
the security council unanimously passed a resolution to extend sanctions on sudan, and china made a statement


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on september 11, local time, the un security council unanimously passed a resolution to extend the sudan sanctions, extending the authorization of the sudan sanctions committee until september 12, 2025.

according to the website of the chinese permanent mission to the united nations, on september 11 local time, ambassador dai bing made an explanatory speech after the security council voted on the draft resolution on sanctions against sudan. the full text is as follows:


the conflict in sudan has dragged on for more than a year and a half, and there is still no sign of de-escalation. the local humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate, and a large number of innocent civilians are experiencing multiple tests such as war, natural disasters, and diseases. under the current situation, the extension of relevant sanctions will, to a certain extent, help prevent the continued influx of illegal weapons into the battlefield and promote the de-escalation of the local situation, which is in line with the common expectations of the international community and the important responsibilities of the security council. therefore, china voted in favor of the draft resolution just put to a vote.

we once again call on both parties to the conflict to put the interests of the country and the people first, strictly abide by international humanitarian law, protect civilians and civilian facilities to the greatest extent possible, and avoid causing more harm and destruction. we hope that all member states will abide by the arms embargo stipulated in the resolution, play a constructive role in sudan's ceasefire and provide practical assistance for sudan to return to lasting peace.

at the same time, china has repeatedly stressed that sanctions are a means, not an end, and cannot be a substitute for diplomatic efforts, let alone a tool for political pressure from some countries. at present, the security council should devote more energy to promoting dialogue and contact between the conflicting parties and seeking a political solution, while helping sudan improve its humanitarian response capabilities and prevent the humanitarian crisis from further deteriorating. in this process, the international community should respect sudan's sovereignty and territorial integrity and strive for more support and cooperation from the sudanese government. as a pen holder, it should also fully respect the reasonable concerns and demands of the sudanese government, effectively enhance consensus among all parties, and avoid mixing in political self-interest.

thank you, mr. chairman.

screenshot of the website of the chinese permanent mission to the united nations