
New textbooks for the three subjects of morality and law, Chinese and history for primary and junior high schools have been launched, with these changes


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The new semester is about to begin. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Education that starting from the autumn semester this year,The newly revised unified textbooks of morality and law, Chinese, and history will be used in primary and junior high schools across the country. They will first be used in the initial grades and will cover all grades of compulsory education within three years.

The relevant person in charge of the Textbook Bureau of the Ministry of Education introduced that in March 2022, the Ministry of Education issued the newly revised compulsory education curriculum plan and curriculum standards, which clearly stated that each subject should focus on cultivating students' core literacy, emphasizing the need to highlight disciplinary thinking methods and inquiry methods, strengthen practice, and promote interdisciplinary thematic learning. The compilation concept, material selection, and arrangement of the three unified textbooks were revised based on this, further reflecting the people-oriented and literacy-oriented approach.The newly revised unified textbooks reflect several major changes:

First, comprehensively and systematically promote the integration of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into textbooks.The revision of textbooks adheres to the integrated design, combines the characteristics of each subject, and refines the specific arrangements. For example, in the textbook on morality and rule of law, the main content and historical status of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era are fully presented, and Xi Jinping's economic thought, rule of law thought, cultural thought, ecological civilization thought, military strengthening thought, and diplomatic thought are introduced in conjunction with relevant learning topics.

The second is to highlight the educational function of culture and further enrich the learning content of China's excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture.For example, the Chinese textbook covers everything from the Book of Songs, prose by various philosophers, ancient poems from the Han and Wei dynasties, to Tang poems, Song lyrics, Yuan opera, and novels from the Ming and Qing dynasties. In addition, there are also modern texts that reflect traditional culture. The complete set of textbooks contains 353 selected articles from China's excellent traditional culture. The Chinese textbooks have also added red classics, including the newly selected texts "Two Stories from Lei Feng's Diary", "Green Bamboos on Jinggang Mountain", "Mountain Memories", and "I am a Youth". In addition, the Chinese textbooks have added articles that reflect the advanced socialist culture, such as "The Light of Youth" that reflects the deeds of Huang Wenxiu, and articles that reflect the deeds and spirit of astronauts, border guards, scientists, educators, and frontline workers in the new era, such as "Letters from Astronauts to Children", "Jiaolong Exploring the Sea", and "There is a Nanrendong Star in the Sky". The complete set of textbooks contains 54 selected articles that reflect the advanced socialist culture.

The third is to further promote major thematic education content such as national security education, rule of law education, and education on building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation into textbooks.For example, the history textbooks have added content such as the Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack and the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, so that students can deeply understand that national security is a top priority and that everyone has the responsibility to maintain national security. In addition, the textbooks have also strengthened labor education, national defense education, scientific spirit education, life safety and health education, etc. by adding articles and setting up special topics.

The relevant person in charge of the Textbook Bureau of the Ministry of Education also introduced that this revision work also paid special attention toComprehensively consider hot issues of social concernFor example, in the revision process of Chinese textbooks, we focused on strengthening the connection between kindergarten and primary school, adjusted the content design of the first-grade textbook, and reduced the difficulty of the textbook. Specifically, there are the following aspects:

First, fineReduce teaching materialsOverall capacity.The number of texts in the first volume of the first grade was reduced from 14 to 10, the number of literacy classes was reduced from 10 to 8, and the number of words to be recognized was adjusted from 300 to 280.

The second is to extend the time of pinyin learning.One "reading unit" was adjusted to a "pinyin unit", and the number of "pinyin units" increased from 2 to 3; the more difficult pinyin lesson "iu ü yw" was split into two lessons, "iu ü" and "yw". Through the adjustment, the pinyin teaching time was increased by 1-2 weeks compared with the original, which slowed down the learning slope in the initial stage to help students better master the pinyin learning content.

The third is to optimize the arrangement of literacy and writing.Scientifically arrange the literacy and writing sequence, follow the principle of from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, and give priority to learning Chinese characters with simple shapes, high word-forming rates, and commonly used in life. For example, first teach the simple single-character words "口, 十", and then teach the relatively complex compound character "叶", to help students gradually master the basic knowledge of Chinese characters and improve their literacy skills.

It is also understood that the revision of the unified textbooks for compulsory education took more than two years, and was trial-taught and used by more than 100,000 students in more than 550 schools, and was finally reviewed and approved by the National Textbook Committee.It will first be used in the first grade of primary schools and the first grade of junior high schools nationwide in the fall semester of 2024. In 2025, it will be used in the first, second, and third grades of primary schools and the first and second grades of junior high schools. In 2026, all grades in the compulsory education stage will be replaced.