
the former director of a century-old tertiary hospital was investigated


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he was once the "national outstanding hospital director".

written by | guo xuemei

he shuming is the former party secretary and director of zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital, the first town-owned grade 3a hospital in the country. yesterday (september 10), she was investigated for suspected serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the zhongshan municipal commission for discipline inspection and supervision.

public information shows that he shuming is 55 years old and is from xiaolan town, zhongshan city, guangdong province. she is a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, chief physician of obstetrics and gynecology, and a master's tutor. she graduated from the medical department of zhongshan university of medical sciences and is good at the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological inflammation, gynecological tumors, infertility and other diseases. she has more than 20 years of clinical and hospital management experience.

he shuming/photo source: zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital nanfang

before coming to zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital, he shuming worked in zhongshan people's hospital. in 2002, in order to promote the construction of obstetrics and gynecology disciplines and technological innovation, she took the lead in establishing the "he shuming innovation studio", and her personal influence gradually expanded.

it was also in this year that he shuming reached a turning point in her career. her hometown, xiaolan town, hoped to build a town-level class 3a hospital. according to the official website, zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital was founded in 1907 and is a "century-old hospital" that undertakes the medical treatment of nearly 1.3 million people in the northwest region of zhongshan city and surrounding cities and towns such as jiangmen and shunde.

the 33-year-old he shuming seized this opportunity and returned to zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital, which was far behind zhongshan people's hospital at the time. at this time, she had worked in a provincial comprehensive tertiary hospital for many years, and was well-known in the local medical circle for her outstanding skills and beauty.

according to a 2019 report from the "zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital southern news", he shuming once said that this choice might sacrifice her academic status, "but it is worth it to train tens of millions of good medical staff and achieve the progress and development of the local medical and health care industry."

after arriving at zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital, he shuming served as director of the department of obstetrics and gynecology, deputy director, director, and party secretary, and together with her colleagues, she promoted the rapid development of the hospital.

during her tenure as department director and academic leader, the number of outpatient visits to the obstetrics and gynecology department of zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital increased from more than 130,000 in 2002 to more than 370,000 in 2018, and the number of births increased from more than 2,000 to more than 10,000, ranking first in zhongshan for many consecutive years. the hospital's maternal and child center has become a local "leading" brand, taking on the important task of receiving and treating critically ill pregnant women in the region.

according to the "nanfang + client" report, he shuming also led the team to establish the northwest regional emergency and critical maternal and childbirth treatment center in zhongshan, and was the first in the country to carry out research on "mirena conservative treatment of adenomyosis" and promoted it to major hospitals across the country.

in 2011, he shuming was promoted to the director of zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital. in the same year, the hospital was successfully rated as a top-level hospital, becoming the first town-level top-level hospital in china. however, he shuming still pointed out that the relative lack of talent, relatively backward discipline development, and insufficient academic atmosphere hindered the further development of the hospital.

to this end, she proposed the concept of "running a hospital well is like running a school", emphasizing that hospitals should not only improve the level of medical services, but also do a good job in training medical and nursing personnel. he shuming believes that hospitals should not blindly follow the trend, let alone be complacent, but should focus on talents, academics, education, training, scientific research, and actual combat.

through a series of reforms, zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital has been rated as "zhongshan city's excellent medical quality unit" for many consecutive years, and he shuming was also elected "national outstanding hospital director" in 2016. that year, only five people in guangdong province won this title.

in 2019, in the national tertiary public hospital performance assessment, zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital was rated b++, ranking among the top hospitals in the country as the only town-level tertiary hospital. in september 2022, the hospital was also identified as the first regional central hospital in zhongshan.

in order to promote the further development of the hospital, in july 2023, zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital was officially renamed zhongshan fifth people's hospital, officially joining the ranks of municipal hospitals. at the unveiling ceremony, he shuming attended as the party secretary and dean and made relevant speeches.

two months later, there were personnel changes in zhongshan xiaolan people's hospital. the hospital introduced a high-level talent from guangdong provincial people's hospital as the new director, but he shuming still retained the position of party secretary.

so far, the specific reason why he shuming was investigated is still unknown. after she stepped down as dean, in october 2023, the fourth round of inspections by the zhongshan municipal party committee and the fourth inspection team entered the xiaolan people's hospital of zhongshan for more than two months.

the inspection results released in january this year showed that the inspection team discovered prominent corruption risks in key areas of the hospital and transferred clues of problems involving hospital leaders to relevant departments for handling in accordance with regulations, until he shuming was investigated.

source: medical community

editor: wang hang

editor: zhao jing

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