
after school, i was as hungry as a wolf. recently, many children were busy with this matter. some schools also notified parents to weigh the weight of the skipping rope.


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zhu lizhen, reporter of chao news client
"every day when i pick her up from school, the first thing she says is 'i'm so hungry'. i always make some dumplings for her to fill her stomach before i get home." a mother told chao news reporters that her daughter is in the third grade of primary school. the school notified that she had to take a physical fitness test, so she has been training in related projects every day. after finishing the training at school, she has to continue to consolidate her training when she gets home, which consumes a lot of physical energy.
shortly after the start of school, primary and secondary school students in hangzhou are faced with this test - the hangzhou city primary and secondary school students' physical fitness test. every year, the hangzhou municipal education bureau evaluates and ranks the results of this test, so everyone takes it very seriously.
some parents also reported that the teacher sent a notice a few days ago asking parents to weigh their children's skipping ropes to ensure they meet the district's physical examination requirements.
students are practicing sit-ups. image provided by the school
i am too devoted to practicing skipping rope every day.
three rubber bands can't hold my hair together
every year, hangzhou conducts a physical fitness test for primary and secondary school students in the city. according to the situation in previous years, the test grade range is the third grade of primary school, the sixth grade of primary school, the second grade of junior high school, the second grade of vocational high school and the third grade of general high school. the test items are set differently according to the grade, mainly including 50-meter run, sit-ups, 1-minute skipping, standing long jump, sit-ups, pull-ups, 50-meter × 8 run, 1,000-meter run, 800-meter run, football dribbling, etc.
the specific time of the physical examination varies from district to district. some parents said that the school will conduct the physical examination this week, while some schools have tentatively scheduled it for mid-october.
although the time is different, throughout september, most schools have entered the physical test preparation or sprint stage, and many parents feel that their children have become "stinky".
"i have twins. my elder sister got the lottery, but my younger sister didn't. the sixth grade just started. we had morning training every day and during the big break. i felt that everyone had a smell when i came back from school every day." a parent said that the school has decided to conduct a physical test next monday, "i think we will feel a little relieved after the test."
a parent of a sixth-grade student said that the school arranged physical education classes every day, and also suggested some physical training after school. "there were some trainings before, but the intensity of physical training increased suddenly this semester. later i learned that it was a physical test. the weather has been hot recently, and i really smell of sweat when i get home from school."
there are also parents of junior high school students who reported that their children trained for an hour every afternoon from the beginning of the school year to the mid-autumn festival. "their clothes were soaked with sweat every day. the list of candidates for the physical examination was drawn a few days ago. those who didn't make the list can breathe a sigh of relief."
ms. chen's daughter is in the third grade. the intensity of physical education in school has increased recently. every day when i pick her up from school, i feel sweaty.
"every morning when grandma combs my hair, she ties one rubber band at first, and when she ties it in the afternoon, it's a mess. later, she adds two or three rubber bands, ties them tightly, but it's still messy." when i asked my daughter what happened, she was helpless, "she said she was too involved in skipping rope and doing sit-ups, so it's easy to mess up her hair."
some parents were so embarrassed that they didn't know whether to laugh or cry. the girls' hair was messy, but the boys' shoes were damaged. "two pairs of shoes were worn out, and even more socks were torn."
the training intensity is high and the physical energy consumption is also high.
ms. chen said that every day when her daughter came home from school, she was like a hungry wolf, and the first thing she said was "i'm starving." before the formal dinner, her grandmother would make some dumplings for her to fill her stomach. in addition to the training at school, she also had to practice at home in the evening. "her difficulty is sit-ups and sit-ups, which are still far from full marks, and i want to improve them."
students are practicing skipping rope. image provided by the school
some parents buy practice aids
the school also notified that the skipping rope should be weighed
is the physical test difficult? a reporter from chao news got a copy of the third-grade test items and evaluation criteria, which included five items: vital capacity, 50-meter run, sit-ups, 1-minute rope skipping, and sit-ups. for the 50-meter run, for example, the full score for boys is 9.1 seconds, and for girls it is 9.2 seconds; for sit-ups, the full score for boys is 16.3cm, and for girls it is 19.2cm; for sit-ups, the full score for boys is 48, and for girls it is 46; for rope skipping, the full score for boys is 126, and for girls it is 139.
in october last year, the hangzhou municipal education bureau organized an on-site random test, covering 5,364 students from 95 schools (campuses). the average score of the city's students' physical health tests was 89.33 points.
