
hunan provincial state-owned enterprises join hands with 23 villages in suining! paired construction bears fruit


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huasheng online omnimedia reporter meng jiaoyan correspondent sun ao
"it is you who have helped the village grow golden mushrooms!" on august 26, the mushroom production base in shejia village, changpuzi miao and dong township, suining county, shaoyang city, was put into trial production! the daily output of mushrooms is more than 250 kilograms, with sales of more than 20,000 yuan. party branch secretary leng kaigang was so happy to see the villagers busy picking and peeling mushrooms.
this year, the provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission has carried out in-depth party-building village-linking activities, promoted party-building pairing between provincial state-owned enterprises and 23 village party branches in suining county, and mobilized enterprise party branches to support rural revitalization.
at the end of june, suining county continued to suffer heavy rainfall, and some towns and villages were severely affected. the provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission's working group in suining county immediately issued an initiative, and the party branches of the salt industry group, hunan coal group and other enterprises quickly went to piye village and xikou village, providing volunteer services, sending condolences, and assisting the village in actively seeking projects and funds to speed up post-disaster reconstruction.
huangsang national nature reserve, located in suining county, has well-preserved pristine forests, which unesco calls "a magical oasis without pollution." the party branch of jinyuan sunshine hotel of the provincial tourism group, combined with its own professional advantages, tailored a room service skills training exchange meeting for the party members of shangbao village and representatives of homestays in the affiliated point to promote the development of the tourism industry in huangsang scenic area.
the unique natural climate environment has created high-quality suining bamboo, red grapes, and kiwifruit. the party branch of the provincial state-owned assets supervision and administration commission, which participated in the joint construction, took advantage of the company's technology and resources to coordinate provincial experts and scholars to conduct on-site investigations and consultations on more than 20 local industries in suining county. the provincial construction investment group conducted special investigations on the bamboo winding pipeline industry, and the provincial agricultural group conducted special investigations on red grape cracking and kiwifruit diseases and pests to promote the development of related industries.
wawutang town signed a guaranteed purchase agreement for wax gourd with chunguang jiuhui company of the provincial pharmaceutical group. the wax gourd is about to enter the picking season, and the output is expected to reach 400 tons. the village party branch secretary said that there is no problem with sales, and the output value is expected to be around 400,000 yuan.
during the visit and investigation, we learned that shixi village in huangtu mine town was raising funds to build a party-building cultural square, and the party branch of xinlong mining of the provincial mineral resources group, which provided counterpart assistance, provided timely financial assistance. the party branch of the building operation branch of xinwuchan group donated start-up funds for the infrastructure improvement project of zengjiawan village in tangjiafang town. many co-constructed party branches also actively responded to the demands of local people and took on the construction of more than 10 livelihood projects such as drinking water, lighting, and party-building squares, with an investment of more than 1.7 million yuan.
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