
why has huawei tianjin port become an industry benchmark for digital transformation?


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a box of cherries travels across the ocean from the other side of the earth to china, and once it arrives, it will become a delicacy in the fruit plates of ordinary people in beijing, tianjin, hebei, henan and other regions within 5 hours.
this scene is from the first episode of "new china says - talking about wisdom" produced by cctv and huawei. with the extremely high operating efficiency of tianjin port's "fruit express", cherries that "taste different every day" after a long period of transportation can finally reach the market in the freshest state.
“fruit express” provides the most intuitive demonstration of what digitalization can bring.
behind the amazing efficiency is the construction of a smart port jointly promoted by huawei and tianjin port. tianjin port has now become the world's first fully iot container terminal and a benchmark for the industry's digital transformation.
the emergence of such benchmarks has also provided more government and enterprise organizations with references to paths and standards on the road to digital transformation, accelerating the digital transformation process in thousands of industries.
01 the surging wave of digital transformation urgently needs to find benchmarks in each industry
under the banner of new productivity, almost everyone, whether large government enterprises or small and medium-sized enterprises, is talking about digital transformation. the concept has been around for a long time, and there are various practices, but the results are different. how to quickly achieve digital transformation? the industry does not have a systematic answer.
for example, to what depth should digitalization be achieved? does it require a complete overhaul, or is it enough to just improve efficiency on the business side?
how do we test the results of digitalization? is it a success as long as we achieve “cost reduction and efficiency improvement”?
when a large number of suppliers are competing for the market, how do we choose external suppliers for cooperation? to what extent should the technologies, products and solutions they provide be considered qualified?
also, what kind of “preparation” work do government and enterprise organizations themselves need to carry out?
from strategy to practice, digital transformation requires an industry benchmark that has achieved positive results and can provide reference and benchmarking value in all dimensions.
the "dock fairy tale" created by huawei and tianjin port has set up such a smart port benchmark in the port industry. the meaning of "benchmark" is not only a symbol of originality and leadership, but also a reference and reference for the digital transformation of the port industry and even more fields. to a certain extent, it measures whether the actions of many companies are reasonable and effective and whether they will achieve the expected results.
with a benchmark, you have a direction and will no longer fall into confusion and chaos.
02 the more amazing the fairy tale of the pier is, the more clear the benchmark is
by dissecting the cooperation between huawei and tianjin port, the reference and benchmarking value it can bring has also surfaced. all aspects of digital transformation can be accurately "measured" using this industry benchmark.
1. partnership measurement: whether a strong alliance is achieved with the intention of a "partner"
for digital transformation, choosing external service providers is crucial.
however, what kind of partners should be chosen and how can we collaborate with them closely and effectively?
two key words can be found in the cooperation between huawei and tianjin port: strong alliance and "partner".
five years ago in 2019, tianjin port began its cooperation with huawei. the former intended to build a world-leading digital port, and the latter also wanted to build a global benchmark. both parties had a common desire for transformation and hit it off.
on the one hand, this kind of cooperation is a typical strong alliance.
as an important port in the north, tianjin port started exploring and practicing smart ports very early. for example, it independently promoted the implementation of a digital dispatching system many years ago.
in this context, tianjin port has a deep and clear insight into the needs of various scenarios in its port, and also has a deep understanding and reserve of a large number of process technologies, data, and parameters involved in digital transformation. for example, an unmanned transport truck or car has dozens of parameters such as speed, volume, and load-bearing capacity, which directly affect the overall scheduling plan and the design and implementation of the unmanned driving plan. tianjin port can provide these data completely and accurately in its long-term digital practice, achieving efficient collaboration with huawei.
huawei has always adhered to the principle of "jumping with your own parachute first" and has been working on digital transformation for many years. it has continuously exported its transformation experience and has now joined hands with leading companies in many industries to promote the implementation of digital transformation. in 2023 alone, huawei has released 69 new industry solutions for the na market.
huawei + tianjin port is a collaboration between strong forces.
on the other hand, this cooperation is also deeper in degree.
at the beginning of the cooperation, both parties were committed to jointly creating a digital benchmark and carried out continuous iterative upgrades, from building a digital twin of tianjin port to jointly formulating the digital transformation plan of tianjin port group. they designed the top-level architecture of tianjin port's ict to promote the digital transformation of the entire port industry.
currently, the two parties are also accelerating the research and development of portgpt (port large scale model), and have also planned the integrated upgrade of port, industry and city for the future.
huawei provides various cutting-edge innovative technologies and transformation experience, and tianjin port provides scenario parameters, processes and other practical experience. together, they will continue to expand the "business" of smart ports and bring more corporate and social value. this is the "partnership"-style cooperative relationship in the digital age.
under the profound demand for change, the relationship between government and enterprise organizations and service providers can no longer be a simple cooperative relationship. only by adopting the mentality of jointly running a business can digital transformation be truly achieved.
