
yang jie: adhere to and implement the "two unshakable" principles to stimulate strong momentum for building chinese-style modernization


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the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee is an important meeting of overall, strategic and historical significance, held at a critical period of comprehensively promoting the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation with chinese-style modernization. the "decision of the cpc central committee on further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting chinese-style modernization" (hereinafter referred to as the "decision") reviewed and adopted by the plenary session is a programmatic document guiding the further comprehensive deepening of reform on the new journey, and will surely provide strong impetus and institutional guarantee for chinese-style modernization.
in his explanation of the decision, general secretary xi jinping particularly emphasized that we should pay attention to the leading role of economic system reform. the decision places the construction of a high-level socialist market economic system in a prominent position, emphasizes "upholding and improving the socialist basic economic system", and requires "upholding and implementing the 'two unshakable'" and "promoting the complementary advantages and common development of various ownership economies", which fully reflects that both the public economy and the non-public economy are important forces in promoting china's modernization construction and important supports for the construction of a modern industrial system. they must assume greater responsibilities and achieve greater development in the new era and new journey. regarding the development of the public economy, general secretary xi jinping further pointed out that we should focus on strengthening the core functions of state-owned enterprises and improving their core competitiveness, promote the optimization of the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy, and promote the strengthening, optimization and expansion of state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises. to implement this decision and deployment, state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises should further deepen reforms, better fulfill their strategic missions, and play a greater role in promoting scientific and technological innovation, optimizing industrial layout, and promoting common development.
first, we should give full play to the role of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises as "powerful weapons" in the national strategic scientific and technological forces, and promote the integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. the "decision" emphasizes that the institutional arrangements for state-owned enterprises to promote original innovation should be improved; the coordination of innovation resources and the organization of forces should be strengthened to promote the integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. from a practical point of view, many major original innovations and breakthrough innovations in history have been produced under the impetus of national power and the national system. with the in-depth development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, the world today has entered the era of big science and big engineering, and the new national system has become a key magic weapon to conquer the frontiers of science and technology and lead the direction of global scientific and technological development. state-owned enterprises, especially central enterprises, as the backbone supporting force in the new national system, have gathered important national scientific and technological innovation resources, and must play the role of "main force" in the integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. through further deepening reform, we should strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, focus on improving original innovation capabilities, strengthen the forward-looking and leading layout in basic research fields, cross-cutting frontier fields, and key fields, actively integrate into the global innovation network, attract and gather high-quality innovation resources at home and abroad, and lay the foundation for producing more original results "from 0 to 1". it is necessary to promptly apply the results of scientific and technological innovation to specific industries, accelerate the establishment of a modern industrial system from technology to industrial application, and promote the rapid transformation of more scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces.
second, we should give full play to the "strategic support" role of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in the layout of modern industries, and accelerate the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy. the "decision" emphasizes that we should promote the optimization of the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy, promote the concentration of state-owned capital in important industries and key areas related to national security and the lifeline of the national economy, in public services, emergency response capabilities, public welfare areas related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and in forward-looking strategic emerging industries; improve the system to promote the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy, and accelerate the popularization and application of the new generation of information technology in all directions and throughout the chain. from a practical point of view, with the accelerated breakthrough of the application of the new generation of information technology, data has become a new production factor, computing power has become a new basic energy, and artificial intelligence has become a new production tool, which is systematically reshaping the production, life, and governance methods, triggering a larger range and deeper level of quality change, power change, and efficiency change. data, computing power, and artificial intelligence have become important directions for state-owned enterprises to layout emerging industries and promote the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy. we should further deepen reforms, give full play to the leading role of central enterprises in building a modern industrial system, lay out strategic emerging industries and future industries with greater efforts, accelerate the cultivation and expansion of new industries such as low-altitude economy, satellite internet, and intelligent networked vehicles, and accelerate the maturity of new business forms and models such as humanoid robots and brain-computer interfaces. we should promote the deep integration of new-generation information technology into key links such as enterprise r&d design, production and manufacturing, marketing services, and operation management, explore new production methods such as ultra-large-scale customization, flexible manufacturing, and agile development, and help the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the industry.
