
Before buying new energy vehicles, install a charging station first


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Dedicated to those new energy vehicle owners who are still worried about installing private charging piles.

Author: Linden Wan

Editor: Du Yuxin

Editor: He Zengrong

"If we calculate based on the 350 days of use per year, and assuming an average daily electricity consumption of 15 kWh, that would be a total of 5,250 kWh per year."

"If you install a home charger and use off-peak electricity at night, the electricity cost is 0.307 yuan for 3,120 kWh, plus 0.337 yuan for 1,680 kWh, and finally 0.487 yuan per kWh for 450 kWh. That's 957.84+566.16+219.15, a total of 1,743.15 yuan."

Figure | A monthly fuel bill of 1,000 yuan is indeed an extremely uncomfortable thing, which is also one of the two main reasons why I changed my car

"Although the current A-class gasoline cars have good fuel economy, we have to fill them with 95-grade gasoline. We also have to travel a long way to and from work, 70 kilometers a day on weekdays and up to 85 kilometers a day. Including the cost of driving out on weekends and holidays, our monthly fuel expenses are at least 1,000 yuan, and sometimes even 1,400 yuan."

"After it's done, our daily car usage cost is only 6-7 dollars!"

Figure | Electricity prices vary from place to place, but with the popularization of smart meters, the accompanying "peak shaving and valley filling" policy has also brought about ultra-low half-price electricity usage opportunities at night. Home charging piles for new energy vehicles can enjoy this cheap electricity, and can independently calculate the tiered electricity quota outside the home meter.

In May of this year, faced with my wife who was frightened by the fire video on the short video platform and was determined not to buy an electric car, I finally used the above words to successfully push forward our plan to change cars.

After that, I have already discussed the selection and purchase of cars.But as the clues left at the end of the article and the calculations used by the author to persuade his spouse above. Buying a new car and selling an old car are really not a big deal. Because applying for and installing a private charging station is the real "test".

Want to install a pole? Connect the power first!

The most troublesome part of installing a personal charging pile is not actually installing the pile in place. This part is currently a new energy car company, whether it is a brand under a traditional car company or a new force, a direct sales model or a dealer model, all have been clearly arranged. The real headache is actually the pre-stage of obtaining legal status for this pile in advance.

How can it be called “legal”? Actually, it means connecting to the power supply legally.

According to existing regulations, car owners need to "connect the electricity" to the charging pile in advance before applying for a private charging pile. Simply put, the national power supply will provide you with a dedicated power line to connect the charging pile you need to install to the power grid, and install an electric meter for this power line for billing. This can actually be understood as the process of installing a new electric meter.

So how do you install this meter that charges charging piles? The most convenient way to apply is to complete the application through the "Online State Grid" application.

Figure | Four certificates are the prerequisite for connecting the charging pile to electricity (installing the meter)

From the beginning, I was clearly informed that four certificates were required to apply for this. Only after obtaining the four certificates, selecting your region and specific address, indicating the application capacity, and reading and confirming the "Instructions for the Application of Personal Charging and Swapping Equipment and Power Supply Business", can you upload the certification materials to apply for it!

What happened next? Nothing happened - because the proof was not working, and things got stuck.

Among the four certificates listed above, the "Car Purchase Certificate" is not a big deal, just get a car purchase contract. The "Parking Space Use Certificate" is also basically not a big problem. If it is a property parking space, then the property certificate is naturally in hand. For a rental parking space, even if there is no fixed parking space for rent in the community, according to the supplementary rules of local governments last year and the year before, you can ask the property to arrange a fixed space for you after paying a one-time rent for one year.

Therefore, the "Property Permit Certificate" becomes a key obstacle here. The property may directly refuse for various reasons, and therefore the "Resident Self-built Pile Installation Notice Receipt" will be out of the question.

Figure | Schematic diagram of the installation location of the electric meter and private charging pile. First, the community has an independent transformer room, from which some branch boxes for convenient equipment installation are led to various locations in the community, such as the underground garage, and then the electric meter is installed behind the branch box line, and then the charging pile is installed by the electric meter.

According to my personal statistics, the reasons for the rejection of the property management company are varied. The most common ones are "there are no conditions for installing private charging piles in this community" and "the power transformer room in the community/basement is fully loaded". As mentioned in the previous article, the reason why the author was initially rejected by the property management company was the latter.

