
the general office of the state council issued a document proposing: improving the international competitiveness of travel services


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recently, the general office of the state council issued the "opinions on promoting high-quality development of trade in services with high-level opening up" (hereinafter referred to as the "opinions"). the "opinions" proposed to enhance the international competitiveness of travel services, actively develop inbound tourism, optimize visa and customs clearance policies, and improve the level of visa facilitation.

the opinions clearly stated that we should actively develop inbound tourism and enhance the international competitiveness of travel services. by optimizing visa and customs clearance policies, we will significantly improve the level of visa facilitation. we will provide diversified payment services in various public places and implement convenient accommodation policies and measures. we will encourage domestic shipping companies to actively expand new routes, build a more complete international shipping service network, and optimize the allocation of international air passenger resources to further enhance the travel experience of international tourists.

in addition, the opinions also emphasizes the support for cultural trade, and proposes to improve relevant policies and measures, promote the international development of chinese martial arts, go and other sports services and chinese time-honored catering brands, and enhance the international influence of chinese culture. at the same time, it promotes the deep integration of trade in services and trade in goods, optimizes the bonded supervision model, supports the development of diversified businesses in comprehensive bonded areas, and expands the import of high-quality services to meet the needs of residents' consumption upgrades and promote the development of life services in the direction of high quality.

the general office of the state council issued a document on promoting high-level opening up

opinions on the high-quality development of trade in services

guobanfa [2024] no. 44

the people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government, and all ministries, commissions, and directly affiliated agencies of the state council:

trade in services is an important part of international trade and an important area of ​​international economic and trade cooperation, and plays an important role in building a new development pattern. accelerating the development of trade in services is an inevitable requirement for expanding high-level opening up and cultivating new drivers of foreign trade development. in order to innovate and enhance trade in services, promote high-quality development of trade in services with high-level opening up, and accelerate the construction of a strong trading nation, the following opinions are hereby put forward with the approval of the state council.

i. general requirements

we will fully implement the spirit of the 20th national congress of the communist party of china and the second and third plenary sessions of the 20th central committee of the communist party of china, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, focus on promoting high-quality development, coordinate development and security, promote inclusive development through service opening up, promote linkage and integration through service cooperation, cultivate development momentum through service innovation, create a better future through service sharing, accelerate the process of digitalization, intelligence and greening of service trade, promote the growth of scale, optimization of structure, improvement of efficiency and enhancement of strength of service trade, and make greater contributions to building a new open economy system with a higher level and solidly advancing chinese-style modernization.

ii. promoting institutional opening-up of trade in services

(1) establish and improve a negative list management system for cross-border trade in services.fully implement the negative list for cross-border trade in services, establish a corresponding management system, and manage cross-border trade in services outside the negative list in accordance with the principle of equal treatment of domestic and foreign services and service providers. strengthen the connection between various administrative approvals, licenses, filings and other matters and the negative list for cross-border trade in services, and timely adjust the laws, regulations and normative documents that are inconsistent with the negative list. improve the management capacity of the negative list, strengthen the supervision of key industries, and optimize the supervision of cross-border flows of factors such as funds, technology, personnel, and data. establish a risk assessment, early warning and prevention and control mechanism for major opening-up measures in the service trade field, and strengthen risk monitoring in key sensitive areas. study and build a national cross-border trade in services information platform that is compatible with the negative list management, and strengthen information sharing among departments.

(2) play a leading role in opening-up platforms.we will expand independent opening-up, explore in depth the "top-down" and "bottom-up" opening-up paths, give full play to the opening-up and pressure-testing roles of the free trade pilot zones and hainan free trade port, and steadily promote the gradual opening-up of cross-border trade in services across the country. we will build a national demonstration zone for innovative development of trade in services, intensify exploration efforts in market access for cross-border trade in services, improve supervision of the entire chain of cross-border trade in services, establish risk management and monitoring and early warning mechanisms, and create a comprehensive reform and opening-up platform for trade in services and a highland for high-quality development.

(iii) strengthen rule alignment and regulatory coordination.we will implement the commitments and related rules on opening up trade in services in regional economic and trade arrangements such as the regional comprehensive economic partnership (rcep) with high quality, actively connect with international high-standard economic and trade rules such as the comprehensive and progressive agreement for trans-pacific partnership (cptpp), and deepen reforms in the domestic trade in services sector. with reference to the world trade organization's reference document on domestic regulation of trade in services, we will standardize licensing, qualifications and technical standards in the service sector, simplify licensing approval procedures, improve transparency of regulatory policies, and reduce the cost of cross-border trade in services. we will study and carry out certification of service providers.

