
Pingxiang, Jiangxi: Support pilot sales of existing homes and establish a positive incentive mechanism for banks to support whitelist projects


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According to the WeChat public account "Pingxiang Release" on August 1, the People's Government of Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province recently issued a notice on "Policy Measures to Promote the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market", involving 32 measures such as reducing personal down payment ratios, optimizing relevant housing provident fund policies, implementing an "old for new" transaction model, and optimizing and adjusting degree admission policies.

Increase financial support: reduce down payment

The document proposes to reduce the down payment ratio for individuals. For households that take out loans to purchase commercial housing, the minimum down payment ratio for commercial individual housing loans for the first home is adjusted to no less than 15%, and the minimum down payment ratio for commercial individual housing loans for the second home is adjusted to no less than 25%.

At the same time, the lower limit of the policy on commercial personal housing loan interest rates will be cancelled. The lower limit of the policy on commercial personal housing loan interest rates for the first and second housing units will be cancelled. According to the market interest rate pricing self-discipline mechanism, the financial institutions under the jurisdiction will be guided to do a good job in self-discipline management, and the interest rate implementation of the financial institutions under the jurisdiction will be closely monitored after the implementation of the policy. In combination with the development of the real estate market in our city, the guiding role of the policy will be fully exerted, the autonomous consultation of market players will be strengthened, and a new relatively stable equilibrium level will be formed after full competition in the real estate market.

Continue to support the demand for personal housing loans. All banking institutions implement the recognition standard of "recognizing loans but not houses". For families who own one or more houses and have paid off all corresponding housing loans, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans again to purchase ordinary commercial housing to improve their living conditions, banking institutions shall implement the first housing loan policy. For those who purchase a house for the first time within the administrative jurisdiction of Anyuan District, Xiangdong District, and Pingxiang Economic Development Zone, they will not be affected by existing housing loans in other places, and commercial personal housing loans will implement the first housing loan policy. Within the administrative jurisdiction of Anyuan District, Xiangdong District, and Pingxiang Economic Development Zone, the number of housing units of resident families for housing provident funds and commercial personal housing loans shall be calculated only based on the total number of commercial housing units purchased by resident families in the local area inquired by the real estate registration agency of the place where the commercial housing to be purchased is to be purchased. Self-built houses on rural homesteads are not included in the number of housing units; if the buyer has a house in the place where the commercial housing to be purchased is to be purchased, and can provide a house rental registration and filing certificate or a house source information code and a certificate of listing for sale, a personal housing loan can be issued according to the number of houses under his name after verification and reduction. If any of the above conditions are met, the corresponding optimal housing loan policy can be enjoyed.

Pingxiang City will also optimize the policies related to housing provident funds. The restrictions on the withdrawal of housing provident funds by employees who purchase the third or more housing units will be cancelled, and employees who purchase self-occupied housing will be supported to withdraw housing provident funds; Pingxiang City Housing Provident Fund loan term change business will be launched; housing provident fund loan repayment methods will be increased, and the "equal principal" repayment method will be added to the original "equal principal and interest" loan repayment method; the maximum amount of housing purchase loans for employees who make contributions will be increased, and the maximum amount of loans for the purchase and construction of the first self-occupied housing for dual-income families in Pingxiang City will be 800,000 yuan; the payment base standard and loan amount for flexible employment personnel will be adjusted, and the monthly payment amount of housing provident funds for flexible employment personnel only needs to comply with the "limit high and protect low" policy regulations of the housing provident fund, that is, it shall not exceed the highest monthly payment amount standard announced by the Housing Provident Fund Management Center for the year, and shall not be lower than the minimum monthly payment amount standard.

In addition, for those who apply for housing loans to purchase commercial office buildings, banking institutions should issue mortgage loans in accordance with the principle of "lending as much as possible and as quickly as possible", and encourage banking institutions to issue housing loans for commercial office buildings at the lowest interest rate policy stipulated by the state. Banking institutions are encouraged to innovate credit products based on the characteristics of small and medium-sized innovative enterprises and support credit needs for self-holding, leasing and operation of commercial office buildings.

