
comment: to promote the accelerated development of new formats and new fields, it is urgent to optimize the market access environment


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huang weiting (deputy director of the decision-making and consulting department of the china macroeconomic research institute)

the decision of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee proposed to improve the market access system and optimize the market access environment for new formats and new fields. on august 30, the relevant person in charge of the national development and reform commission stated at a press conference that the next step will be to carry out pilot projects for access to new formats and new fields, and launch a batch of special market access measures in the fields of deep sea, life and health, new energy, artificial intelligence, etc., focusing on strategic emerging industries, key areas of future industries and major productivity layouts, actively explore more efficient and convenient access mechanisms, promote the application of innovative achievements in key areas, and improve market access efficiency. market access is an important condition for accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity. optimizing the market access environment for new formats and new fields is conducive to accelerating the research and development of new technologies and new products, promoting better and faster development of new fields and new formats, and providing a continuous source of new momentum for the development of new quality productivity.

challenges and opportunities in developing new business models and fields

from a strategic perspective, opening up new formats and new fields of development is to seize the development opportunities and win the commanding heights of future competition. at present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is advancing by leaps and bounds. a number of new tracks with major global impacts, such as artificial intelligence, life sciences, new energy, and new materials, are accelerating their formation and are at a critical stage of industrialization and commercialization. the era of great change is bound to be an era of great competition. whether at the national level, regional level or enterprise level, the corresponding competition and cooperation relationships have become more complex, and all kinds of actors are striving to seize the commanding heights of future competition. the report of the 20th national congress of the communist party of china proposed "opening up new fields and new tracks for development, and constantly shaping new momentum and new advantages for development". the third plenary session of the 20th central committee of the communist party of china made important arrangements from the institutional and mechanism level, such as "building a system and mechanism to support comprehensive innovation" and "optimizing the market access environment for new formats and new fields", optimizing the system and mechanism matching from source innovation to industrialization and commercialization.

from the perspective of economic and technological characteristics, the development of new formats and new fields is an exploration and competition process under the condition of "the unknown is greater than the known". on the one hand, the development of new formats and new fields naturally has huge uncertainties in multiple dimensions such as technical routes, operating models, and market prospects. on the other hand, if development breakthroughs and competitive breakthroughs are successfully achieved, it will also bring huge benefits. in summary, for scientific and technological achievements to become real productivity, they need to cross the "fuzzy area" of business opportunity identification and application of related concepts, the "devil's river" from laboratory samples to commercial pilot tests, the "valley of death" after entering small-scale production or pilot tests, and the "darwin sea" of survival of the fittest in the marketization stage. the market is driven by interests, and new formats are also born for profit. under such economic and technological characteristics, the market, especially capital, may have completely different attitudes towards the development of new formats and new fields. for example, new formats and new fields with good industrialization and commercialization expectations, especially those that have already begun to emerge, may attract capital to flock in, and even form a certain degree of duplication and excessive competition. at present, global investment in the field of artificial intelligence is a vivid example. however, some areas that are still in the early stages of technological breakthroughs and where industrialization and commercialization expectations are unclear may be ignored due to a lack of sufficient economic incentives.

optimize the market access environment and in-process and post-process supervision

new things call for new governance. in view of the great strategic significance of opening up new formats and new fields, we must adhere to the orientation of promoting development, and on this basis, promote the organic combination of effective markets and effective governments in light of their economic and technological characteristics, so as to form a joint force to promote the high-quality development of new formats and new fields.

first, adhere to the strategy of "loose entry and strict management". the so-called "loose entry" means implementing the negative list system for market access. all types of business entities can enter the fields outside the list equally according to law. it should be strictly prohibited to establish access permits, add access conditions, formulate market access nature, or set up access barriers in the process of implementing franchise, designated operation, testing and certification. for most new formats and new fields, they are theoretically in the state of "outside the list and inside the system". "outside the list" means that new formats and new fields are naturally not included in the negative list for market access because of their "newness". "inside the system" means that the development after access must comply with the basic system of the market economy. however, from a realistic point of view, some new formats and new fields are related to national security, the lifeline of the national economy, and involve major productivity layout, strategic resource development, and major public interests. they are indeed included in the negative list. for this, social and economic benefits should be considered in a coordinated manner. on the premise of safeguarding major public interests, unnecessary ex ante access restrictions should be minimized. the so-called "strict management" means strengthening in-process and post-process supervision in accordance with the requirements of both "letting go" and "controlling". strengthening supervision during and after the event does not mean wantonly expanding the scope of supervision or increasing regulatory links, nor does it mean "rigid supervision" or "death supervision". instead, it means adhering to a problem-oriented approach and implementing necessary supervision on issues such as obstructions to fair competition and imbalances in social justice that may exist in new business forms and new fields.

secondly, we should adhere to the concept of "prudence and tolerance". the so-called "tolerance" means that we should treat the development of new formats and new fields with a tolerant attitude, especially highlight the tolerance of innovative behaviors, have a high tolerance for the development of new formats and new fields that break through traditional boundaries and touch new fields, and should not restrict their development just because they are new things, and effectively create a relaxed environment for the development of new formats and new fields. the so-called "prudence" means that we should not mechanically indulge in various illegal and irregular behaviors in the development process in the name of strategic importance, and disrupt the normal social and economic order. from a strategic perspective, prudence emphasizes more on keeping the bottom line. under the concept of "prudence and tolerance", the actual intervention time and disposal measures of supervision are all a weighing process. in terms of intervention time, supervision must track the development of new formats and new fields throughout the process to dynamically grasp their development stages and determine the actual intervention time. generally speaking, if the actual intervention time is too early, the development of new formats and new fields may be blocked or even unable to develop, while if the actual supervision intervention is too late, it may lead to the growth of illegal and irregular behaviors, affect the market and social operation, and put greater pressure on subsequent supervision. in terms of regulatory disposal, we must always take different forms of regulatory measures within the framework of the rule of law, taking into account the nature, circumstances and harm. of course, this is a proposition that is controversial in theory and difficult in practice. overall, we must uphold the principle that everyone is equal before the law, take into account the appropriateness of regulatory measures, the nature of the public interests involved and the degree of infringement on citizens' rights and interests, ensure that supervision does not deviate from formal and substantive standards, and implement a fault-tolerant and error-correcting mechanism under controllable conditions.

