
Beijing publishes the 2023 municipal government final accounts and the city's budget execution in the first half of 2024


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On August 9, the 2023 municipal government final accounts of Beijing were made public on the official website of the Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau and the Capital Window website. At the same time, the city's budget execution in the first half of 2024 was also made public. The 2023 municipal government final accounts reflect the following characteristics:
From the operation situation
First, we will strengthen the construction of stable growth and financial resources, and increase the quantity and quality of fiscal revenue.
In 2023, the financial department conscientiously implemented various policies and measures to stabilize growth, continued to increase the intensity of financial resources construction, and achieved improvements in the quantity, speed and quality of fiscal revenue. The city's general public budget revenue reached 618.11 billion yuan, breaking through 600 billion yuan for the first time, an increase of 8.2% year-on-year. Focusing on optimizing the income structure and improving the quality of fiscal revenue, taxes accounted for 86.7%, and the quality of fiscal revenue remained at a high level, reflecting the high-quality development of the capital's economy. Among them, the city's general public budget revenue was 338.09 billion yuan, an increase of 7.3%.
Second, strengthen the coordination of fiscal funds and resources, and ensure strong fiscal expenditure guarantees
We actively coordinated various financial sources such as government budgets, central transfer payments, and government bonds, insisted on both protection and reduction, strictly implemented the government's requirements for living a tight life, and took the lead in the country to establish an assessment indicator system for budget departments to live a tight life, strengthened performance management and cost control, reduced inefficient and ineffective expenditures, and coordinated more funds to effectively ensure the in-depth implementation of major strategies such as the construction of the functions of the "four centers" and the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and promoted the effective implementation of key tasks such as improving people's livelihood, flood prevention and disaster relief, and recovery and reconstruction.
Third, we will give full play to the role of fiscal regulation and control, and strengthen and improve the efficiency of fiscal policy.
We will implement the national tax and fee reduction policies without fail, reduce the burden on enterprises by nearly 100 billion yuan throughout the year, and give priority to small and medium-sized enterprises, scientific and technological innovation, and manufacturing industries, further reduce the burden on enterprises and stabilize market expectations. We will actively strive for more than 100 billion yuan in new government bonds from the central government, complete the issuance work 3 months ahead of schedule, and give full play to the role of special bonds in stabilizing growth and promoting investment. We will strengthen the counter-cyclical regulation of government funds, establish new high-precision and cutting-edge funds in the fields of artificial intelligence, medical health, robotics, and information industry, and encourage social funds to follow up with government investment.
Fourth, we must adhere to the bottom line thinking and ensure that fiscal risks are safe and controllable.
We will implement a comprehensive and normalized risk supervision mechanism with debt ratio as the core, build a bond use reminder mechanism of "negative list + typical cases", and firmly hold the bottom line of no systemic risk. We will strengthen financial and accounting supervision with a strict tone, fully implement the central government's major decisions and arrangements on financial and accounting supervision and our city's implementation plan, focus on key areas such as tax and fee reductions, and the "three guarantees" at the grassroots level, deepen supervision, and ensure the effective implementation of financial policies.
From the public content
First, highlight the comprehensiveness and completeness
This time, the municipal final accounts report, municipal final accounts, "three public expenses" and agency operating expenses situation statement and budget performance management situation statement were made public. Through comprehensive reports, data reports, explanations and interpretations, the 2023 municipal final accounts situation is fully displayed.
Second, it is intuitive and clear
The report shows the final accounts of municipal expenditures in 2023 in a more detailed manner. In accordance with the budget compilation method at the beginning of the year, "municipal expenditures" are divided into three categories: municipal expenditures, transfer payments to districts, and reserve funds. The report on municipal transfer payments to districts is enriched, and the final accounts of special transfer payments are expanded to show various special items such as funds allocated to each district, infrastructure, and central transfer payments.
Third, highlight performance orientation
Focusing on areas of public concern, we have made public performance evaluation reports on five projects, including "green energy-saving building renovation", "opening of Beijing City Library", and "purchase of professional equipment for the construction of the National Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Quality Inspection and Testing Center". Through social supervision, we will promote continuous improvement of performance management.
In the first half of 2024, the financial department conscientiously implemented the requirement of "positive fiscal policies should be moderately strengthened, improved in quality and efficiency", better played the role of comprehensive fiscal regulation, and strived to promote the steady growth of fiscal revenue, increase expenditure, improve the quality and efficiency of policies, and ensure safe and controllable risks. The city's general public budget revenue reached 348.16 billion yuan, an increase of 3.1%; tax revenue accounted for 86.2%, and the quality of revenue continued to maintain a high level. The city's general public budget expenditure was 455.53 billion yuan, an increase of 9.1%, completing 56.8% of the annual budget, 6.8 percentage points ahead of schedule, effectively playing the role of fiscal funds in driving the economy, and laying a good foundation for achieving the annual economic and social development goals.
Report on Beijing's 2023 municipal budget
Report on the Implementation of Beijing's Budget in the First Half of 2024