third, the role of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises as the "mainstay" in promoting the common development of various ownership economies should be brought into play, so as to stimulate the endogenous motivation and innovative vitality of the whole society. the decision emphasizes that the role of the market mechanism must be better played, a fairer and more dynamic market environment must be created, the efficiency of resource allocation must be optimized and the benefits must be maximized, the endogenous motivation and innovative vitality of the whole society must be stimulated, and the advantages of various ownership economies must be complementary and developed together. from a practical point of view, although the ownership components of the public and non-public economies are different, they each have their own advantages. state-owned enterprises have advantages in resources, scale, technology, channels, and brands over private enterprises, while private enterprises have advantages in flexible systems and mechanisms, short decision-making chains, and fast market responses over state-owned enterprises. the joint innovation of the two can achieve complementary advantages and jointly expand a broader market space and growth potential. it is necessary to further deepen reforms, improve the market-oriented allocation of innovation factors, improve the institutional mechanisms for the smooth flow of innovation resources such as funds, talents, and technology, build an operating environment that encourages innovation and tolerates failure, and create a practical atmosphere of courage to take responsibility and dare to try, so as to stimulate market vitality and social creativity to the greatest extent. we must better play the leading role of state-owned enterprises, especially central enterprises, and build an innovation consortium of industry, academia, research and application dominated by leading science and technology enterprises, with large, medium and small enterprises participating jointly, and upstream and downstream of the industrial chain cooperating closely. we must promote in-depth joint innovation and collaborative research among various ownership structures and types of entities, and provide more complete institutional guarantees, stronger capability support, and a more powerful source of motivation for china's modernization.
as a strategic, basic and leading industry supporting economic and social development, my country's information and communication industry has been reforming and developing in the process of development. from the blank of 1g, the follow-up of 2g to the breakthrough of 3g, the parallel development of 4g and the leadership of 5g, the reform has played a key breakthrough and leading role. as a central enterprise in the field of information and communication, china mobile was born out of reform and prospered because of reform. over the past 20 years since its establishment, china mobile has resolutely implemented the decisions and deployments of the party central committee, and has always regarded reform as a key move for high-quality and sustainable development. it has become a telecommunications operator that is "the world's first" in terms of revenue scale, network scale and customer scale, and "the world's leading" in terms of innovation capability, brand value, company market value and profitability. especially in terms of scientific and technological innovation, the number of international invention patents and international standards ranks first among global communication operators. the "key technologies and applications of the fourth generation mobile communication system (td-lte)" won the special prize of the national science and technology progress award, and the "key technologies and engineering applications of the fifth generation mobile communication system (5g)" won the first prize of the national science and technology progress award. the "pofeng 8676" reconfigurable 5g rf transceiver chip was selected as one of the top ten national heavy equipment of central enterprises in 2023, and won the sasac's outstanding contribution award for scientific and technological innovation for two consecutive times, providing strong support for the country's scientific and technological self-reliance.
standing at a new starting point, china mobile will thoroughly implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee, firmly grasp the mission and responsibility of state-owned central enterprises, consciously place reform in a more prominent position, implement the development strategy of creating a world-class "power building", anchor the development positioning of "world-class information service technology innovation company", promote industrial innovation with technological innovation, vigorously expand new areas and new tracks of information services, bravely become the pioneer and vanguard in developing new quality productivity, and take greater steps towards becoming a world-class enterprise with excellent products, outstanding brands, leading innovation and modern governance.
