
2024 chengdu auto show: interview with liu yanzhao, vice president of great wall motor group and ceo of weipai new energy


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phoenix auto news: on september 2, at this year's chengdu auto show, the phoenix front-line reporting team had the honor of interviewing liu yanzhao, vice president of great wall motor group and ceo of weipai new energy, and tan jian, executive vice president of weipai, and had an in-depth exchange on many issues of concern to friends, including weipai's new blue mountain, direct sales system, end-to-end large-model intelligent driving, etc.

1. as the flagship product of great wall motors' intelligentization, has the new blue mountain been optimized in terms of channel construction to ensure that the new blue mountain is fully delivered to consumers from the production end/service end, so that consumers can feel the new purchasing power? in addition, the press conference materials for the new blue mountain are relatively restrained. have you ever thought about making some direct comparisons with competing products?

liu yanzhao: on the service side, some time ago, mr. wei started to inspect stores and deliver goods wearing the uniforms of great wall smart selection. in the current environment, direct sales are a heavy asset investment. and great wall motors has actually made a lot of heavy asset investments. first of all, this stems from the heartfelt love of car manufacturing by mr. wei's generation of automotive people. because of the love, great wall motors insists on excessive investment in heavy assets, and has a strategic layout in the entire industry chain, from new energy to gasoline and diesel, from 4 cylinders to 6 cylinders and 8 cylinders, from 4-speed electric hybrid to 8-speed dht and 9at, relying on forest ecology, as well as the differentiated competitive advantages of multiple categories, multiple levels, and multiple powers to meet the diverse needs of global users.

in the product operation of the new blue mountain, service is indispensable. as we all know, the price war has been serious recently. you can even buy the main model for less than 200,000 yuan. if you spend 300,000 yuan to buy a domestic car, the new blue mountain, you have to give users 300,000 yuan of value. therefore, in the service dimension, we are also making heavy asset investments to create a "hexagonal warrior" with no shortcomings, which is also one of the heavy asset investments.

the second heavy asset investment is to use direct sales to make samples. after the samples are made, all distribution systems are implemented based on direct sales. in the distribution dimension, the blue mountain cost expert system is established to make the service level super value, not 300,000 yuan, but a million-level service level.

2. is there a timeline for the direct sales system?

liu yanzhao: no, now it is more of a complementary state. direct sales and dealerships are a system, but the investors are different. in the direct sales system, we will have a direct sales team internally, but this direct sales team is independent of us and is one of our major dealers.

3. as the most important strategic model of great wall's pioneer brand in its intelligent transformation, what plans does weipai have for the second half of the year in terms of end-to-end large-model intelligent driving?

liu yanzhao: at present, great wall motors has completed the construction of the overall intelligent architecture. in the field of smart cockpits, through the advantages in software and hardware integration and system capabilities, our smart cockpit, in the evaluation of antutu and master lu, even though the hardware parameters are slightly lower than those of competitors, still achieves higher performance (running score is 50,000 points higher).

two or three years ago, the hardware of many android phones, such as a-series chips, memory ram, etc., was actually greater than that of apple phones, but people still paid high prices to buy apple phones, and the core reason was the difference in fluency. now, great wall motors has an intelligent r&d team of more than 6,000 people, and its intelligent system architecture has achieved leadership, truly mastering the ability to integrate software and hardware in its own hands. mr. wei, you also mentioned at the launch conference of the new blue mountain that there were indeed some difficulties before, because the development model of the car machine and the car regulations at that time used tl1. although the technology was top-notch, in terms of interaction, each car company would have a gap due to the influence of memory and computing power. therefore, only by mastering the core intelligent technology in your own hands can you know the allocation of computing resources more clearly and realize the leading position of the intelligent car machine system.

in the dimension of intelligent driving, through the solution of laser radar and vision fusion, an end-to-end model is introduced, and a computing mode similar to the human brain is used to automatically adapt to different driving scenarios and provide more humane driving strategies. for example, before, when a car was in the middle lane of a large vehicle on the highway, the co-pilot would feel that it was too close to the face, but with the addition of an end-to-end large model, the vehicle will subconsciously dodge and feel safer. moreover, this model has the ability to continuously learn and optimize. as the number of vehicle deliveries increases, the model's algorithm will become more accurate and closer to human driving methods through actual driving data.