Promote commercial housing sales: support pilot projects for existing housing sales and purchase of commercial housing to reduce inventory

The document shows that Pingxiang City will support the pilot sale of ready-made houses. Further optimize and improve the approval, acceptance and filing systems for construction projects for the sale of ready-made houses, shorten the time for project commencement and acceptance, and improve the efficiency of project development and listing. The local government (management committee) can combine the actual pilot sale of ready-made houses, further increase the white list financing policy for projects that implement the sale of ready-made houses, and support commodity housing projects to meet the conditions for the sale of ready-made houses.

Support the purchase of commercial housing to reduce inventory. Give priority to the policy of purchasing existing commercial housing as affordable housing to complete the annual construction tasks of allocated affordable housing and allocated affordable housing (affordable rental housing and public rental housing). In principle, all types of government agencies, enterprises and institutions at all levels, hospitals, secondary and higher education institutions, state-owned enterprises, etc., will no longer start construction of new office buildings, staff dormitories, turnover housing, talent housing, etc. If there is a real need, they can raise funds by purchasing inventory commercial housing or office buildings nearby in accordance with regulations after approval.

Implement the "old for new" transaction model. Real estate developers, real estate brokerage agencies, and replacement buyers carry out "replacing residents' old houses with targeted new houses of real estate developers" in accordance with market principles. The three parties reach a consensus and sign a purchase agreement. The old house can be purchased directly by the real estate developer or real estate brokerage agency, or it can be entrusted to the real estate developer or real estate brokerage agency for agency sales. After the agency sales are completed, the agreed new house will be purchased. The resource and regulation department will handle the online signing and real estate registration for both buyers and sellers according to the actual transaction situation. Support market entities such as housing rental companies, real estate developers, and property service companies to purchase residents' old houses for affordable rental housing, etc.

Reduce the cost of using commercial office buildings. For commercial office buildings that have been renovated and converted into affordable rental housing or other rental housing, as well as residential apartments with commercial service land that have been approved for construction before the issuance of these measures and meet the relevant gas laying standards, gas pipelines are allowed to be laid, water and gas prices are implemented in accordance with residential standards, and "one meter per household" is implemented, and electricity charges are collected according to the actual electricity usage of the house.

Optimize and adjust the degree admission policy. If the degree supply allows, for the purchase of newly-built commercial housing, support the purchaser to apply for admission to the compulsory education school where the newly-built commercial housing is located with the newly-built commercial housing sales contract and deed tax payment certificate signed and filed online and the household registration of children and teenagers of school age. The specific arrangements will be coordinated by the local education department according to the degree situation.

Resolving risks in the real estate market: Establishing a positive incentive mechanism for banks to support “white list” projects

The document requires that the work of guaranteeing the delivery of houses be accelerated. A comprehensive investigation of commercial housing projects that have been sold but are difficult to deliver will be conducted, an information ledger of projects that have been sold but are difficult to deliver will be established, an implementation plan for the battle to guarantee the delivery of commercial housing projects in cities and districts will be formulated, and a special working group for guaranteeing the delivery of houses in cities and districts will be established to conduct investigations and classifications according to the principles of those that should be continued, those that should be delayed, and those that should be stopped. In accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law, a "one project, one policy" classification and disposal will be implemented to resolve the delivery risks of commercial housing projects that have been sold but are difficult to deliver, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people who buy houses.

Actively promote the construction of the "white list" system. Cities and districts shall establish a regular consultation mechanism involving departments such as housing and urban-rural development, financial supervision, local financial management, and banking institutions, build a government-bank-enterprise docking platform, help repair problematic projects, and promote projects that meet the "white list" conditions to "enter as much as possible", and "lend as much as possible" to projects that meet the requirements, so as to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate companies. Establish a positive incentive mechanism for banks to support "white list" projects, and support measures to provide positive incentives to sponsoring banks that can work together and provide strong support.

Accelerate the resolution of historical issues left over from the registration of existing commercial housing. Implement the main responsibilities of local governments (management committees), give full play to the role of the special working group mechanism at all levels, and accelerate the resolution of various issues that affect the registration of commercial housing projects that have been delivered. For various situations that make it difficult to obtain certificates, such as uncompleted acceptance, unverified planning, mortgaged land, involved in seizure, and real estate companies' unpaid taxes and fees, we will implement classified measures, carry out concentrated efforts, supplement and improve relevant procedures, and handle registration and issuance of certificates.