Since I was on a business trip at the end of June, my wife was the one who initially contacted the property management to apply for the service. My expectation of being able to drive for 6-7 yuan a day from July was completely dashed.

Pointless pulling

The new residential complex I live in was delivered after 2016, and the ratio of parking spaces to households is 1.2:1. And this is only the basement part, there are actually dozens of parking spaces on the ground.

Figure | Actual usage of the basement

Although the above cannot directly reflect the specific installed capacity of the community basement distribution room, take the time to count the number of private charging piles in the basement and compare it with the total capacity of the entire garage. A community basement with more than 400 parking spaces only has so many parking spaces and is said to have "insufficient power". I believe no one can accept this excuse.

After returning from the business trip, the author spent a few days doing research in the community, taking photos and collecting evidence, and then in early July, he went to the site himself with the materials that needed to be signed and stamped.

But this time the property management still refused to give in. When I asked, they just said it was "overloaded." As for the photos I took of the private charging piles in the basement that were basically vacant for several consecutive nights, they said "there are regulations and they cannot be installed beyond the standard." In short, they insisted that the power limit had been reached and if I wanted to install private charging piles, "please contact the power supply bureau to expand the capacity of the computer room in this community."

After the fight, my anger bar was maxed out. Thinking of the public parking posts on the ground in the community and the basically empty underground garage, I went home in anger to get my video equipment.

Figure | In the community where I live and the surrounding communities, public charging piles are quite popular, with about 20 to 30 piles in each community. However, charging with these piles costs about 1.2 yuan per kWh, which is still cheaper than using oil, but since you can install private piles, it really doesn't seem worth it.

After returning to the property management office with the GoPro camera, she pointed it directly at the property management staff in charge of the negotiation and asked them to repeat what they had said before. Realizing that the conflict would shift to herself, the property management lady in charge of reception also became anxious. After all, she was just an employee and it was not worth it to be put on the spot for a few thousand yuan salary.

Because I am the owner and not the tenant, and I did not take any radical actions, the community security captain could do nothing but dissuade me when he arrived at the scene. As for the police officers, apart from repeatedly warning that "posting videos involving other people's portraits without censoring them may be suspected of infringement", they were also powerless to deal with the dispute itself and could only "maintain order at the scene".

So the result of the day was that I messed up the property inside and out, and basically nothing was accomplished the whole afternoon. Of course, I didn't get the desired result, and I had to leave in disappointment in the evening.

Going home and calming down to review the day's actions was basically a waste of time and meaningless behavior. The only thing I can say I gained is that it is useless to contact the property management directly. So, what should I do next?

As far as I know, a female car owner in another nearby community had encountered similar problems. She finally solved the problem by suing in court. However, considering the time and energy cost of this method, it is obviously very inefficient to me. Therefore, the only reasonable and legal way left is the panacea-style "conservative treatment" - calling the 12345 citizen hotline to report the situation!

Figure | Some tenants in the community have been using public charging piles on the ground to recharge their new energy vehicles. However, according to the author's understanding, before 2023, tenants can also install private charging piles after obtaining the consent and signature of the landlord.

After understanding the cause and demands, the operator transferred the matter to the property's superior department, the "Housing Management Office", which is the Housing Construction Development Center/Residential Renovation Project Quality Affairs Center where the author lives.

Then, what was much faster than the promised feedback period of 7 working days was that I received a reply just two days later. The reply made your blood pressure rise sharply - the reply sent by the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Center to the citizen hotline was basically a restatement of what the property management said the day before.

Of course I was not satisfied with this treatment. So I continued to complain according to the rules and asked for further coordination and treatment. However, a similar situation happened again two days later...

I was dumbfounded. What else could I do? Then... I might as well just head straight to the Housing and Construction Center!

It happened that at that time I was also in the process of transferring my household registration to my current place of residence, which required me to go to the street affairs reception service center to handle it on site. The local housing and construction center’s office was also located in the same building.

The crux of all problems

On the morning of July 12, I asked for half a day off from work to handle my household registration and to deal with the issue of the charging pile. While my wife and daughter were handling the household registration downstairs, I rushed directly to the office of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Center upstairs.

Picture | The local "housing management office" is on the fourth floor of the administrative center

I didn't have an appointment, didn't know who was in charge of the hotline, and didn't know the center's staff's work schedule for the day. I just went there rashly, and luckily, I met the staff in charge of handling related matters.