"some exercises are easy, while others are quite difficult. for example, my daughter can only do 32 sit-ups at most, and 15 sit-ups. she has to practice two sets every day, which feels like her limit." one mother said that sports have always been her daughter's weak point, especially her lack of abdominal strength. in order to improve her grades, she even bought auxiliary tools for the exercises in the relevant items. "it can only be said that poor students have more stationery, so it is still a bit difficult to improve their grades. however, several parents in the class said that it is difficult to get full marks in sit-ups."
for rope skipping, it is quite easy to get full marks. on top of full marks, there is an option of 20 extra points. "for example, if the full marks are 139, you are generally required to jump 180 times."
a few days ago, some parents received a notice from the teacher, asking them to go home and weigh the weight of their children's skipping ropes. according to the district physical examination requirements, the total weight of the rope should be between 110 and 150 grams.
chao news asked physical education teachers from several schools, and they all said that there is no requirement for students to get full marks in all items. however, in some schools, physical test scores will be linked to the year-end performance evaluation, so parents also attach great importance to this result.
students are practicing running. image provided by the school
physical education teachers focus on skills, while class teachers serve as “assistants”
integrate physical test improvement into daily life
in the physical health test of students, binjiang district has always performed very well. in 2022 and 2023, it won the first place in the total average score of the physical health test of students in the compulsory education stage in hangzhou for two consecutive years.
in fact, since 2020, binjiang has been the first in the province to implement the regulations of "one physical education class every day" and "1.5 hours of physical exercise on campus every day", advocating cooperation between families and schools to ensure that students exercise for 2 hours a day. now many schools have also built distinctive physical education curriculum systems and accumulated a lot of experience.
many physical education teachers have mentioned that if you want to get good results in physical tests, it is far from enough to rely solely on a sprint in the last one or two months. some parents also lament that it is tiring to improve results in a short period of time.
"we have implemented a physical education class every day since the first grade. in addition, we also have physical exercises in both large and small classes every day." lai wanping, vice principal of hangzhou chunhui primary school, said that the improvement of physical test scores is not achieved through a few months of preparation and sprinting, but through gradual improvement. "there are large recess activities in the morning and afternoon, plus physical education classes. the daily outdoor exercise time starts at 1.5 hours. this has been implemented since the first grade, integrating the final score improvement into the daily routine."
in addition to daily physical exercise, the school will carry out targeted physical test training during the physical test season. the physical education teacher will implement the key points of the movements for technical projects, such as football pole swings, sit-ups, and sit-ups; and conduct physical training for endurance projects. the head teacher and deputy head teacher will also collaborate to conduct block exchange training. "the physical education teacher will grasp the skills, and during the big break, according to the venue conditions, the head teacher will lead the students to practice rope skipping, etc., which is more scientific and effective in venue utilization, time allocation, and division of labor."
principal lai gave an example. during the 15-minute break, some class teachers would help individual students improve their strengths and make up for their weaknesses. "for example, skipping rope and sit-ups. some children are weaker, so they can be tutored one-on-one in class."
in the final sprint stage of the physical test, stratified and classified counseling will be provided. "based on the different situations of different students, training groups will be formed to provide more targeted guidance."
physical examinations should not only be implemented in schools, but also require the cooperation of parents. many parents are more rational about this.
"i think it's a good thing. the child is usually lazy and doesn't take the initiative to exercise, so he is short. now that there is a teacher to supervise him, it's a good thing for him to move around."
some parents have a long-term vision: "it's to lay a foundation for junior high school. physical education will also be included in the junior high school entrance examination."
principal lai said that the school does not have a strict rule that students need to check in for exercise after returning home. instead, the school will provide parents with some project training guidance videos to help students "fill in the gaps."
"in fact, compared with the final results, sports are more about training and cultivating willpower. in the process of preparing for physical tests, it is meaningful to carry out some encouragement, frustration and growth education to cultivate children's resilience and let them persist in challenging themselves."
"please indicate the source when reprinting"