflow of post-95s in first-tier and second-tier cities accounted for 9.1% and 3.4% respectively, while the net inflow of talents in third-tier and fourth-tier cities accounted for -3.3% and -9.1%.

3) in terms of city clusters, those born after 1995 are more inclined to move to the yangtze river delta and the pearl river delta, while the net inflow of beijing-tianjin-hebei has declined compared with last year, while chengdu-chongqing and the middle reaches of the yangtze river continue to have net outflows. the total net inflow of the five major city clusters accounts for 13.1%, far higher than the 10.4% of the total mobile talent in the country.the agglomeration effect of the yangtze river delta and the pearl river delta on post-95 talents is stronger than that of the overall mobile talents in the country, with net inflows accounting for 9.1% and 6.1% respectively, up 0.6 and 1.1 percentage points respectively from last year, higher than the 7.9% and 3.9% of the overall mobile talents in the country; the net inflow of post-95 talents in chengdu-chongqing and the middle reaches of the yangtze river accounted for -0.6% and -1.8% respectively, higher than the -0.9% and -1.0% of the overall mobile talents in the country; while the net inflow in beijing-tianjin-hebei accounted for 0.4%, down 2.8 percentage points from last year, lower than the 0.5% of the overall mobile talents in the country. the net inflow of post-95s and the overall mobile talents in the country into the five major urban agglomerations accounted for 13.1% and 10.4%, and post-95s are more inclined to gather in the five major urban agglomerations. china's 14th five-year plan outline proposes optimizing and upgrading the five major urban agglomerations of beijing-tianjin-hebei, yangtze river delta, pearl river delta, chengdu-chongqing, and the middle reaches of the yangtze river. they occupy 11% of the land and concentrate 42% of the population, creating 53% of gdp. unicorn companies account for 95% of the country, of which the yangtze river delta and pearl river delta urban agglomerations are the most economically active regions, accounting for a combined 29% of the economy. young people born after 1995 prefer economically vibrant regions.

3 key cities: the mainstream of post-95s is to move between first-tier cities and within urban agglomerations

we selected the top ten cities in terms of attractiveness for post-95 talents (shenzhen, beijing, shanghai, guangzhou, hangzhou, nanjing, chengdu, suzhou, wuxi, and qingdao) as observation objects, and divided them into first-tier and second-tier cities.

1) the net inflow of post-95 talents in shenzhen accounts for 1.1 percentage points higher than the national total mobile talents, mainly because shenzhen has a low threshold for settling in and focuses on building a talent-friendly urban environment. shenzhen and guangzhou, beijing and shanghai are each other's top source cities for post-95 talents.

in terms of the proportion of net talent inflow, the net inflow of talents born after 1995 in the first-tier cities of shenzhen, beijing, shanghai and guangzhou accounted for 2.2%, 1.4%, 2.1% and 1.3% respectively. among them, the net inflow of talents born after 1995 in shenzhen, shanghai and guangzhou were higher than the 1.1%, 1.9% and 0.7% of the overall mobile talents in the country, while beijing was slightly lower than the 1.5% of the overall mobile talents in the country.the concentration of talents born after 1995 in first-tier cities is basically higher than that of the overall mobile talents in the country; among them, shenzhen has a higher concentration of talents born after 1995, and the proportion of net talent inflow is 1.1 percentage points higher than that of the overall mobile talents in the country.shenzhen pays attention to building a talent-friendly urban environment, actively creating a high-level career platform for gathering talents, improving the city's livability, and enhancing the city's talent attraction. in 2002, shenzhen implemented the "several provisions on introducing domestic talents to work in shenzhen", shifting the focus of attracting talents to high-level talents. since then, it has continuously introduced plans such as the "peacock plan" and the "ten talent projects". in 2017, it became the first city in the country to legislate on talents, and designated november 1 of each year as "shenzhen talent day". the superposition of various policies has formed the "four pillars" of talent policies.

