
waste materials were found missing after being piled up in the open air for 30 months, and one person was fired


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on september 18, the china discipline inspection and supervision news published an article titled "focus on the implementation of state-owned assets supervision responsibilities, promote the filling of management gaps and awaken "sleeping" assets", which analyzed many cases investigated and dealt with by discipline inspection and supervision agencies in recent years, and found that state-owned assets were idle and wasted, and suffered major losses.

among them, the report mentioned a case in which a manager of a state-owned enterprise in xiangyang, hubei, neglected his duties, resulting in the idleness and loss of waste materials, causing adverse effects.

the report said, "as a professional manager of a state-owned enterprise, shan should have fulfilled his entrusted management responsibilities, but he ignored the waste materials, resulting in the loss of the company's state-owned assets." when talking about the case they handled, the case handlers of hanjiang state-owned capital investment group co., ltd. (referred to as "hanjiang state-owned capital investment group") in xiangyang city, hubei province had a vivid memory and believed that this was a typical case of dereliction of duty by managers of state-owned enterprises.

in 2018, xiangyang city included the "urban centralized heating project" in the "ten practical things" of the municipal government, and hanjiang guotou was responsible for its construction and operation. in september of that year, when xiangtou energy, a subsidiary of hanjiang guotou, was responsible for the heating renovation of 16 residential communities, it piled up the dismantled steel pipes, valves, radiators and other waste materials on a self-owned idle land near huanshan road.

it was not until march 2021 that xiangtou energy organized an inspection of the city's heating pipelines due to the need to dispose of waste materials, only to discover that the batch of materials had all been lost.

the investigation found that shan, the former chief engineer (professional manager) of xiangtou energy, as the person in charge of the heating renovation project of the relevant community, failed to fulfill his management responsibilities for the proper disposal of waste materials. during the 30-month period when the materials were piled up in the open air, he only visited the site once and did not assign anyone to be responsible for management. in august 2019, xiangtou energy held a manager's office meeting to require the rational classification and strengthened management of waste materials, but shan still did not formulate measures or assign people to be responsible.

moreover, when the staff reported the loss of materials, shan did not promptly report it to the company's principal, nor did he take any measures to remedy the situation. he only went to the scene to check half a month later. after the loss of materials, shan went to the public security organ to report the case after being urged by his superiors.

in 2022, the hanjiang state investment commission (office of the supervisory commissioner) severely investigated and dealt with shan mou's violation of work requirements, improper performance of duties, and the loss of state-owned assets. in september of the same year, shan mou was dismissed from his post and his employment relationship was terminated.

relevant responsible persons of the hanjiang guotou discipline inspection commission (office of the inspector general) believe that the case exposes problems such as lack of responsibility awareness, unrealistic work style, ineffective institutional supervision, and failure of management at all levels.

the report pointed out that xiangtou energy, as a newly established state-owned heating renovation company, was in urgent need of professional and technical personnel, and shan was introduced as a professional manager to be responsible for heating market development, heating terminal customer project improvement and renovation. however, after shan became a professional manager of a state-owned enterprise, he did not really regard himself as a "custodian" or "guardian" of state-owned assets, and he knew that the materials piled in the open air posed risks, but he still let them go.

at the time of the incident, xiangtou energy was established not long ago, and its rules and regulations were not yet perfect. its staff structure was also relatively young. when faced with new situations and new problems, it sometimes had few solutions and resorted to the tactic of "delaying". due to the lack of accurate understanding of relevant policies, the company's material management system has not been introduced. when implementing the decisions and arrangements of superiors, it only supervised them in the form of meetings, and there was no supervision and inspection afterwards, resulting in the transmission of pressure from top to bottom.

hanjiang guotou discipline inspection commission (office of the supervisory commissioner) deeply analyzed the case of lost state-owned assets and did a good job in the "second half of the article" of using the case to promote reform. hanjiang guotou formulated the "asset disposal management measures" and "asset leasing management measures" to comprehensively regulate all aspects of asset disposal and leasing, and use the system to manage power, people, and affairs, and regulate discretionary power. in response to the problem of incomplete asset management systems and inadequate implementation of some subsidiaries exposed in the shan case, hanjiang guotou urged its subsidiaries to improve the asset use, management, and disposal systems, and build a systematic, complete, pragmatic and effective system.

hanjiang state investment has improved the asset management organization, designated specific personnel to be responsible for asset operation and management, and formed a hierarchical and closed-loop supervision chain. it has also improved the asset management ledger, and strengthened the query and tracking of the state-owned assets management status through intelligent management methods.