
yang xiangdong, party secretary and director of the provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission: strive to write a new chapter of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in the modernization construction of colorful guizhou


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【reform and opening-up innovation road】
the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee is a general mobilization and general deployment to further deepen reform and promote chinese-style modernization at a new historical starting point. the provincial state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises system will earnestly regard the study and implementation of the spirit of the plenary session as a major political task at present and in the future, further enhance the political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness of reform, carefully study and plan to promote various reform measures, ensure that the decisions and deployments of the party central committee are implemented consistently in state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, continue to strengthen, optimize and expand state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises, and write a new chapter in state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises on the new journey of promoting chinese-style modernization.
focus on deepening reforms to better play the mission and function of state-owned enterprises. focusing on the main strategy and main positioning, we will continue to promote the optimization of the layout and structural adjustment of state-owned capital, accelerate the implementation of the establishment plan of textile, agricultural development, and foreign trade groups, steadily promote the professional reorganization and integration of enterprises in the fields of transportation, logistics, energy and mining, and big data, and further play the supporting role of state-owned enterprises as the "main force" and "vanguard" in promoting the development of the western region in the new era, building the "six major industrial bases", implementing the "rich mine and fine development" and building a modern industrial system, and serve to ensure the implementation of major strategies and major industrial layouts in our province.
focus on enhancing the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises and deepening reform. further play the role of policy guidance and assessment baton, continuously improve the dynamic management methods of the main responsibilities and main businesses of enterprises and the performance assessment and remuneration management methods of enterprise leaders that conform to the development characteristics of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in the new era, further clarify the functional positioning of different types of state-owned enterprises, resolutely curb the blind diversification and "spreading out" tendency of some state-owned enterprises, guide state-owned enterprises to focus on their main responsibilities and main businesses, cultivate advantageous businesses, promote the foundation consolidation, technology supplementation, optimization and plasticity of the main industry chain, and promote the coordinated development of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. continuously improve the modern corporate governance of state-owned enterprises with chinese characteristics, improve the institutional mechanisms for promoting state-owned enterprises to strengthen the party's leadership in improving corporate governance, improve the management quality and efficiency of the board of directors and management, deepen the implementation of the three system reforms, promote state-owned enterprises to truly operate according to market mechanisms, and effectively stimulate the driving force and vitality of enterprise development.
focus on deepening reforms to enhance the original innovation capabilities of state-owned enterprises. further strengthen the leading role of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, support state-owned enterprises to integrate into the national innovation system on a larger scale, at a higher level, and to a deeper degree, strengthen the integrated allocation of projects, bases, talents, and funds, promote the gathering of innovation elements to enterprises, and promote state-owned enterprises to truly become important entities for original technological innovation decision-making, r&d investment, scientific research organization, and achievement transformation. strengthen the deep integration of industry, academia, and research led by enterprises, promote enterprises to cooperate deeply with innovation entities such as scientific research institutes and universities inside and outside the province through equity cooperation and co-construction of laboratories, improve the collaborative innovation cooperation mechanism of upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, large, medium and small enterprises, promote the effective integration of industry, academia, and research and the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, and accelerate the formation of more new quality productivity.
focus on improving the supervision efficiency of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises and deepening reform. focusing on key points of enterprise operation, supervision business lines and prominent, common and systematic problems in the supervision system, we will further tighten the network of state-owned assets supervision system and the internal control management system of enterprises, continuously improve the systematic, scientific and serious level of supervision, take intra-party supervision as the leading factor, promote the coordination of investor supervision and discipline inspection and supervision, coordinate various types of supervision such as inspection and supervision, audit supervision, financial supervision and social supervision, improve the supervision and accountability mechanism, continuously improve the supervision efficiency and ensure the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets.
focus on strengthening the party's overall leadership over state-owned enterprises and deepening reform. continue to consolidate and expand the results of studying and implementing xi jinping thought on socialism with chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of the national state-owned enterprise party building conference, guide the majority of party members, cadres and workers of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises to more wholeheartedly support the "two establishments" and faithfully practice the "two safeguards", and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the party central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core. continue to enhance the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations in enterprises, focus on the "two strong bases" of grassroots foundations, give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of the majority of party members, and gather a strong driving force to promote the high-quality development of enterprises. make good use of the "smart party building" system and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of party building work. always maintain a high-pressure anti-corruption situation, step by step to strengthen the political responsibility of managing and governing the party, solidly promote the construction of "clean state-owned enterprises", continue to promote the special rectification of "eating enterprises by relying on enterprises", deepen the governance of corruption in key areas such as power concentration, capital intensiveness, and resource enrichment, persevere in implementing the spirit of the central eight regulations and their implementation rules, and resolutely prevent violations of laws and disciplines.
source: guizhou daily
editor: li juan
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