
From farmland to dining table, Shandong takes multiple measures to protect people's "happy food time"


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Jinan, August 20 (China News Service) (Li Mingrui) Strengthening source control of soil pollution, implementing food safety random inspections and monitoring, and promoting the "Internet + Bright Kitchen" project... As a major province in food production and consumption, Shandong has continued to promote the construction of "Food Safety Shandong" in recent years, supervising the entire process from farmland to table, taking multiple measures to build a solid food safety protection wall, and protecting people's "happy meal time."

Law enforcement officers from the Market Supervision Bureau of Juye County, Heze City, went to the school cafeteria to conduct an inspection. Photo courtesy of Juye County Media Center

Recently, in the green vineyards of Nanzhuang Village, Philadelphia Street, Fei County, Linyi City, fruit farmers were busy among the vines, checking the growth of grapes. Staff from the Philadelphia Street Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Office also shuttled among them, asking fruit farmers about the specific use of pesticides and explaining the knowledge of banned pesticides.

The staff of the Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Office distributed leaflets to introduce to fruit farmers 52 types of banned pesticides and 16 types of pesticides that are banned in certain areas. "Grape growers in the village have a better understanding of banned and restricted pesticides, but their understanding of pesticide selection and safe intervals needs to be strengthened. We have always focused on knowledge promotion and technical training to enhance farmers' awareness of food safety," said Lin Benju, director of the Philadelphia Street Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Office.

The reporter learned from the Fei County Food and Drug Safety Committee Office that the county focuses on food source control, strengthens soil pollution source control, and continues to promote the prevention and control of agricultural soil heavy metal pollution sources. In addition, it has also implemented a system of agricultural product commitment certificates. In the past three years, more than 50,000 agricultural product certificates have been issued, and about 12,000 tons of agricultural products have been put on the market with certificates.

In Lizhuang Town, Tancheng County, Linyi City, the day of a vegetable pesticide residue inspector starts at 2 a.m. "Our vegetable pesticide residue rapid inspection room is equipped with 6 inspectors. Only vegetables that pass the sampling test are allowed to enter. If they fail the test twice, they will be destroyed on the spot. All inspection records are kept to ensure the quality and safety of the incoming and outgoing vegetables." said Guan Yikai, director of the Lizhuang Town Market Supervision Office.

Food safety sampling is an effective means to discover food safety hazards, prevent food safety risks, and improve the efficiency of food safety supervision. Tancheng County has creatively promoted the "six-standard" work method of standardized responsibility division, information management, on-site investigation, supervision and review, traceability, and release form for testing and verification, and achieved good results.

Juye County, Heze City, uses digital management methods to promote the "Internet + Bright Kitchen and Bright Stove" project. Image provided by Juye County Media Integration Center

Juye County, Heze City, uses digital management methods to promote the "Internet + open kitchen and bright stove" project, requiring all catering units to install smart surveillance cameras in key areas and links on the basis of open kitchen and bright stove. Law enforcement personnel can conduct real-time supervision through the platform. For minor violations discovered by monitoring, they use the "Linzhifa" system for enterprise law enforcement supervision designed independently by Juye County to issue rectification instructions, so that the information of catering units can be checked, the ingredients can be traced, the processing can be visualized, and the risks can be controlled, making the entire process of food processing operations transparent and visual.

At present, more than 200 catering units in Juye County have been connected to the smart supervision platform.

Changle County of Weifang City also focuses on smart supervision. The county uses information technology to enhance safety supervision, promotes the application of the integrated platform of "smart market supervision" and food-related modules of mobile APP, and completes the construction task of "Internet + bright kitchen" in 166 school and kindergarten canteens and 3 canteens of nursing homes in the county. Responsible departments conduct irregular inspections through the monitoring platform, promptly feedback problems to relevant units and urge rectification, so as to maintain the bottom line of food safety.

In addition, since the beginning of this year, Changle County has also innovatively implemented the "four-grasp" supervision measures, carried out in-depth special rectification of food safety in various fields, and made every effort to prevent systemic, regional, and industry food safety risks.

"In terms of work mechanism, we have implemented guarantee relationships for all 5,734 food entities in the county, identified 1,213 guarantee cadres, and carried out a large-scale investigation and rectification of enterprises' implementation of their main responsibilities. The completion rate of guarantee supervision in the first half of this year was 100%." ​​According to Qi Shutian, a member of the Party Leadership Group of Changle County Market Supervision Bureau, in terms of risk investigation, the county has strengthened daily supervision and inspection and risk hazard investigation, carried out special rectification for food safety in rural areas, school and surrounding areas, and severely cracked down on food violations. "Since the beginning of this year, we have inspected more than 5,000 food production and operation units of various types and investigated more than 40 food cases of various types."

Zhangdian District of Zibo City has carried out special rectification actions such as rural food safety inspections, campus food safety inspections, and barbecue business improvement, and strengthened supervision of key points such as the Eight Bureaus, Crystal Street, and Shallow Sea Food City. The district also conducted special training in batches for large and medium-sized food sales companies, large and medium-sized catering service companies and other market entities in the district, publicized laws and regulations, carried out supervision work strictly and meticulously, standardized the implementation of the "daily control", "weekly inspection", and "monthly dispatch" work mechanisms, and tightened the local management responsibility for food safety and the main responsibility of enterprises. (End)