(iv) improve the level of standardization of trade in services.implement the action plan for service trade standardization and speed up the formulation of service trade standards. carry out the internationalization of service trade standards and encourage the adoption of internationally accepted standards in qualified fields.

iii. promoting the cross-border flow of resource elements

(v) facilitate the cross-border flow of professional talents.provide convenience for the entry and exit of managers, technical personnel and their accompanying family members of foreign-invested enterprises. provide entry and exit convenience such as visa and residence permit for high-level foreign talents and their scientific research assistants to invest, start businesses, work, give lectures, and engage in economic and trade exchanges in china. smooth the channels for high-level foreign talents to start businesses in china, and allow foreign professionals to obtain domestic professional qualifications and employment opportunities in specific open fields in accordance with relevant requirements. support places with conditions to establish and improve the list of recognized foreign professional qualification certificates, and expand the pilot program of international mutual recognition of professional qualifications.

(6) optimize the management of cross-border capital flows.improve foreign exchange management measures, explore hierarchical management based on corporate credit, and improve the convenience of foreign exchange business for service trade and outbound investment in the service sector. expand the cross-border use of rmb in the service trade sector and support the development of rmb cross-border trade financing and refinancing business.

(vii) promote the transaction and application of technological achievements.improve the technology trade management and promotion system, build an innovation resource docking platform, expand the international technology cooperation network, promote the international operation of intellectual property rights, and facilitate the cross-border transfer of technology from r&d centers. standardize and explore ways to promote the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements through intellectual property securitization and technology insurance. encourage commercial banks to adopt financing methods such as intellectual property pledge and expected income pledge to promote the transformation and transaction of technological achievements.

(8) promote efficient, convenient and secure cross-border flow of dedicated channels for international internet data in qualified regions. support the establishment of an efficient, convenient and secure cross-border data flow mechanism under the framework of the national data cross-border transmission security management system, efficiently carry out security assessments for important data and personal information going abroad, and optimize the digital development environment for trade in services.

iv. promoting innovation and development in key areas

(ix) enhance international transport service capabilities. support domestic shipping companies to open new routes and improve the international shipping service network.we will promote the digitalization of shipping trade, expand the application of electronic cargo release and electronic bill of lading in the field of port shipping, optimize the layout of international air transport, and strengthen the support of the international air cargo network for the industrial chain and supply chain.further improve the efficiency of allocation of international passenger flight rights and time resources, and strengthen the connection between air transport capacity and supply and demand of inbound and outbound an international logistics service system and improve the level of cross-border express delivery services and international supply chain integrated service capabilities.

(10) enhance the international competitiveness of travel services. actively develop inbound tourism, optimize visa and customs clearance policies, and improve visa facilitation. improve the convenience of foreigners and residents of hong kong, macao and taiwan using electronic payments, as well as booking scenic spot tickets and purchasing car (ship) tickets with valid documents, and provide diversified payment services for foreign tourists in public places such as hotels, tourist attractions, and supermarkets. implement policies and measures to facilitate foreigners' accommodation in china.

(11) support the development of professional service trade.expand the export of special services, promote the concentrated development of service trade such as intellectual property, geographic information, and human resources, support professional service agencies such as finance, consulting, design, certification and accreditation, law, mediation, arbitration, accounting, language, supply chain, and standardization to enhance their international service capabilities, and cultivate new growth points for service trade. develop agricultural service trade to drive the export of agricultural materials, agricultural machinery, and agricultural technology. accelerate the development of education service trade, expand cooperation with world-renowned universities, and carry out high-level cooperative education in china. accelerate the high-end development of service outsourcing, vigorously develop biomedical r&d outsourcing and digital manufacturing outsourcing, support new service outsourcing models such as cloud outsourcing and platform subcontracting, and further drive the employment of key groups such as college graduates.

(xii) encourage the export of traditional advantageous services. further improve the policy measures to support the high-quality development of cultural trade. promote the export of sports services such as chinese martial arts and go. promote the healthy development of trade in traditional chinese medicine services, and actively develop "internet + traditional chinese medicine service trade". support well-known catering companies such as chinese time-honored brands to carry out international operations of chinese food brands and enhance the international influence of chinese catering culture.actively use digital technologies, artificial intelligence and other innovative service supply to enhance the international competitiveness of the service industry.

(13) promote the integrated development of trade in services and trade in goods.optimize the bonded supervision model, and support various regions to carry out "two-end-out" research and development, testing, maintenance, cultural relics and cultural artworks warehousing and display and other businesses based on comprehensive bonded areas.promote the integrated development of service trade and high-end manufacturing, refine and introduce special policy measures in the fields of biomedicine, aircraft, automobiles, construction machinery, etc., and support manufacturing enterprises in providing professional and comprehensive services with international competitiveness.

