
students eat frozen meat while teachers eat fresh meat: we cannot let the frozen meat chill the hearts of parents


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□wang lumin
recently, some parents reported that the teachers and staff of a school in zhengzhou ate fresh beef and fish, but gave the children frozen chicken slices and frozen chopped chicken. the beef for the teachers and staff was still fresh and hot, but the chicken for the students was all ice chips. "this gold medal school doesn't even have a piece of fresh meat! it's shocking."
it may be true or it may be a problem that the staff eat fresh meat and the students eat frozen meat. but the real problem is not whether frozen meat can be eaten, but the unfairness of education reflected in it.
as we all know, frozen meat is a way of processing meat. it does not mean low-quality or unhealthy meat. it just may not taste as good as hot or cold fresh meat, but the nutrition and safety are guaranteed. as long as the frozen meat comes from a regular source and meets food safety and hygiene standards, it is not a problem for students to eat frozen meat.
although the difference between fresh meat and frozen meat is not as big as people imagine, parents still find this approach of the school disheartening. teachers and students are both the main body of the school, and their needs are both worthy of attention, and we cannot favor one over the other. if the school allows teachers to eat fresh meat, it means that the school assumes that fresh meat is healthier and safer than frozen meat, which means that the school pays more attention to the health and needs of teachers. however, if students are allowed to eat frozen meat, it means that the school may not take the students seriously and may just deal with them casually.
the difference in food for teachers and students reflects the school's educational philosophy. modern education focuses on student-centeredness. this should not be just a slogan, but should be implemented in all aspects of school operation, including student accommodation and dining. it is not wrong for schools to give preferential treatment to teachers, but they should also treat students well, care about and value their food and accommodation. as an educational institution, schools should uphold the principles of fairness and justice, strive to ensure that teachers and students eat together, and let students and faculty enjoy equal treatment in dining, and there should not be a situation where the same ingredients have differences in quality.
student catering has always been a concern of parents and society. solving the problem of student dining and allowing students to eat comfortably and at ease does require greater effort and hard work. relevant departments and schools should strengthen supervision of canteens to ensure that the procurement, storage, processing and cooking of ingredients meet food safety standards. schools can also regularly invite nutrition experts to develop scientific meal plans for students to ensure that students' nutritional intake is guaranteed. at the same time, schools should increase the transparency of canteen work and take the initiative to publish relevant information including the source of ingredients, menu design, cost structure, etc. to reduce misunderstandings and suspicions. parents can also be invited to take turns to help in the canteen kitchen to increase parent participation and recognition of school catering.
education is a basic livelihood, and it is understandable that parents and society pay close attention to school education. when faced with problems and deficiencies in school education, parents should actively participate and express themselves rationally. they should understand and support the work of the school, and also have the courage to raise reasonable questions and criticisms. schools should actively respond to parents' concerns, take effective measures to solve problems, and jointly build a harmonious and fair education ecology.