
Star Wars: Outlaws was mainly inspired by Ghost of Tsushima


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In a recent interview with GamesRadar, Star Wars: Outlaws creative director Julian Gerighty compared the game to Ubisoft's other open-world series, but revealed that its inspiration was not just from traditional cowboy Westerns like Red Dead Redemption or Ubisoft's own Assassin's Creed.

He first said that his favorite work in the Assassin's Creed series is "without a doubt" Odyssey, and praised the game's "freedom to act in a very large environment" and "curiosity at its core". He also said that during the production of Desperado, he would ask members of the Odyssey team for some specific details, including the distance between points of interest in the open world.

Odyssey wasn't the only influence, however. "My biggest reference was Ghost of Tsushima, which was more inspired by Akira Kurosawa than Westerns - the John Ford side of George Lucas's inspiration," Gerighty told GamesRadar.

While Red Dead Redemption was certainly an influence, the main thing Gerighty learned from CCP was the need to "treat the world as a real world, not a list of activities to repeat over and over again," he said. "But I think what I like about Ghost of Tsushima is the sheer embrace of the player's fantasy and the commitment to it."

"It's the story, the world, the characters, everything fits together, and the gameplay guides everything. It's 'your samurai ninja fantasy.' It's one of the guiding lights of Star Wars: Desperadoes."

The game, which claims to satisfy players' "cosmic villain fantasies," will be released on August 30.