first, focus on the primary task of high-quality development and win incremental development through reform. high-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. to further strengthen, optimize and expand state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to promote the optimization of the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy, and effectively achieve new breakthroughs in improving the core competitiveness of enterprises and enhancing core functions. china mobile will adhere to the "hard truth of the new era" of high-quality development, improve the system and mechanism for developing new quality productivity, systematically layout strategic emerging industries and future industries, and accelerate the cultivation and expansion of new fields and new tracks; fully implement the "artificial intelligence +" action, establish a scientific and efficient ai product innovation mechanism, promote the large-scale development and large-scale application of ai, release the ai ​​+ scale effect, and inject intelligence and empowerment into thousands of industries and households; improve the international business development system, enhance the global allocation capabilities of technology, capital, and talent factors, and continuously improve the level of international operations.
second, we should closely follow the high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and stimulate the energy of innovation through reform. building a system and mechanism to support comprehensive innovation and stimulating the scientific and technological innovation vitality of state-owned enterprises is a key measure to achieve my country's high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and an important path to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and improve the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises. china mobile will actively play the role of the main body of enterprise scientific and technological innovation, optimize the organizational mechanism of major scientific and technological innovation, and implement the "basic6" science and technology innovation plan in depth. for key areas such as big data, artificial intelligence, security, capability middle platform, computing network, and 6g, we will break through more independent core technologies and produce a batch of hard-core scientific and technological achievements; comprehensively promote the "two giving and two output" innovation mechanism of giving policies, resources, results, and talents, comprehensively upgrade the "one body and five rings" science and technology innovation system, deepen the collaborative innovation of industry, academia, research and application, actively create a "special scientific research zone", and promote more innovative achievements from samples to products, from "bookshelves" to "shelves"; deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism, accelerate the formation of talent training, use, evaluation, service, support, and incentive mechanisms, build a strong "tens, hundreds, thousands, and millions" talent formation, and gather and cultivate high-level scientific and technological talents with greater efforts.
third, we will strengthen the driving force of transformation through reforms, centering on the requirements of the modern enterprise system with chinese characteristics. improving the modern enterprise system with chinese characteristics is the fundamental guarantee for promoting a profound transformation in the development mode of state-owned enterprises and achieving high-quality development. china mobile will fully implement the "two consistent principles", deepen the reform of the governance mechanism, further integrate the leadership of the party into corporate governance, establish and improve a standardized and efficient modern enterprise system, and continuously improve the effectiveness of corporate governance; deepen the reform of the employment mechanism, optimize the cadre selection and appointment mechanism, strengthen the term system and contractual management, increase the market-oriented selection and employment of personnel, and promote "the capable are promoted, the excellent are rewarded, the mediocre are demoted, and the inferior are eliminated"; deepen the reform of the incentive mechanism, improve more targeted resource allocation, assessment and evaluation, and incentive and constraint mechanisms, promote the focus of salary resources on scientific and technological talents and grassroots front-line personnel, and stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of various subjects.
fourth, we must adhere to the original mission of "people's post and telecommunications for the people" and improve the quality of fulfilling our responsibilities through reform. the people are the creators of history and the source of power for the development of state-owned enterprises. we must always ensure that development is for the people, development relies on the people, and the fruits of development are shared by the people. china mobile will inherit the fine traditions of red communications, thoroughly implement the people-centered development philosophy, actively fulfill its social responsibilities, build a solid network security guarantee, improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism, improve the esg (environment, society and corporate governance) work system, focus on improving the ability to provide information services, and make every effort to bridge the digital divide. we will play a greater role in using digital intelligence to help solve the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development and enable common prosperity, better meet people's yearning for a better digital life, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security.
looking to the future, china mobile will unite more closely around the party central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core, implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee, continuously enhance core functions, improve core competitiveness, keep in mind the "big things of the country", serve the needs of the country, and forge the country's heavy equipment, accelerate the construction of a world-class information service and technological innovation company, and strive to make new and greater contributions to the comprehensive promotion of china's construction and national rejuvenation with chinese-style modernization!

author: yang jie (member of the standing committee of the national committee of the chinese people's political consultative conference, secretary of the party leadership group and chairman of china mobile

new media editor: yang mingzhu (intern)

reviewer: zhou jiajia
