
effective today! such areas can implement urban renewal in a continuous manner


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the "beijing urban renewal implementation unit delineation work guidelines (trial)" was officially implemented on september 10. it is reported that contiguous areas with poor environmental quality, major hidden dangers, urgent need to improve public service facilities and infrastructure, and not meeting the requirements of social and economic development will be prioritized as a unit for urban renewal.
according to the beijing urban renewal regulations, the district people's government may, based on the special urban renewal plan and relevant control detailed plan, demarcate regional comprehensive renewal projects or multiple urban renewal projects as an urban renewal implementation unit, and unify planning and overall implementation. in order to solve specific problems such as how to demarcate urban renewal implementation units and how to coordinate and promote the integrated renewal of districts and blocks, the municipal housing and urban-rural development commission and the municipal planning and natural resources commission jointly issued the "beijing urban renewal implementation unit demarcation work guidelines (trial)".
the "guidelines" clearly state that an urban renewal implementation unit refers to a relatively contiguous area of ​​urban renewal activities that is designated to facilitate the overall coordination of various resource allocations, balance the interests of multiple parties, optimize functional layout, supplement public service facilities, and achieve integrated renewal and sustainable development of areas. it can be a regional comprehensive renewal project, or it can include multiple other types of urban renewal projects such as residential, industrial, facility, and public space.
how to divide the urban renewal implementation units? according to the guidelines, the district governments will delineate the urban renewal implementation units based on the work priorities of highlighting the function of serving the capital, solving the urgent needs of the people, focusing on key functional areas and promoting the coordination of spatial resources. at the same time, the representatives of the relevant property rights holders or their authorized entities can also put forward their willingness and needs for the delineation of implementation units.
specifically, in order to solve the urgent needs of the people, each district will give priority to demarcating contiguous areas with poor environmental quality, major hidden dangers, urgent need to improve public service facilities and infrastructure, and those that do not meet the requirements of social and economic development based on assessments and physical examinations of building performance and fire safety.
in addition, in areas where there is a significant demand for overall regional transformation and upgrading, or where it is difficult to implement planned public service facilities, road and municipal facilities, and where it is difficult to balance the costs and benefits of transformation, urban renewal units can also be delineated through coordinated planning and combined packaging.
the guidelines also encourage property owners to renovate and remodel on their own. for areas where property owners have clear renewal needs and strong renewal intentions, representatives of relevant property owners can submit renewal intentions to the sub-district (township) in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
during the implementation of urban renewal projects, each district can also, based on a comprehensive consideration of the functional positioning of the surrounding areas, comprehensively calculate the land area and building scale of public service facilities required for the implementation units, and ensure the implementation of public service facilities through methods such as spatial potential, mixed use or time-sharing use.