(xiv) expand the import of high-quality services. revise the catalogue of services encouraged for import and expand the import of productive services that are urgently needed in china. focus on the needs of residents' consumption upgrades and promote the import of high-quality life services such as medical care, health, culture and entertainment. introduce international high-quality events in qualified regions, hold foreign-related film screenings and exchange and cooperation activities, further enrich market supply, and promote the quality development of life services.

(15) promote green and low-carbon development.vigorously develop green technology and green service trade, and study and formulate a guidance catalogue for the import and export of green services. encourage the import of technologies and services such as energy conservation and carbon reduction, environmental protection, and ecological governance that are urgently needed in china, and expand the export of green energy-saving technologies and services. strengthen international cooperation in green technology and build a cooperation platform between enterprises.

5. expanding international market layout

(16) deepen international cooperation in services trade.implement the service trade global partnership network plan, consolidate key partnerships, and actively explore emerging markets. strengthen service trade and digital trade cooperation with countries participating in the belt and road initiative, further expand cooperation areas under the brics, sco and other mechanisms, and expand multilateral and regional cooperation in service trade. guide the use of local resource advantages and support qualified regions to build international cooperation parks for service trade.

(17) establish and improve a system to promote trade in services.encourage all regions to establish and improve mechanisms to promote the development of trade in services. strengthen the capacity building of service trade intermediary organizations, give full play to the role of overseas institutions, improve overseas trade promotion networks, and enhance overseas service levels. improve the functions of international commercial dispute prevention and resolution organizations, and improve overseas intellectual property rights protection assistance mechanisms. support cities with conditions to build legal service centers and international commercial arbitration centers. give full play to the role of important exhibition platforms such as the china international fair for trade in services, continuously enhance the visibility and influence of exhibitions, promote the construction of a market-oriented service trade exhibition pattern that is led by leading companies, has its own characteristics, and develops scientifically, and support enterprises to hold exhibitions overseas.

6. improve the support system

(18) innovation support policies and measures.make full use of existing central and local funding channels and relevant funds such as the guidance fund for the innovative development of trade in services, innovate support methods, and promote the development of trade in services. broaden corporate financing channels and encourage financial institutions to launch financial services that are adapted to the characteristics of trade in services. optimize export credit, and use diversified financial tools such as trade finance and equity investment to increase support for enterprises to explore international trade in services markets. increase support for export credit insurance, expand the coverage of trade in services, appropriately optimize underwriting methods for qualified small and medium-sized enterprises, and improve the level of convenience of insurance services. implement current relevant tax policies such as zero tax rate or tax exemption for service exports. support colleges and universities to strengthen the construction of disciplines and majors related to trade in services, promote the construction of think tanks for trade in services, and strengthen the training of professional talents for trade in services.

(19) improve the level of statistical monitoring.revise and improve the international service trade statistics monitoring system, and improve the full-caliber service trade statistics method. promote data exchange and information sharing among departments, improve the service trade statistics monitoring system and key enterprise contact system. study and establish a service trade statistics database, and improve the public service level of service trade statistics.

(20) strengthen regional cooperation in trade in services.we will leverage the regional advantages of the beijing-tianjin-hebei region, the yangtze river delta, the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area, and the chengdu-chongqing twin cities economic circle to build a regional public platform for the development of trade in services. we will enhance the leading role of the eastern region and cultivate a group of benchmark cities for trade in services. we will support the construction of a multi-level inland open platform in the central, western, and northeastern regions to promote innovative development of trade in services with advantages and characteristics. we will encourage the establishment of a cross-regional cooperation mechanism for trade in services to promote the efficient and rational flow of capital, talent, technology, data, and other resource elements.

all regions and relevant departments should fully realize the importance of vigorously developing trade in services from a holistic and strategic perspective, stimulate new momentum for the development of trade in services by expanding opening up and driving innovation, and implement these opinions. all regions should actively cultivate distinctive and advantageous industries in trade in services in light of local conditions. all relevant departments should strengthen coordination and cooperation, sort out and solve problems in the field of trade in services, improve policies related to the development of trade in services, and support the promotion of major reforms. the ministry of commerce should strengthen overall coordination, improve the working mechanism, ensure that various policies and measures are issued in a timely manner and implemented, and actively create an environment for the development of trade in services that expands opening up, encourages innovation, promotes fair competition, and is standardized and orderly. important matters should be reported to the party central committee and the state council in a timely manner.

general office of the state council

august 28, 2024