
Jiangsu Yancheng fully promotes the real estate "new purchase": provide tax subsidies for "old" houses


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On August 1, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province issued the "Notice on Comprehensively Carrying out the Real Estate "New Purchase" Activity" to further activate the primary and secondary housing markets, give play to the linkage effect, and meet residents' housing needs in stages.

The document proposes to comprehensively promote "replacement with new and purchase". Local governments should learn from successful experiences and practices in other places, guide state-owned enterprises and real estate companies to actively carry out the "replacement with new and purchase" work, formulate scientific and reasonable implementation rules that benefit all parties in accordance with the market principle, study supporting policies, broaden the scope, region, type and other restrictions of "collecting old houses", find out the rental and housing needs of "three new and three households" (new families, new talents, new citizens, resettlement households, households relieved of danger, and households without houses), and explore and study the paths of "collecting rural houses" and exchanging them for "new houses", "promoting new houses by maintaining houses", "promoting new houses by using danger", and "promoting new houses by renting".

At the same time, the path of "replacing with new housing" is opened up. Local governments encourage and support "new families", "new talents" and "new citizens" to purchase newly built commercial housing through "housing voucher" rewards; old houses acquired by state-owned enterprises are used for "relocation households", "crisis-relief households" and "houseless households", effectively opening up the path of "replacing with new housing".

Continue to promote "joint sales assistance". Real estate companies and brokerage agencies are encouraged to provide "sales assistance" services to residents who "sell old houses for new ones". According to the market-oriented process, the developer entrusts the brokerage agency to help customers who intend to buy new houses sell their old houses. Residents can sign a subscription letter of intent with the real estate company and lock in new houses (including improved houses) within a certain period of time. After the old house is sold, the old house proceeds can be used to buy the new house. If the old house cannot be sold within a certain period of time, the residents can cancel the subscription letter of intent without having to bear the liability for breach of contract.

Yancheng City also proposed to carry out "old house acquisition" through multiple channels. It encourages qualified state-owned enterprises and real estate enterprises to use the acquired houses as talent apartments, affordable housing, affordable rental housing, or solve the housing problems of park employees and people living in dilapidated houses, etc., in accordance with the principle of "short-term rental and long-term sale", or to carry out long-term rental cooperation business with housing rental enterprises with management experience. At the same time, it promotes the sale of old houses for improvement of rigid demand, rent-to-buy, dangerous house exchange and market sale.

Optimize and improve support policies. Local governments should provide support to state-owned enterprises or real estate companies that participate in the "new purchase" policy.Give certain tax subsidies to “reclaim old” houses.Support will be provided to speed up the approval of procedures for "renting instead of buying". Financial support will be increased to guide financial institutions to assist in handling commercial loan procedures for the shortfall in the purchase price of the old house, thus alleviating the pressure on residents to replace their old house.

Strengthen the linkage among multiple departments. All localities should regard the real estate "new purchase" work as an important task to facilitate the replacement of new and second-hand houses, and work closely and accurately. The housing and construction departments of all localities should take the lead in guiding the work, build an information service platform for "new purchase", display housing information, and realize the interconnection, sharing and use of information such as real estate transactions and real estate registration through information technology. The financial department should implement the fund guarantee work for housing purchase subsidies. The resources and regulations department should set up a green channel to quickly handle real estate registration procedures. The tax department should implement the tax and fee concessions in related transaction links. The People's Bank of China guides and coordinates commercial banks to formulate policies to support the acquisition of second-hand housing financing and leasing financing, and provide relevant preferential interest rate loan services.

Increase publicity of policy content. All localities should increase policy interpretation and publicity efforts, proactively respond to the concerns of all parties, and continuously improve the awareness and participation of people who are exchanging homes and real estate companies in "exchanging homes for new homes", effectively increase policy awareness, ensure that good things are done well, and promote the stable and healthy development of our city's real estate market.