
Wu Huixiao of Great Wall Motors: End-to-end is the only solution for intelligent driving at present, but it is not the end point


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Tencent News "First Line"

Author Yang Shi Editor Liu Peng

August 2,Great Wall MotorsWu Huixiao, Vice President of IntelligentWei brandIn the live broadcast of the new Blue Mountain Intelligent Driving Tour in Shenzhen, the recent controversy about the intelligent driving technology route was responded to. Wu Huixiao said that end-to-end is the only solution for urban NOA to achieve a map-free solution that can be driven nationwide. The sooner we cut into the end-to-end technology route and the sooner we practice the Scaling Law, the better the intelligent driving performance will be.

The end-to-end technology mentioned by Wu Huixiao, which transmits information losslessly from the perception end to the decision end, makes the intelligent driving of cars faster and more efficient. It has recently sparked heated discussions in China's intelligent driving industry, and many companies have stated that they have achieved end-to-end intelligent driving. Wu Huixiao believes that the upper limit of end-to-end large model technology will make the level of intelligent driving very high.

Regarding Great Wall Motor's technology route, Wu Huixiao mentioned that Great Wall Motor was the first in the industry to abandon the high-precision map solution and decided to invest in the end-to-end route. She commented that this was a very correct decision. It is understood that Great Wall Motor invested more than 11 billion yuan in research and development last year and obtained more than 130 patents in intelligentization.

Regarding a series of recent actions in the industry, Wu Huixiao commented, "Many industry leaders have held various press conferences to talk about how good end-to-end is, as if they have already reached the final destination. I think it is a bit sad." Wu Huixiao pointed out that the end-to-end big model is a current solution, but in fact there are still some problems. "End-to-end is not the end, it is just the only correct path at present."

It is understood that in August last yearTesla The FSD V12 version was released, becoming the first automaker to successfully mass-produce an end-to-end architecture. There are already many auto brands in China, includingNIO,ideal,Xiaopeng,Millet,ExtremeZhijiGuangzhou Automobile,Great Wall,Zeekretc. have publicly stated that they will join the end-to-end route.