
what changes have occurred in the size and structure of my country's labor force? what is the connection with "delayed retirement"? expert interpretation


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the 11th session of the standing committee of the 14th national people's congress reviewed the proposal of the state council to submit for deliberation the draft decision on the implementation of a gradual delay in the statutory retirement age.

as the population ages, the size and structure of my country's labor force have undergone significant changes, which means that the labor force that creates social wealth is also changing. how is this change related to the reform measures to delay the statutory retirement age?

data shows that the number of my country's working-age population aged 16 to 59 began to decline in 2012, and the age structure of the labor force has further aged. the proportion of the population aged 45 to 64 to the population aged 15 to 64 has shown a clear upward trend, from 27.3% in 2000 to 41.91% in 2022, with an average annual growth rate of 0.66%.our country faces the challenge of a shrinking labor supply.

according to zhao zhong, dean of the school of labor and human resources at renmin university of china, the reform of delaying the statutory retirement age will increase the participation of the elderly in the labor market through institutional design, which will increase the size of the labor force. as an important production factor, it is beneficial to the development of the entire social economy. these elderly groups will increase their overall consumption level through the income they earn from labor.a virtuous cycle will be formed from labor supply to labor income to consumption to industry.

at the same time, through measures such as promoting the popularization of high school education, enhancing the adaptability of vocational and technical education, and increasing the enrollment rate of higher education, the average number of years of education received by my country's labor force has increased year by year.delaying retirement ageit can enable more capable, experienced, knowledgeable and experienced working groups to continue to participate in production and economic activities, and can improve the development and vitality of the social economy.

dong keyong, a professor at renmin university of china, said that the future development of our country depends on high-quality human resources. the national system has improved our education level. high-quality human resources are the key to our country's next step in building a socialist modern power. this policy gives the right to retire to the workers, which actually has a good expectation. the more personal human capital investment, the more time to work, rather than a "one-size-fits-all" policy that prohibits work. therefore, this system will promote the improvement of human resource quality from this aspect.

(cctv reporter li honggang, tang lei, zhu jinsong, li zhichao, hunan tv, jiangxi tv, guizhou tv)

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