
from "eating while standing" to "eating while sitting" - yiyang's supervisory authorities work together to protect the safety of "campus meals"


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huasheng online omnimedia reporter yang jiajun correspondent liu manlin
"seeing our children sitting in the cafeteria and eating peacefully, we parents feel much more at ease." a few days ago, ms. zhang, who was having her children in the cafeteria at minjia primary school in dongping town, anhua county, yiyang city, told reporters about the changes in the school in the new semester.
previously, the yiyang municipal commission for discipline inspection and supervision conducted supervision on the dining conditions and food quality of local primary and secondary schools, and found that dining seats in some small-scale rural schools in anhua county were not guaranteed and that students had to eat while standing. they immediately reported the problem to the anhua county commission for discipline inspection and supervision, demanding that relevant functional departments be urged to effectively resolve the problem.
the anhua county commission for discipline inspection and supervision included it in the problem list and focused on supervision. it urged the county education bureau to conduct a "dragnet" investigation of 166 primary and secondary schools in the county, and verified that 20 schools had the problem of "students eating while standing". for the problems found in the investigation, such as the lack of dining venues and incomplete facilities and equipment, the county discipline inspection and supervision committee implemented "one school, one policy" to implement rectification. at the same time, the county discipline inspection and supervision committee jointly established a joint inspection team with the education, finance and other departments to track the construction of dining venues and the purchase, installation and commissioning of dining tables and chairs, and supervise the standardized use of special funds. the anhua county finance department raised 6 million yuan in special funds to upgrade the quality of primary and secondary school canteens, and more than 5,000 students changed from "eating while standing" to "eating while sitting".
since the beginning of this year, the yiyang municipal commission for discipline inspection and supervision has based itself on the responsibility of "supervision of supervision" and focused on the prominent issues of food safety and dietary funding management in primary and secondary school campuses to carry out "small-scale" special rectification, and has coordinated the investigation and handling of cases with rectification and remediation, promoted supervision and regulation in the same direction, and worked together to protect the safety of "campus meals" in primary and secondary schools.
solve "one thing" and handle "one type of thing" well. in the process of promoting rectification, the yiyang municipal commission for discipline inspection and supervision paid attention to both the symptoms and the root causes, coordinated the investigation and handling of cases, risk prevention and control, plugging loopholes, and purifying the political ecology, and conducted a good job in similar case analysis, summarizing and sorting out specific violations of discipline and law such as misappropriation of food expenses, illegal bidding and procurement, and private appropriation of project funds. by strengthening warning education, sending letters for supervision, and issuing discipline inspection and supervision recommendations, the supervision responsibilities of the functional departments such as education, finance, market supervision, and health and health were tightened, and the standardized management of key links such as campus canteen contracting and procurement, business management, policy implementation, and responsibility implementation was strengthened, and a long-term mechanism was improved and perfected.
the main responsibility and the supervisory responsibility work in the same direction, and the industry-wide systemic problems have been corrected. so far, yiyang has built or expanded 124 primary and secondary school canteens, and the dining conditions of 100 small rural schools have been improved, with 5,769 new seats added; the student food standards have been further improved, and the direct cost of self-operated canteens in primary and secondary schools has increased from 70% to 75% of the food expenses; all counties and cities have established a centralized procurement system for bulk food ingredients, and "three-proof" facilities, cleaning and disinfection, and refrigerated storage equipment are fully equipped, and teachers and students have been promoted throughout the city to eat the same food, the same quality, and the same price, and parents' representatives accompany the meal to supervise the system.
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