The old man was about 40 or 50 years old, with gray hair on his temples. Seeing that the victim came directly to his door, he invited me to the conference room to have a chat. The conversation lasted about an hour, and there was no conflict or even anger, but more like a casual chat.

Regarding the problems I complained about and the demands that needed to be resolved, the brother explained that the feedback from the property management and him was not "fooling", because "even if you live in a new community that was delivered in 2017, the infrastructure is still insufficient in the face of a large number of private charging piles for new energy vehicles."

The power of private charging piles is currently limited to no more than 7kW. This seems to be the power of three air conditioners, and does not exceed the normal power limit (8.8kW) of a common 40-ampere household meter. But if half of the hundreds of households in a community switch to new energy and want to install private charging piles, what will happen?

"The community delivered by Jianfa Group in 2022... yes, it's the newest commercial housing community next to your house, do you know?" Seeing me nod, the brother continued: "According to the power rating of the 'sub-meter box' for the charging piles installed in their underground garage, a 7kW charging pile can only accommodate 80 parking spaces at most."

Figure | In fact, the electric meter of the charging pile is centrally installed in the branch box room of the community. It is not only limited by the permitted power of the distribution equipment, but also depends on whether there is space to install it.

"But I found that some of the piles in the community basement have not been used for a long time. They are the kind of 'zombie piles' that the car owners have moved out but have not removed." Although I basically agree with the above explanation of insufficient infrastructure, I have indeed done enough homework on the specific details.

Speaking of this, the brother also introduced some "other" things.

At the beginning of this year, a fire broke out in the basement of my community due to a faulty charging station. Although the specific details are not clear, after the accident, the car owner, who could not handle the car company's legal team, went to the property management company for trouble. According to my brother, the property management company was "involved in a lawsuit" because of this.

Picture | Indeed, for any community, this scene is the worst nightmare after a building on fire.

In short, as long as you stamp, it means at least assuming certain responsibilities. For the property management, this may not bring any benefits, but it may be blamed for no clear reason. In this case, of course, it is better not to take responsibility. As for the property management in the community where I live, I think after the hardship at the beginning of the year and my last disturbance, it must have strengthened its above view.

After understanding all these problems and realizing the above logic, I was filled with frustration. I felt aggrieved, but helpless. It seemed that my stake was ruined. But at this time, my brother waved his hand at me.

"Although there are many difficulties in implementation, promoting new energy is the current national policy after all." Then he picked up the property certificate I brought with me and flipped through it, and continued: "You are the owner, not the tenant... The current policy should be given priority protection."

He then said that he would contact the community property management to coordinate the recent inspection and cleaning of the "zombie charging piles" in the community's basement, and try his best to help me complete the procedures for connecting the charging piles to the power supply.

This feeling of being at a dead end but suddenly seeing a ray of hope made me feel a little overwhelmed for a moment...

A pocket-sized version of the Dark Forest

About a week after I went to the Housing and Construction Center, on another weekend, I received a notice from the community property management. The zombie piles in the basement had recently been cleared, and a household had just moved out and had just applied for and removed his equipment. So, "You can come and stamp it, and prepay the parking fee for one year."

Coincidentally, the lady on duty at the reception desk was the same lady who called the police last time. When she saw me coming again, she handed me a long-term rental confirmation for a fixed parking space.

However, I knew the location of this parking space in the basement. It was next to the basement entrance of Building 2 in the community, a little far from the building where I lived. So I asked, "It seems a little far. Is there a parking space closer?"

Figure | Objectively speaking, there are some "zombie piles", but they should not be many. It is definitely impossible to solve the problem of installing piles for all residents, but if the owners are given priority, it can indeed solve some problems.

As soon as I said this, the elder sister who was leaning over to open the drawer to look for the seal froze. But I saw her sigh helplessly, and glanced at me from behind her glasses: "I mean well. This is right next to the power distribution room in the basement. The wires provided by the installation company are enough to be pulled to your parking space. If you want to move it to the back, and run a wire of 80 to 100 meters, you will have to pay at least four or five thousand yuan."

This made the author blush, so he signed and paid the money in a hurry.

While my elder sister was busy stamping documents one by one, the property manager walked from the office to the front desk. Perhaps he saw that the conflict had been resolved, or perhaps he felt really suffocated, so he invited me to his office to have a chat.

In the past two years, the installation of charging piles has been a push by multiple departments with management authority. Among them, the power supply department, or the State Grid, is the absolute main force.