from the perspective of source and destination,the top ten cities where post-95 talents flowed out of shenzhen accounted for 52.1% in total, higher than the 37.4% of the cities where they flowed in. the cities where talents flowed out of shenzhen were more concentrated. among them, 10.0% of the talents flowing into shenzhen came from guangzhou, and 8.8% of the talents flowing into guangzhou came from shenzhen.shenzhen and guangzhou are each other's first source cities.on the one hand, guangzhou and shenzhen are geographically close, culturally similar, and have convenient talent mobility; on the other hand, shenzhen's economic development potential and innovation momentum are higher than guangzhou. in the first half of 2023, shenzhen's gdp reached 1.6 trillion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 6.3%. during the same period, guangzhou's gdp and year-on-year growth rate were lower than shenzhen, at 1.4 trillion and 4.7% respectively. in addition, shenzhen has 158 patent authorizations per 10,000 people, far higher than guangzhou's 101. 7.4% of the post-95 talents who left beijing went to shanghai, and 9.2% of those who left shanghai went to beijing.beijing and shanghai are each other's top target cities for talent 2022, the conditions for talents to settle in shanghai will be relaxed again. five types of talents, including high-level talents, talents urgently needed by key institutions, high-skilled talents, innovative and entrepreneurial talents, professional talents and other special talents, can directly settle in shanghai, and the application notice period will be reduced from 15 days to 5 days. for international students, for those who graduated from the top 50 universities in the world, the social security payment base and payment time requirements will be cancelled, and they can directly settle in shanghai after working full-time; those who graduated from universities ranked 51-100 in the world can apply for settlement after working full-time in shanghai and paying social security for 6 months. compared with beijing, the settlement policy is more relaxed and the process is more simplified, which can better attract young and outstanding talents to work in shanghai.

2) among second-tier cities, hangzhou has a higher concentration of post-95 talents, with a net inflow of talents 0.7 percentage points higher than the national total mobile talents; nanjing and the yangtze river delta have very frequent talent interactions, partly because nanjing has more universities, and talents from the yangtze river delta gather in nanjing for study, and return from nanjing to other cities in the yangtze river delta after graduation. in addition, wuxi and qingdao ranked among the top ten cities in the list of attractive cities for post-95 talents for the first time this year.

judging from the proportion of net talent inflow, hangzhou has a higher concentration of people born after 1995.the net inflow of post-95 talents in the top ten second-tier cities of hangzhou, nanjing, chengdu, suzhou, wuxi and qingdao accounted for 1.5%, 1.0%, 0%, 1.1%, 0.8% and 0.9% respectively, which were 0.7, 0.1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 percentage points higher than the national overall mobile talents. chengdu has a strong attraction for highly educated talents and fresh graduates, with the inflow of talents with a master's degree or above and fresh graduates accounting for 3.9% and 3.5% respectively, ranking 6th and 5th in the country.

from the perspective of source and destination,the top three cities for hangzhou's inflow and outflow are beijing and shanghai, indicating that the talents needed for its development are mainly in first-tier cities, and it also has the ability to snatch talents from first-tier cities; nanjing's inflow and outflow cities are 5 and 6 in the yangtze river delta, accounting for 16.7% and 33.9% respectively. nanjing and the yangtze river delta have very frequent talent interactions, partly because there are many universities in nanjing, and talents from the yangtze river delta gather in nanjing for study, and return from nanjing to other cities in the yangtze river delta after graduation. chengdu has benefited from the vigorous construction of the chengdu-chongqing twin cities economic circle, accelerating the exchange of talents with first-tier cities such as chongqing, beijing, shanghai, guangzhou and shenzhen. the top two cities for chengdu's inflow and outflow are chongqing and beijing, accounting for 13.6% and 12.6% respectively. suzhou's inflow and outflow cities are 5 and 6 in the yangtze river delta, accounting for 18.0% and 33.7% respectively. among them, shanghai has a significant siphon effect on suzhou, and the proportion of talents born after 1995 flowing from suzhou to shanghai is 9.5%.wuxi ranked ninth in the attractiveness of post-95 talents for the first time this year, and has frequent talent exchanges with the yangtze river delta city cluster.there are 5 inflow and 6 outflow cities in the yangtze river delta region, accounting for 20.4% and 39.9% respectively. wuxi has taken many measures to attract talents in recent years. in 2016, wuxi launched the "taihu talent plan", focusing on supporting the introduction and cultivation of six types of key talents for industrial development, formulating various welfare policies such as work subsidies, salary subsidies, and settlement subsidies, and constantly updating and iterating. at the same time, compared with cities in the same echelon, wuxi has higher wages and relatively low living costs. in 2022, the average salary of employees in non-private units in wuxi's urban areas was 123,000 yuan, higher than changsha's 115,000 and qingdao's 116,000 yuan, but the rental price is lower than the other two, and wuxi's house price-to-income ratio has been lower than qingdao in the past 10 years.qingdao ranked tenth in the attractiveness of post-95 talents for the first time this year.the top two cities in terms of inflow and outflow are jinan and beijing, accounting for 10.9% and 16.3% respectively. qingdao is the third largest city in the north, with an economic scale second only to beijing and tianjin in the north, rapid economic growth and strong population attraction. in 2022, qingdao's gdp reached 1.5 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.9%. among the major cities in the north, it ranks third, and the gap with tianjin has further narrowed; the economic growth rate ranks fifth in the country, and the rapidly growing economy and high-quality industries have attracted many talents.

