
"college entrance examination navigation": with the high standards recognized by the industry, it "escorts" tens of thousands of candidates in beijing every year


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the smoke of the 2024 college entrance examination has not yet completely dissipated, but the rally call for the 2025 college entrance examination has already begun. for candidates and parents, in addition to making academic and psychological preparations in advance, it is also very important to grasp the trend of the college entrance examination in a timely manner, understand the principles of college entrance examination questions and volunteer application strategies, etc., in order to win the college entrance examination. in this regard, candidates and parents in beijing are lucky, because every time the college entrance examination season comes, there is a "red book" called "college entrance examination navigation" to "escort" them.

from discussing the changes and constants of the new college entrance examination, the hierarchy, selectivity and practicality of the test questions, to the difficulty, discrimination, reliability and validity of the test questions; from explaining the grade assignment, college professional groups, and the strong foundation plan, to introducing specific methods and tools for improving grades, and experts’ advice on filling out college entrance examination volunteers... "college entrance examination navigation" not only reflects the professionalism of college entrance examination research, but also does a good job in serving candidates. since beijing started the new college entrance examination in 2020, this college entrance examination guidance book jointly launched by beijing city radio's "education face to face" column and jinghua education examination research institute has benefited tens of thousands of candidates in beijing every year.

different from the existing data and methods on the market, "college entrance examination navigation" better summarizes the regularity and scientificity

in june 2020, as the second batch of pilot cities for the new college entrance examination reform, beijing candidates ushered in the first college entrance examination after the reform, which is commonly known as the "new college entrance examination". when everyone still felt a little fresh and unfamiliar with this, the "college entrance examination navigation" was born as the first preparation for beijing new college entrance examination candidates.

zheng keqiang, an expert in beijing college entrance examination question setting and president of jinghua education examination institute, said that as one of the second batch of pilot cities for the new college entrance examination reform, beijing's first new college entrance examination plan in 2020 abolished the division between arts and sciences and introduced a policy of elective subjects, with 20 subject combinations, and the total college entrance examination score is calculated by graded points. faced with so many changes, it is crucial for candidates and parents to understand the new college entrance examination. for this reason, the book was compiled by authoritative media and many college entrance examination experts, who conducted in-depth research on the college entrance examination and preparation theories, summarized regular and scientific college entrance examination views and methods, and provided professional guidance to candidates.

nowadays, due to the anxiety and confusion of parents and candidates about the college entrance examination, a large number of books about the college entrance examination have appeared on the market. in this regard, zheng keqiang pointed out that the books about the college entrance examination on the market are mainly divided into two categories. one category is the review materials of various subjects, but the common problem of this type of books is the use of the tactic of a sea of ​​questions, but whether this high-intensity question-answering can improve students' abilities is still questionable. the other category is books on learning methods. this type of books often starts from personal experience and combines educational psychology theories. the advantage is that it can give candidates some inspiration, but the problem is that sometimes it sounds exciting but difficult to do.

"'gaokao navigation' is different from these two types of books. it does not have a tactic of flooding the exam with questions, nor does it have broad explanations. instead, it provides pertinent preparation guidance that best fits the direction and trend of the exam questions after in-depth research and judgment on the college entrance examination policies and question setting trends," zheng keqiang said. "after reading this book, your understanding of the college entrance examination may change dramatically. it will touch and make you think, and then you will move forward courageously. you can use it as a guidebook or a reference book. i suggest that parents and candidates read this book together, and use the content of the book to examine the shortcomings in the learning process and make continuous improvements."

wang shidong, principal of beijing university of technology affiliated high school, also believes that "college entrance examination navigation" is different from the review materials and study methods on the market. it has a large amount of data support, combined with rich cases and rational analysis, to better summarize the regularity and scientificity, and is easy to understand, providing practical methods and tools for parents and candidates.