4. when will weilai’s new blue mountain urban noa be put into mass production?

liu yanzhao: the new blue mountain will be delivered as soon as it is launched.

5. what is the current coverage of the new blue mountain’s noa smart driving city?

liu yanzhao: at present, the four cities of baoding, chengdu, shenzhen and chongqing have all been opened for service, and it is planned that “the whole country will be opened for service” in the fourth quarter.

tan jian: let me add that we originally agreed to open it by the end of the year. but after looking at the road running and test data, the results are very unexpected, so the pace will be faster. in addition, many brands are currently promoting the end-to-end large model just mentioned. but one thing is that end-to-end can be divided into many types, such as the first stage, the second stage, and the third stage. the new blue mountain's intelligent driving end-to-end can reach the first echelon because it has achieved the third stage, which realizes full-link control from perception to control. this is why the new blue mountain can achieve leading response speed and iteration speed. basically, the data is updated rapidly every week to accelerate ota upgrades, and users can clearly experience that intelligent driving is improving every day.

6. do you mean that the new blue mountain intelligent driving end-to-end model directly models the control system?

tan jian: we directly skipped the process from perception to control and achieved integration with leading algorithms. this is why the new blue mountain was able to achieve leadership in a short period of time.

7. will the new blue mountain hardware system be distributed to other products in the future?

liu yanzhao: yes, we have a detailed product plan.

8. now many car companies will make some high-end intelligent driving for their high-end products. for the wei brand, what level or position does high-end intelligent driving have?

liu yanzhao: ultra, the top one. great wall motors is at the level of "sweeping monk" in intelligent driving. since 2011, great wall motors has started to invest in the research and development of intelligent driving and dig deep into different routes. i said at that time: experience and experience are two different things. knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each route, all the tuition fees are not paid in vain. we have such results now because we have accumulated a lot of things before.

tan jian: and the core of this is talent. the development of intelligent driving technology requires continuous investment, including funds, talents and resources. this investment is not a one-time thing, but a long-term process. without good business quality and strong corporate endorsement, this thing will not work.

9. since the beginning of this year, perhaps influenced by xiaomi, there has been a wave of traffic focus in the industry, and many car company bosses have come to the front desk to do live broadcasts. what do you think about the relationship between traffic and sales?

liu yanzhao: traffic can only be converted into sales if there are good products to receive it. we are not internet celebrities, but we are still running a business, so everything depends on efficiency. efficient traffic is the good traffic we pursue.

tan jian: traffic related to products and users is the real traffic. we don’t care about putting the two together and creating gimmicks to attract traffic.

liu yanzhao: so we must first have the firsts in antutu and master lu. it is valuable to generate traffic with these firsts, because there are real things. when traffic comes and sees that they are good, they can go and experience them, and they can be tempted or converted. if it is just a gimmick, it will be gone after it is done, and everyone will just talk about it after dinner. this is our point of view.

10. the sales of the new blue mountain exceeded 8,500 units within 24 hours after its launch. could you please share with us what is the secret behind the success of this car?

liu yanzhao: the secret is that great wall motors has spared no effort in over-development. the new blue mountain has no shortcomings in any dimension. many media teachers felt very good after experiencing it, and they all asked us if there were any discounts. yesterday, when delivering the car to the user, we also shared with our users "why the new blue mountain experience is very good". because wei brand is a pioneer brand of great wall motors. we have an internal independent brand topic "uncompromising basic performance", driving, turning, and stopping. five years ago, many people experienced the blue mountain and felt that the car was well made, with good shape and comfortable seats, but it couldn't be pk once it was driven.

our strategic partner, the senior leaders of continental, came to beijing for a meeting. several executives were speechless after experiencing the car. they used to praise our good appearance, but now they are speechless. i think they are shocked. they used to be like a college student saying to a junior high school student, "you have learned well." because they thought we were not as good as them, but now they suddenly realize that we have become a force to be reckoned with. the senior executives of bmw and mini drove the car without saying a word. i am very proud of this. this is really a pride for chinese companies and chinese car manufacturing.