4. enlightenment: fully respect the objective laws of population mobility and promote equalization of public services

population is the foundation of economic and social development, and talent is the primary resource. against the backdrop of an aging population and a declining birthrate, most cities are facing a shrinking young population and a rapidly aging population. in recent years, cities have joined the “war for talent”, and the battle for talent is also the battle for young people. most post-95s are newcomers to the workplace, young and energetic, and their mobility has an important impact on social and economic development.china's great migration: 2021the report analyzes the impact of population migration on the economy and society: population inflow can increase the supply of young labor and ease the pressure of aging; increase the supply of talents and promote innovation and development; enhance urban competitiveness; and expand consumer demand. population outflow will aggravate aging, increase the burden of elderly care, seriously drag down finances, and restrict economic vitality.

first, we must fully respect the objective laws of population and industry concentration in advantageous regions and urban development and follow the trend based on the comparative advantages of various regions.the goal of promoting coordinated regional development is to promote roughly equal living standards for the people. it must not be the pursuit of balanced economic aggregates in various regions, nor is it possible to require all regions to reach the same level of economic development. in december 2019, general secretary xi jinping published an article in "qiushi" entitled "promoting the formation of a regional economic layout of complementary advantages and high-quality development", pointing out that we must respect the objective law of the agglomeration of population and industry in advantageous regions, enhance the economic and population carrying capacity of economic development advantage regions such as central cities and urban agglomerations, enhance the functions of other regions in ensuring food security, ecological security, border security, etc., and form a regional economic layout of complementary advantages and high-quality development. in recent years, china's urban development strategy has gradually adjusted to "taking central cities as the leader, urban agglomerations as the main form, taking urban circle construction as a breakthrough, and implementing classified policies for small and medium-sized cities", but there is still a long way to go and consensus has not yet been formed.the report of the 20th national congress of the communist party of china proposed "to build a coordinated development pattern of large, medium and small cities and promote urbanization with county towns as an important carrier."in january 2023, general secretary xi jinping pointed out at the second collective study session of the political bureau of the cpc central committee on accelerating the construction of a new development pattern that it is necessary to comprehensively promote coordinated development of urban and rural areas and regions and increase the coverage of the domestic circulation.

the second is to further deepen the reform of the household registration system and further remove the shackles on the free migration of july 2014, the state council's "opinions on further promoting the reform of the household registration system" proposed to fully relax restrictions on settlement in established towns and small cities, orderly relax restrictions on settlement in medium-sized cities, reasonably determine settlement conditions in large cities, and strictly control the population size of megacities with an urban area of ​​more than 5 million. on january 22, 2016, the state council's executive meeting required that, except for a very small number of megacities, restrictions on settlement for college graduates, technical workers, and returned overseas students should be fully lifted. in july 2022, the national development and reform commission issued the "14th five-year plan for new urbanization implementation plan", proposing to deepen the reform of the household registration system, specifically involving relaxing restrictions on settlement except for a few megacities, fully cancelling restrictions on settlement in cities with a permanent urban population of less than 3 million, fully relaxing settlement conditions in type i cities with a permanent urban population of 3 million to 5 million, improving the points-based settlement policy for megacities with a permanent urban population of more than 5 million, and encouraging the cancellation of annual settlement quota restrictions. in august 2023, the ministry of public security issued 26 measures for public security organs to serve and safeguard high-quality development, which mentioned exploring the integration of household registration access in the same city, supporting qualified metropolitan areas or urban clusters to explore the implementation of the mutual recognition of household registration access years in the same city, and the mutual recognition of residence permits. improve the household registration system based on permanent residence, further relax settlement conditions, lower settlement thresholds, and promote the transfer of agricultural population who are able to find stable employment and living in cities to settle in cities with their families.

the third is to optimize the spatial structure within urban agglomerations, promote the improvement of industrial structure, public services and transportation facilities, so as to promote the equalization of public services.on the one hand, we should optimize the layout of industrial structure, rationally plan and guide the compact and continuous multi-center urban industrial layout, accelerate the transformation of existing parks, adapt to local conditions, and improve urban functions. on the other hand, we should optimize the layout of public services and transportation facilities, accelerate planning adjustments, promote equalization of public services, and layout public services in different regions and levels according to the total and structure of the permanent population. we should further develop urban rail transit, vigorously increase the density of urban rail transit network, promote the diversified development of rail transit system, and improve travel efficiency. future urban planning should respect the laws of population mobility. we should not limit the number of cars when there are too many cars, or drive people out when there are too many people. planning should be people-oriented, improve the citizen participation mechanism, and fully understand the expectations and needs of citizens for urban development.