from policy interpretation, volunteer application strategies to the "golden pyramid" framework, "college entrance examination navigation" has strong service

professor yang guoan, one of the world's outstanding chinese management masters, once proposed the "yang triangle" theory of organizational management, believing that in order to systematically build organizational capabilities to support strategic implementation, there must be three pillars: "employee thinking, employee capabilities, and employee governance." jinghua education examination research institute has also found in years of research that if students want to succeed in the college entrance examination, they also need to match strategy and organizational capabilities like managing a business or a project. so after years of college entrance examination teaching practice, they summarized the "golden pyramid" framework for college entrance examination success based on the introduction of management thinking. when you open the "college entrance examination navigation", you will see an introduction to this framework at the beginning, which shows its important role.

the "golden pyramid" framework consists of three parts: "senior high school consciousness", "learning ability" and "teaching management". taking "senior high school consciousness" as an example, the book lists harvard university's very famous follow-up survey on the impact of goals on people. the results showed that 25 years after the survey began, 3% of people with long-term goals at that time almost all became elites in all walks of life, 10% of people with clear goals but short-term goals became professionals in various fields, and 60% of people with vague goals lived a stable life or were in the lower middle class of society.

zheng keqiang pointed out that, similarly, success in the college entrance examination is the current goal of many college entrance examination candidates. the core reason why some candidates fail to achieve it is that they have not established the awareness of the third year of high school, that is, the awareness of planning, goal, struggle and efficiency. "when candidates work hard for a clear goal, their learning efficiency will be greatly improved, and they will have a higher awareness of time management. in this way, with the help of the jingcai score management system and efficiency manual and other tools, they can achieve an improvement in their scores," zheng keqiang said.

in addition, when talking about "learning ability", the "golden pyramid" also emphasizes that students should study the textbooks in depth, sort out the core knowledge and main content of the subject system, and understand the internal logic; they should flexibly use knowledge to solve various practical problems and improve their comprehensive abilities and qualities. in terms of "teaching management", it is proposed that a high-quality teaching team, a reasonable curriculum system, and a good learning atmosphere are the basic guarantees for improving grades.

in addition to providing readers with the methodology of the college entrance examination, the service of the book "college entrance examination navigation" is also reflected in many places. the third chapter of the book, "interpretation of beijing's new college entrance examination recruitment policy", specifically introduces the professional concepts related to the new college entrance examination, such as grade points, what is the professional group of colleges and universities, and matters needing attention in filling in the application. in addition, it also introduces the admission line and city ranking of the general batch of undergraduate admissions in beijing last year. the fourth chapter specifically introduces the "strategy for filling in the new college entrance examination volunteer". before introducing the four-step strategy of using historical data, filling in volunteers rationally, filling in the new college entrance examination volunteers "ten steps", and combining interest advantages to choose universities, majors and further studies, the book also introduces readers to career planning from salary reports, regional differences in colleges and universities, and comparisons between college entrance examinations, postgraduate entrance examinations, and civil service examinations, so that everyone has a deeper understanding of why to go to college and how to choose college majors. in addition, in the first chapter, "college entrance examination navigation" also introduces the score improvement management system, specific methods and practical tools for improving scores, etc., which is very practical.

in this regard, li qing, deputy director of the admissions office of beijing university of chemical technology, said that the college entrance examination navigator also provides unique and insightful thinking on the volunteer application method for the new college entrance examination, that is, to understand the volunteer application from the perspective of "life planning - career planning - academic planning - further study planning", and to plan in combination with comprehensive factors such as salary reports for future employment, personal development interests, circle of friends in college, and differences in college regions, providing parents and candidates with a systematic and comprehensive perspective for investigation. "the college entrance examination navigator combines theory and practice from the third year of high school to actual operation, from college entrance examination preparation to volunteer application, and provides strong guidance and reference value for how college entrance examination candidates understand the college entrance examination, how to study, and how to get good grades," huang xiaojun, deputy director of the curriculum department of guangqumen middle school, also pointed out.

firmly grasp the trend of the college entrance examination to provide principles and guidance, "college entrance examination navigation" is the best embodiment of the essence of professionalism

question 16 of the 2023 beijing college entrance examination geography created a scenario where middle school students from a certain school went to the sheyu river basin for field research. from searching for the industrial location of the chinese honeybee valley, to consulting literature, drawing and analyzing regional water environment changes, to discussing basin management measures, the test guides the candidates through the exploration process step by step. it tests students' understanding of the concept of human-land coordination and green development, and implements the examination of core geographical literacy. this question is designed with optional questions, giving students more room to show their talents.

