
high-quality development of lanzhou beef noodle industry·industry activates "talent engine" to enable innovation and upgrading of lanzhou beef noodle industry


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after a century of inheritance, innovation and development, the lanzhou beef noodle industry has developed rapidly in recent years and has become a nationally renowned "golden business card" of the city, representing chinese food culture to the world. as a representative of local food culture, talent cultivation is crucial. industry insiders said that activating the "talent engine" and cultivating a large number of compound talents who are proficient in cooking skills and have management innovation capabilities is the key to improving the quality of noodles, ensuring food safety, promoting industrial upgrading, and expanding market boundaries!

cultivate all-round compound talents

promoting the international development of lanzhou beef noodles

recently, our city has formulated the "three-year action plan for the high-quality development of lanzhou beef noodle industry (2024-2026)", which clearly defines the construction plan for forming a trillion-dollar industry and highlights lanzhou’s strong determination to promote the high-quality development of the beef noodle industry.

according to incomplete statistics, there are more than 1,280 beef noodle restaurants in lanzhou, with annual sales of more than 3.5 billion yuan. local beef noodle brands have opened more than 4,300 stores outside the province, with annual sales of more than 13 billion yuan. the huge market size is inseparable from the efforts of many people in the beef noodle industry, whether brand operators or grassroots noodle chefs, who are using their own strength to promote the continuous development of the beef noodle industry.

"beef ramen, as a specialty catering brand of gansu and the city card of lanzhou, the provincial capital, has very high brand value, economic value and cultural value. with the rapid development of the beef ramen industry, lanzhou's local brand beef ramen has gone abroad one after another, which has led to a sharp increase in the demand for high-quality management talents and professional and technical talents in the international development of lanzhou beef ramen." said li quan, director of the institute of regional economic and industrial development of lanzhou university.

li quan said that talent is the key to making the industry bigger and stronger. for a long time, beef noodles were mainly made in family workshops, with low standardization of operation techniques. most operators relied on experience to control the production process, resulting in differences in quality and taste. the lack of modern management talents has become a major factor restricting the expansion and strengthening of the lanzhou beef noodles industry.

strengthen the introduction and cultivation of innovative talents

strengthening vocational skills training for beef ramen

talent is the core driving force of industrial development and plays an irreplaceable role in enhancing brand influence, promoting employment and economic prosperity. two years ago, the beef ramen cultural industrial park industry-education integration project was settled in yuzhong county, lanzhou city, which means that lanzhou beef ramen has its own production base, professional r&d units, professional training institutions, and a professional supply chain system and lanzhou ramen "huangpu military academy" integrating industry and education. the park also invested in the construction of the lanzhou beef ramen e-commerce live broadcast base project, built a product display hall and live broadcast, and can carry out e-commerce practitioners training. the training courses are theoretical knowledge and on-site practical operations.

in recent years, our city has continuously strengthened the vocational skills training of lanzhou beef noodle. so far, our city has carried out 6 occupations (jobs) related to the lanzhou beef noodle industry, such as lanzhou beef noodle chefs, chinese cooks, chinese pastry chefs, and internet marketers, as well as applied entrepreneurship training for "start my beef noodle shop", for a total of 2,900 people, and completed the evaluation and assessment of "lanzhou beef noodle making" and related occupations (jobs). the scale of training and evaluation of occupations (jobs) related to the lanzhou beef noodle industry has been continuously expanded.

"the development of the traditional catering service industry cannot be separated from the support of talents," said liang shunjian, chairman of the lanzhou beef noodles international alliance and chairman of gansu jinwei de la noodles cultural industry group. "in addition to cultivating skilled noodle makers, the development of the lanzhou beef noodle industry must also cultivate international all-round talents who are skilled in technology, understand foreign languages, and are good at business management. only by establishing a high-quality management talent training system that combines skills and management for lanzhou beef noodles, building standardized planting and breeding bases, and industrializing and standardizing the pre-packaged product processing, production and distribution system for lanzhou beef noodles raw materials and auxiliary materials, can we truly help lanzhou beef noodles become a well-known international fast food brand and go global."

strengthening international cooperation

promote the expansion of lanzhou beef noodle industry chain

"not long ago, we visited the french consul general in guangzhou, fu xiwei, and had an in-depth exchange of views on the current decision and prospects of lanzhou city to strive to build a 100 billion lanzhou beef noodle industry, continue to polish the city's 'golden business card', and make lanzhou beef noodles famous at home and abroad and go to the world." dai jihui, deputy director of the shenzhen resident investment promotion center, said in an interview with reporters. fu xiwei said in the symposium that lanzhou beef noodles are deeply loved and sought after by the french people. hearing that lanzhou has set up an industrial college to upgrade the beef noodle industry, he is willing to work with lanzhou city to explore the establishment of overseas colleges and training institutions to promote the continuous extension of the industrial chain and make lanzhou beef noodles famous overseas as soon as possible.

"the lanzhou ramen peili workshop integrates skill training, interesting research, dining and cultural experience, breaking through the traditional model of opening stores overseas in the international development of the lanzhou beef ramen industry. next, we will further explore the characteristic occupational and industrial international development model of 'chinese + lanzhou ramen workshop', promote international lanzhou ramen production capacity cooperation, and promote the lanzhou ramen culture and industry with regional characteristics in gansu, china to go global." liang shunjian told reporters that gansu jinwei de la noodle cultural industry group has carried out in-depth cooperation with gansu shandan peili vocational college and other relevant universities to establish the lanzhou ramen "peili workshop", and conduct research and study in new zealand, the united kingdom, spain, the netherlands and other countries for overseas universities, middle schools, primary schools and the general public. using the "lanzhou ramen peili workshop" as a carrier, and using cultural tourism research and study experience, as well as the integration of industry and education, it has opened up a new model for the international development of the industry driven by the "lanzhou ramen chef" profession.

play the innovation card in the development of beef ramen industry

talent cultivation is the key

make a bowl of noodles bigger, make a city happy. since the city sounded the "assembly call" to build a 100 billion beef ramen industry cluster, all relevant departments in the city have worked together to play the three cards of "industry", "culture" and "innovation". among them, talent training is the key to playing the "innovation card"!

li quan said that building a system of high-end talents and modern skilled talents with integrated skills and management is the key to cultivating talents for lanzhou beef noodles. it is necessary to deepen the integration of production and education, school-enterprise cooperation, and improve the modernization level of beef noodles vocational education. at the same time, all relevant departments should increase the introduction of industrial talents, improve the industrial talent training system, expand the influence of industrial brands, enable industrial innovation and development, and optimize human resources and social public services, so that beef noodles can become another growth point for lanzhou's economic development.

lanzhou daily omnimedia reporter liu shicai and xue xiaoxia text/photo
