
To prevent diseases in the beginning of autumn, you should take into account both removing dampness and expelling cold. If you have cold symptoms, you can massage this acupoint


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Today at 8:09 a.m., we will usher in the 13th solar term of the 24 solar terms, the Beginning of Autumn. Experts said at the National Health Commission's press conference on seasonal solar terms and health yesterday that after the Beginning of Autumn, the wind becomes cooler and the temperature difference between day and night becomes larger, which can easily cause colds and other problems. However, the Beginning of Autumn is often in the midst of the three dog days, and the last dog day arrives after the Beginning of Autumn. In addition to paying attention to the invasion of cool winds, we must continue to prevent heatstroke and eliminate dampness.

Experts say that to prevent colds after the beginning of autumn, you need to remove dampness and drive away the cold. You can drink tangerine peel ginger tea. Tangerine peel hasStrengthen the spleen and eliminate dampnessGinger has the effect of warming the stomach and stopping vomiting, relieving cough and relieving the symptoms. Take 3-6g of each and soak it in water. After the beginning of autumn, "autumn dryness" appears. If you have symptoms such as dry nose, dry skin, and dry throat, dryness will hurt the lungs. The five colors are good forFive internal organs, white enters the lungs, you can eat more white foods that have a moisturizing effect, common ones include lily, pear, white fungus, soy milk, milk, etc.

Gong Yanbing, chief Chinese medicine physician at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital:If you have symptoms of a cold, such as runny nose and sore throat, we can also provide a simple and effective acupoint. This acupoint is called Lieque, which is also very easy to find.

We can cross the base of our hands, and press the index finger of one hand on the radial styloid process of the other hand. We will feel an obvious depression at the index finger position, which is the Lieque point. When we massage the Lieque point, it will play a role in clearing the lungs and relieving the exterior symptoms, warming the meridians and unblocking the collaterals. After finding this point, massage it with your thumb for one to two minutes each time, and you can do it repeatedly.