Properly handle "worker-backed housing" and "foreign auction housing". Strengthen price control of "worker-backed housing", and the online signing and filing price should match the average price of the community. Municipal and district people's courts should carry out "foreign auction housing" work in accordance with the law and in a prudent manner. Housing and construction departments at all levels should strengthen the monitoring of local commercial housing prices, actively cooperate with relevant courts to reasonably determine the starting price of "foreign auction housing" in accordance with the law, and ensure that local commercial housing prices are generally stable.

Support different housing purchase needs: provide housing purchase subsidies,

The document requires that the phased housing purchase subsidy continue to be implemented. For the purchase of newly built commercial housing within the administrative jurisdiction of Anyuan District, Xiangdong District, and Pingxiang Economic Development Zone, if it is the first purchase, each unit will be subsidized by 10,000 yuan. For improvement purchases, if the area is 90 square meters (inclusive) or less, each unit will be subsidized by 5,000 yuan; if the area is more than 90 square meters, each unit will be subsidized by 8,000 yuan. Families with two or three children under the age of 18 (the calculation time ends on the date of filing the commercial housing contract) will be given a subsidy of 200 yuan/square meter and 300 yuan/square meter respectively when purchasing a house with their household registration book or birth certificate. The above subsidies cannot be enjoyed repeatedly, and can only be enjoyed once at the highest standard. The housing purchase subsidy is fully guaranteed by the local government (management committee). The housing purchase subsidy policy is valid from June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025, and the deadline for subsidy application is December 31, 2025.

The housing purchase policy for young talents will continue to be implemented. Graduates of various colleges and universities who have signed labor contracts with enterprises or educational and medical institutions in the city for more than one year and have paid social insurance premiums for more than three months; or entrepreneurs who have obtained business licenses and paid social insurance premiums for more than three months, who purchase commercial housing in Pingdingshan, will be given a one-time housing purchase subsidy of 100,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan, and 10,000 yuan respectively according to the doctoral, master's, undergraduate, junior college, and technical secondary school (technical school students).

The housing purchase policy for new citizens will continue to be implemented. For buyers who are not registered in the administrative jurisdiction of Anyuan District, Xiangdong District, and Pingxiang Economic Development Zone and purchase newly built commercial housing in the jurisdiction, sign an online contract and pay the deed tax, the beneficiary finance will provide subsidies at 50% of the local income, and the subsidies will be issued on the principle of first collecting and then subsidizing. The policy is valid from June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025, and the deadline for subsidy application is December 31, 2025.

We will continue to support the housing needs of an aging society. Permanent residents working and living within the administrative jurisdiction of Anyuan District, Xiangdong District, and Pingxiang Economic Development Zone are encouraged to have their immediate relatives come to Pingxiang to live with their relatives for retirement. For those who purchase a new house, if they meet the relevant policy requirements, such as no house and no loan, no house but with a mortgage record, or one house and the loan has been paid off, the first house commercial loan policy will continue to be implemented.

Continue to adopt monetary resettlement for housing expropriation and resettlement objects and implement housing purchase subsidies for them to purchase newly built commercial housing. Continue to adopt monetary resettlement for housing expropriation and resettlement objects, and implement housing purchase subsidies for them to purchase newly built commercial housing within the administrative jurisdiction of Anyuan District, Xiangdong District, and Pingxiang Economic Development Zone. When purchasing a house, a subsidy of 200 yuan/square meter will be given (each district can adjust it at its own discretion without being lower than this standard) with the certificate issued by the expropriation department where the expropriated house is located and related supporting materials. The housing purchase subsidy is fully guaranteed by the beneficiary finance. The subsidy measure is valid from June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.

The housing subsidy will continue to be implemented for buyers who move out of Class C and D dangerous houses. Buyers who move out of Class C and D dangerous houses and take corresponding control and remediation measures and purchase newly built commercial housing within the administrative jurisdiction of Anyuan District, Xiangdong District, and Pingxiang Economic Development Zone will continue to be given a subsidy of 200 yuan per square meter when purchasing a house, with the certificate issued by the housing and construction department of the location of the Class C and D dangerous houses and relevant supporting materials. The housing subsidy will be fully guaranteed by the beneficiary finance. The subsidy measure is valid from June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.