2. technical depth measurement: whether it can really "take root"
what kind of technical support is needed for digital transformation to effectively ensure the success of the transformation?
taking stock of the cooperation between huawei and tianjin port, the answer is actually very clear - all technologies must be "rooted" in order to fundamentally promote change.
generally speaking, the port's business mainly includes three aspects: container lifting by quay cranes (loading and unloading), transportation in the terminal area (receiving and delivering goods), and overall production scheduling and dispatching (to ensure overall order and efficiency).
although this seemingly simple job requires very profound digital technology.
for example, in the past, quay crane hoisting required manual operation in a harsh environment and with high labor intensity. after switching to remote hoisting, it faced the problem of transmission delay (hoisting requires high precision and immediacy of movements). based on f5g technology, huawei has built an f5g all-optical industrial network ultra-remote control solution for the entire port. with extremely low latency and large bandwidth, drivers can remotely operate the quay crane in the comfortable environment of the central control room, which is no different from on-site operation. a driver can remotely control multiple quay cranes, greatly improving the efficiency of safe operations.
obviously, without the "rooted" technical support of f5g, such digitalization will be difficult to implement.
similar situations also exist in the horizontal transportation link. huawei helped tianjin port build an intelligent horizontal transportation system that integrates many cutting-edge technologies: perception technology perceives the environment and uploads location information; connection technology (mainly 5g, achieving full coverage of 2.6g and 700m frequency bands) realizes full connection and coordination of ports; cloud computing and ai technology provide application data storage, computing power and other support as a digital intelligence base; intelligent control technology achieves global optimal scheduling; "wind energy + photovoltaic" green power generation technology makes transportation container trucks green and low-carbon...
in addition, in terms of overall production scheduling and dispatching, the artificial intelligence big model is critical to the optimization of the entire system. the tianchou ai solver provided by huawei has taken the "production scheduling" capability, which has greatly affected the overall operational efficiency in the past, to a new level - the entire production schedule can be output in just over ten minutes, and can be automatically adjusted according to changes in weather and actual arrival of ships, allowing each process link of tianjin port to operate in an orderly manner.
there is no one at the port, but it is a feast of technology.
3. methodological measurement: whether the scenario can be effectively connected to the technical capabilities
the separation of technology and scenarios is an embarrassing problem faced by many intelligent transformation projects. huawei's series of "rooted" technologies can truly generate scenario value and achieve the integration of technology and scenarios. this is also due to a set of transformation practice methods summarized by huawei, namely architecture first, platform first, scenario innovation, iterative advancement, and the industry intelligent body reference architecture proposed by huawei:
from this perspective, the cooperation between huawei and tianjin port is actually to use cameras, sensors, 5g, f5g and other technologies at the most basic level to achieve intelligent perception and intelligent connection; then use huawei cloud, computing, storage, etc. to build an intelligent base (general computing, ai computing, and data entry are solved at this level); and then use the intelligent platform to provide various intelligent tools to model the data, support ai big models, and realize autonomous operation and intelligent control of equipment.
in this way, we can ensure that digitalization is truly effective in all dimensions and does not "fall off the chain", introduce the value of technology layer by layer into scenario applications, and continuously support the complex scenario business transformation needs of tianjin port.
4. transformation value measurement: is the unique value of digitalization being generated?
last but not least, what kind of digital transformation can be considered successful?
if we only talk about "reducing costs and increasing efficiency", there are actually many ways to achieve it, and even non-digital methods are advancing this goal.
one of the important reasons why huawei + tianjin port has become a "benchmark" is that it has completely changed the way traditional ports operate and created a "cyber port" with a completely different logic. the so-called cost reduction and efficiency improvement is just the result of this change.
at present, the entire tianjin port, including administrative personnel, has a total of less than 200 people. it has completely moved from the typical "labor-intensive" to the "technology-intensive", achieving a complete transformation of its attributes.
people are no longer the “main labor force” but often serve as “supervisors” for the execution of technologies such as artificial intelligence.
this profoundly illustrates that in many industries and sectors, the test of whether digitalization is successful cannot be simply "reducing costs and increasing efficiency", but rather we should think about whether a thorough reconstruction of the business concept has been achieved. "reducing costs and increasing efficiency" should only be a positive result of this concept.
03 conclusion
the century-old wharf has been given new vitality. huawei and tianjin port have joined forces to create a benchmark for digital transformation and upgrading in the traditional port industry that relies on manpower. from the overall architecture to the establishment of a series of standards, it also means that it is not only a benchmark for reference and benchmarking, but it can also be widely replicated, driving the digital transformation of the entire port industry, stimulating new quality productivity in the industry, and achieving high-quality development.
the series of common practices behind the benchmark also mean that in addition to the port industry, huawei can assist in the digital transformation of more industries such as mining, manufacturing, government affairs, finance, education, and energy, and realize the “digital world is within reach.”
as guo zhenxing, vice president of huawei's china government business, said, "huawei insists on using digital transformation as its rudder, new technologies as its sail, and scenario-based solution innovation as its paddle to help thousands of industries sail towards a beautiful digital future." under the era proposition of new quality productivity, the digital transformation process of thousands of industries will be accelerated.