the secret lies in our intelligent experience. great wall motors has integrated the latest and most advanced intelligent technologies into the new blue mountain. through the technical support of super hardware configuration, end-to-end large model, and supercomputing center, it has created the industry's top intelligent driving system coffee pilot ultra. the whole car is equipped with 27 smart sensors, which can realize 30 l2+ intelligent driving assistance functions such as high-speed noa and urban noa. the more you drive, the smarter it is, and the easier it is to drive. it is undoubtedly the first-tier intelligent driving assistance system in the industry. only when you truly master the technology and ability in your own hands will the other party respect you.

the secret lies in the unreserved passion of great wall motors to build good cars for users. great wall motors has 34 years of solid car-making experience and has built a profound forest ecological experience. president wei also mentioned when talking about hi4 that it is really a good thing that only a technical genius can think of. it sounds simple, but it is very difficult to achieve. hi4 is not just a simple combination of motor + battery + four-wheel drive. there are gears in hi4, and the gears require the technical level of dct and at. because we have 9at and 9dct, hi4 can achieve the best hybrid performance in plug-in hybrid. the new blue mountain power output mode is richer than the extended-range type. in addition to pure electric and hybrid power, it also has a variety of direct drive and parallel working modes, achieving the optimal balance between energy efficiency and performance in all scenarios, bringing users a more intelligent and efficient driving experience. especially in high-speed/power-feeding operating scenarios, the hi4 performance version has obvious advantages over the extended-range type. in addition, in terms of driving experience, the new blue mountain is equipped with a master-level luxury car chassis created by suv experts. as the earliest suv expert in china focusing on the niche market, great wall understands the needs of chinese families better and has been committed to improving the suv driving comfort experience for many years. the electronically controlled shock absorber + five-link independent suspension + master-level chassis tuning and optimization have created a driving experience of a million-level luxury car, making the experience more comfortable and luxurious.

11. i test drove the new blue mountain a few days ago and found that it has a strong ability to bypass space in chongqing, and the upper limit is completely opened. what is the schedule for the next version of the new blue mountain? if it is a monthly version, will it be a small version or a large version?

liu yanzhao: two logics. the monthly version or major version you mentioned just now is actually based on the original so-called underlying algorithms and rules. after the introduction of the intelligent driving big model, this has been consolidated. for example, 8,000 units were delivered this month, and each car ran 2,000 kilometers. after the data of 16 million kilometers is calculated, the cloud platform will learn and become smarter. therefore, strictly speaking, there will be no particularly large version iterations, it has been upgrading. you experienced this car in chongqing in early july, and it will be different if you experience it again in chongqing now.

just now you mentioned that the price of bba has reached over 200,000 or even over 100,000 yuan. the new blue mountain product is priced at 300,000 yuan. in fact, the pressure on wei’s brand building is quite high. what are your considerations in brand building?

12. the second question is about the creation of technology brands. it is very competitive now. many people don’t like to use the word “competitive” anymore. however, once it comes to the technical level, everyone starts talking about end-to-end and saying that any road in the country can be built. soon this area will become a red ocean. how can technology platforms make everyone feel that our technology is awesome during the dissemination process?

liu yanzhao: in the past 10 to 20 years of product dividend stage, great wall motors has always had an engineering mindset. at that time, automobile products were in the era of big brands. now it is in the era of inventory. if i sell more, you will sell less. in this case, the technological advantage and everyone's impression of you as awesome are all issues of brand building.

in this dimension, first, we will spare no effort to integrate technology brand building with product sales evaluation.

second, we have set up a special team, and based on the current catalyst environment, we will do this with more interesting content that is more realistic and will truly benefit everyone's experience.

tan jian: i would like to make a supplement about brand building. with the popularization of new energy in recent years, the automobile industry has entered a stage of rapid development, and the elimination rate of the industry is very high. three years ago, there were more than 400 brands in china, but now there are only dozens left. at this critical moment, we still believe that brands should return to their essence. brand building is a long-term behavior, and bottom-line thinking is still the solid foundation for our great wall motors to build a brand.

moreover, our goal now is not just to focus on the domestic market. whether it is tank, wei brand or other brands of great wall, we want to stand out among the world brands. this is the direction we are working towards. whether it is wei brand or other brands of great wall motors, the goal is to become a global and quality market brand, to do long-term brand building, to let the high-end image of chinese brands and the image of product quality be seen by the whole world, rather than just focusing on the domestic market.

(text/yang dan)

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