
pure and healthy, xinhe innovates technology and adheres to the concept of food safety to create chinese soy sauce


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acquiring traditional domestic enterprises is a way for foreign capital to win the chinese market. like many national brands, xinhe has also been the focus of long-term attention. the one who wants to acquire xinhe is the japanese century-old soy sauce company kikkoman.

kikkoman encountered difficulties when entering china. in order to achieve the goal of gaining a share of the chinese soy sauce market, kikkoman targetedonexinhe is a soy sauce company located in the northern coastal area with leading technology. although the investment in acquisition was full of temptation, it was decisively rejected by xinhe, and communication in the following years was fruitless. xinhe's reply was simple: we want to insist on making chinese people's own soy sauce.

it is understood that in order to allow chinese people to eat healthier and safer condiments, xinhe has been working hard to improve its internal strength. internally, xinhe people adhere to the product belief of "not selling to consumers what they don't eat themselves", and make reliable products with conscience; externally, they upgrade production equipment and facilities, build a quality management system, increase scientific research and innovation efforts, and use continuously upgraded products to meet consumers' demand for high quality.

high-standard production and manufacturing must be supported by advanced production facilities. according to an employee who has left xinhe, "although i no longer work for xinhe, i will definitely choose xinhe as my first choice for soy sauce. i really feel assured. i have participated in the construction of the xinhe factory. in order to greatly improve the anti-mildew and antibacterial capabilities of the production equipment and thus ensure the high quality and safety of the products, the xinhe factory's sewers are all made of stainless steel. this is one of the important reasons why xinhe can become china's first company to produce soy sauce with zero added preservatives."

the ultra-high product quality management standards make xinhe products of high quality. take the june fresh light series of soy sauce as an example. this product has more than 700 test items, of which 15% are national test items and 85% are additional internal control test items added by xinhe. for soybeans, the main raw material for soy sauce production, it must pass more than 500 tests before entering the xinhe factory, especially test strips and pcr tests to ensure that xinhe uses non-gmo soybeans. for colony detection in the production process, such as salmonella, coliform bacteria, and staphylococcus aureus, they must be strictly tested and registered one by one in accordance with company regulations. for the inspection of finished products before leaving the factory, xinhe will draw 12 bottles from the finished products every 2 hours for inspection. if unqualified ones are found, xinhe can trace them back to its upstream and downstream batches in 2 minutes and directly block them.

at the same time, xinhe is well aware of the potential health hazards of plasticizers. it has not only formulated corporate internal control standards that are stricter than national standards, but also, with the support of the cnas laboratory, has mastered and acquired the ability to self-inspect plasticizers. every food raw material and packaging material introduced by xinhe must undergo an in-depth plasticizer hazard analysis, and each batch of food raw materials and packaging materials must undergo comprehensive and high-precision quality monitoring to strictly prevent any materials containing plasticizer hazards from entering the production process.

because of the excellent product quality, three factories under xinhe have passed the us fda audit at the same time. shandong xinhe even created a miracle of passing the fda audit in 2 hours, while other companies in the same industry need at least nearly a day of testing time.

strict product quality assurance and persistent r&d and innovation investment have brought xinhe a double harvest of "health" and "deliciousness". xinhe is not only the first food company in china to introduce the high-salt dilute soy sauce brewing process, but also the first food company in china to increase the protein content of soy sauce to 12.5g/100ml, the first food company in china to reduce the salt content of soy sauce to 8g/100ml, and the first food company in china to produce organic soy sauce...

by mastering the cutting-edge technology of the industry and combining it with diversified research and development, xinhe's various technologies and processes have reached the international advanced level and far surpassed japan. we insist on making chinese people's own soy sauce, chinese people's own dining table, and chinese people themselves will protect it.