Because for State Grid, every newly installed charging pile, whether public or private, is a KPI. Whether it is a state-owned enterprise compound, a government agency, or even various newly built residential communities or commercial centers, or even a typical "old, dilapidated and small" building built in the 1960s and 1970s within the inner ring of Shanghai, they have to find ways to find a way for a charging pile company to install a few. The main goal is to install it if there are conditions, and to create conditions if there are no conditions.

So, what about the Housing and Construction Center, which can directly manage the property? Unlike the State Grid, the Housing and Construction Center should not have corresponding KPI assessments, and it has nothing to do with the interests. But since new energy is a national policy, and it is directly required to be promoted by "the top", then cooperate!

Figure | Strictly speaking, most of the current charging piles in residential areas, especially private charging piles in underground garages, have various problems. Even if the fire-fighting equipment and pile safety measures are in place, the fire-proof design of the new energy charging parking spaces (divided into small areas, each with a firewall) will definitely have problems...

Of course, the trouble is far more than the above. Don't forget that there is another unit with management authority - the fire department.

For the fire department, since it is required by the "higher authorities", then this department must also support it. However, please note this "but". If the construction drawings of the charging piles have not been inspected by the fire department, then don't ask me to sign and endorse them. If this department appears, it will be unqualified and a rectification notice will be issued on the spot. If the rectification is not made within the time limit, a notice will be posted prohibiting the use of the equipment. Once something goes wrong, it will be an illegal installation!

As a result, all the pressure was transferred to the property management. According to the property manager, the most troublesome thing is those communities that have established a property management committee, but the members of the committee are generally prejudiced against new energy vehicles. "And once there is an accident related to the 'electric car', especially a fire during charging... we will be in trouble." In general, in the view of the property manager, the property management is not profitable, but suffers a lot from it.

In general, the one-hour exchange gave me a new perspective from the perspective of property management. Although, it must have its own position and value orientation. For many things, there are choices to make. For example, the property management of residents' private charging piles is certainly unprofitable, but the public charging piles of enterprises in the community can indeed be charged.

Figure | After all, although this type of property also carries risks, it does have real benefits.

Take the suburban community where I live, which was delivered in 2017. There are only 12 buildings and more than 600 households. There are three charging pile brands, Xingxing, Xiaoju and Teladian, inside and outside the community, with a total of 36 charging piles - and they are all installed on the ground.

That evening, the property manager handed me the stamped certification documents and hoped that we could talk things over and discuss more in the future, and that the owners and the property management would be more understanding. These words were of course correct, and I also apologized to him and the lady who was in charge of reception and stamping for my previous excessive behavior.

Now there is no problem, can I apply for an independent electricity meter? On the way home, I flipped through the documents and took a look. The "Parking Space Use Certificate" stated that it was a long-term lease for one year, and the property company's fee stamp was stamped on both the parking space and the fee receipt. Great, no problem... But why are the property company's fee stamps also stamped on the "Property Permit Certificate" and the "Resident Self-Built Pile Installation Notice Receipt"?

The next day after I uploaded all the materials, the processing procedure in the online State Grid application showed the status of "approved".

Two days later, when I was at work, someone claiming to be from the State Grid called and told me that the meter had been fixed. I opened the app and saw that it had been fixed. It was really efficient.

Then I went to the "Charging Service" item in the new car's APP, filled in the required information and applied for the installation of a personal charging station. On July 24, the installation master came to my house. Then he worked for more than 3 hours and got everything done.

Picture | After three weeks of hard work, the ending is finally good

Just as the lady at the property management said, there was even more than enough free 30 meters of cable, and there was no need to buy an extra waterproof protective box for the piles installed in the basement, so apart from the courtesy of an iced Red Bull and a bottle of Coke, the free pile installation service promised by the OEM really didn't cost me a penny more.

Figure | Since the battery pack is more than 39 degrees, it has to protect its lifespan from being fully charged or drained, so the actual charging is a bit frequent...

From the evening of July 24 to July 31, I charged 6 times, most of which were off-peak hours after 22:00. So the total cost was 147 kWh, and the total cost was 48.6 yuan.

Picture | The cost of using this car is really good

What, you guys are asking me what's going on? To be honest, this is a bit immature... Anyway, I just pretended I didn't see any problem and uploaded it to the State Grid, and the State Grid's backend review also found no problem. So everyone is fine.


Wherever there is free will, there is Lindenwan