third, adhere to the principle path of standard guidance, open scenarios, market promotion, industry agglomeration, and system upgrading. the general office of the cpc central committee and the general office of the state council recently issued the "opinions on improving the market access system", which clearly put forward the principle path of "standard guidance, open scenarios, market promotion, industry agglomeration, and system upgrading" to optimize the market access environment of new formats and new fields. it not only reflects "loose entry and strict management" and "prudent tolerance", but also fully considers the current characteristics of the market access environment of new formats and new fields. the biggest feature of the above principle path is to adhere to the guidance of standards, not only "establish standards" around the industry, but also "use standards" in the whole chain of development such as scenarios, markets, clusters, and upgrades. this will not only improve the access efficiency, but also lead the new formats and new fields to achieve high-quality development. the key issue is what standards to set and how to set these standards. as mentioned above, from the perspective of the economic and technological characteristics of new formats and new fields, whether it is the technical route or the industrialization and commercialization route, there is a great deal of uncertainty. it is not appropriate and difficult to set detailed technical standards like mature industries. at the same time, it should also avoid individual enterprises or interest groups using standards to restrict competition and damage social fairness and justice.

supervision is essentially the governance of public risks. from a rational and development-oriented perspective, the regulatory level should adhere to the functional principle to set standards for new formats and new fields. these functions mainly include maintaining the bottom line of technical safety and solving externalities. it is necessary to focus on these aspects to build safety standards and administrative management norms that are compatible with the development of new formats and new fields. as for some technical standards and norms that can drive upstream and downstream cooperation in the industry and establish industrial ecosystem synergy, they can be handed over to industry associations and other organizations to formulate and implement, and should not be included in the scope of mandatory supervision. in the process of setting standards, it is necessary to fully listen to the opinions of stakeholders such as enterprises and experts, and appropriately learn from and absorb international advanced experience. under the guidance of standards, it is necessary to open up scenarios, let the market mechanism play its full role, allow willing enterprises and capital to enter new formats and new fields, actively innovate and extend market application scenarios, and promote the vigorous development of new formats and new fields.

practical requirements for optimizing the market access environment

first, we need to further deepen our understanding and truly grasp the inclusiveness of the market access "environment" and the innovation space it contains. in the final analysis, the development of new formats and new fields requires a good development environment, and the market access environment is part of the development environment. regarding the market access issues of new formats and new fields, the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee emphasized the market access "environment", which is more systematic, more inclusive and has more innovation space, rather than the market access "system", which highlights the promotion of development orientation and tolerance of innovation. in specific practice, we should deeply grasp the profound meaning of the above wording and truly "accommodate differences and keep the bottom line".

second, we should strengthen pilot projects and summarize experiences in a timely manner, and accelerate the promotion of "one list for the whole country" and "unified national standards". the "opinions on improving the market access system" issued by the general office of the cpc central committee and the general office of the state council has proposed the establishment of a unified negative list for market access across the country. in the process of compiling and forming a unified list for the whole country, we should focus on the technical and economic characteristics of new formats and new fields, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, and limit the catalog of new formats and new fields in various existing lists as much as possible, and revise them in a timely manner according to the latest developments in technology and industrial development. we should continue to take the lead in pilot projects in key areas around strategic emerging industries, key areas of future industries and major productivity layouts, formulate and introduce special measures to relax market access in batches, and strengthen the dynamic connection between the one list for the whole country and the industrial access policies of specific regions. at the same time, in accordance with the principle of "standard-led", we should also form a "unified national standard" as soon as possible. similarly, we should strengthen pilot work in key areas and key areas and summarize experiences in a timely manner to provide experience accumulation for the dynamic adjustment of the one list for the whole country and the formulation of unified national standards. in the process of pilot projects and standard formulation, we should encourage key enterprises, research institutions and other innovative units and pilot areas to actively participate in the formulation of international market access rules and standards, so as to better promote the system upgrade of the development of new formats and new fields in my country.

third, with the goal of improving the effectiveness of comprehensive governance, we will promote the formation of a coordinated pattern of government supervision, corporate consciousness, industry self-discipline, and social supervision. we will strengthen the construction of basic regulatory systems in light of the economic and technological characteristics of new formats and new fields, make good use of information technology and other means, establish a unified regulatory data collection, monitoring, analysis and early warning system, optimize the cross-departmental access comprehensive regulatory mechanism, and accelerate the compilation of a nationwide market access efficiency evaluation index system based on the summary of pilot experience. we will use evaluation as a starting point to promote the optimization of the market access environment, focus on cultivating a team of regulatory talents based on professional ethics, supported by professional capabilities, and regulated by regulatory systems, and improve the government's regulatory capabilities and levels. we will improve the corresponding incentive and constraint mechanisms, promote enterprises to strengthen internal compliance management and risk management, advocate enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities, and effectively enhance their self-discipline capabilities. we will give full play to the self-discipline role of industry associations, industrial alliances, standard organizations, etc., formulate and publish standardized operating guidelines for relevant industry fields, establish and improve industry autonomy and management rules, and comprehensively regulate intermediary services. we will open up various social supervision channels, improve the incentive mechanism for public participation in supervision, and encourage and support supervision from all aspects of society.