the book "college entrance examination navigation" cited this case when talking about the "practicality" of the "three characteristics" of college entrance examination design, emphasizing that the new college entrance examination focuses on the application of knowledge, shifting from "problem solving" to "problem solving". it tells readers that the new college entrance examination questions increasingly require candidates to use scientific thinking methods, integrate subject knowledge and abilities, and face real and complex real-life situations to explore and solve problems, so everyone should learn and apply more flexibly.

in fact, this is only a small part of the principles and concepts of the college entrance examination mentioned in the book. the book uses a special chapter to analyze the principles of the new college entrance examination questions, involving the difficulty and characteristics of the test questions, the ideas and concepts of the questions, etc., so that candidates can grasp the logic of the questions from a higher level and review in a targeted manner. the analysis and grasp of the trend of the college entrance examination has become one of the important features of "college entrance examination navigation". in 2020, the first year of the new college entrance examination, zheng keqiang pointed out that there are five new trends in questions that deserve the attention of candidates and parents. the first is to cultivate morality and reflect the guiding role of the college entrance examination in teaching; the second is to attach importance to the examination of necessary knowledge of the subject and pay attention to the ability to understand knowledge; the third is to present new scenarios and real problems to test the ability to apply knowledge; the fourth is to increase graphics, data, operations, and exploration-type questions; the fifth is to return to the essence of the subject and focus on reflecting the core value of the subject.

this year, zeng yongzhi, the principal of jinghua education examination research institute, emphasized that the purpose of college entrance examination questions has gradually deepened, and the focus has developed from testing the ability to "do questions" to testing the ability to "do things", focusing on testing students' comprehensive abilities and subject literacy. in view of the fact that some basic knowledge and basic skills exposed by candidates in the college entrance examination are not solid and firm, most candidates do not have the ability to "discover problems from novel situations, build appropriate simplified models, and apply appropriate research methods to draw conclusions", as well as the problems that students still have in reading ability, information collection and reading ability, etc., zeng yongzhi suggested that students should pay attention to four trends in the future college entrance examination when preparing for the exam: first, the college entrance examination will work hard on "serving selection" and "strengthening the connection between teaching and examination, and guiding teaching". second, strengthen the examination of core subject literacy, core thinking and key abilities. third, pay attention to the development from testing "single content" to testing "holistic thinking", and attach importance to testing students' open thinking ability and comprehensive application ability. fourth, be close to social life and students' reality.

in fact, this "high-level" approach is precisely the embodiment of the strong professionalism of "gaokao navigation", and experts use the word "navigation" to refine this feature. liang xia, a special-grade political teacher in beijing and a subject leader of a municipal demonstration school in xicheng district, pointed out that this is a book that introduces from theory to practice what is senior year, what is the college entrance examination, how to study, and how to take the exam. it is a book that mainly guides the direction of senior year learning from a methodological point of view and helps navigation. the many student cases in the book allow zhang he, a special-grade mathematics teacher in beijing and a mathematics teaching and research member in haidian district, to see the good intentions and rich teaching experience of the author. in his words, from these cases students can "walk the path that their predecessors have walked, avoid potholes, and walk on a smooth road. this is navigation and a shortcut."

the reason why "college entrance examination navigation" can do this has a lot to do with the professionalism of jinghua education examination research institute, one of the main creative teams, in the field of college entrance examination research for more than 40 years. this is not only reflected in the fact that it is currently the largest repeater school in beijing, helping tens of thousands of students to enter their ideal colleges, among which hundreds of outstanding students have been admitted to tsinghua university and peking university. in addition, it also provides course support for government teacher training programs; when jinghua invites external schools to participate in its opening teaching and research, there will always be dozens of public school teachers to participate, and schools will come to participate in jinghua's examinations and academic analysis meetings; jinghua has also received many invitations from public schools and urban areas to give them lectures or share; public schools even purchase jinghua's second round of exercise books and wrong question books... these all show from one side that jinghua's research and training capabilities have been recognized by the industry.
