
zhejiang propaganda: is it a waste of time for entrepreneurs to become internet celebrities?


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in recent years, some entrepreneurs have opened accounts on various social platforms, built personal ip, and launched a "traffic offensive."

these entrepreneurs write articles and post videos. some give free classes, some play with memes, and some sell goods through live streaming... they have opened up new business "jianghu" in the internet world. their updates often become hot searches, their words are frequently forwarded, and some have attracted a lot of fans.

some people say: "developing products, manufacturing, and r&d are the top priorities for entrepreneurs. being an internet celebrity is not a serious attitude towards running a business." so, is it a waste of time for entrepreneurs to become anchors and internet celebrities?

screenshots of the video featuring lei jun, zhou hongyi, and yu minhong source: wechat public account of "global network"


it is not new for entrepreneurs to become internet celebrities. as early as the early days of the internet, entrepreneurs tried blogs, weibo and other online platforms to express their opinions and share their experiences. nowadays, internet sharing has diversified forms, and some entrepreneurs are particularly active on short video platforms. many of them have accumulated more than 100 million views, and some live broadcasts have millions of viewers. the author has sorted out and found that internet celebrity entrepreneurs can be roughly divided into several "schools".

some have their own halo.some entrepreneurs have life experiences and entrepreneurial stories that people talk about with great relish, and they can easily gain a large number of fans on social media. for example, lei jun, the founder of xiaomi group, is nicknamed the real-life "protagonist of a cool article" by netizens. topics such as "the top scorer in the college entrance examination is the most insignificant achievement in his life" and "at the lowest point, there was a cold 4 billion in his bank card" may be half true or half false, but they always trigger heated discussions; for example, from a grassroots salesperson to a senior executive, dong mingzhu, the chairman of gree electric appliances, has a life full of passionate legends, and her every move has attracted much attention.

some convey ideas.while pursuing commercial success, some internet celebrity entrepreneurs also do not forget to convey positive ideas online. for example, wei jianjun, chairman of great wall motors, expressed his love and persistence for the automotive industry in relevant videos. his words such as "i am very lucky to have caught up with the great era of reform and opening up" and "we should cherish this era. we must have great ideals, a big picture, and greater responsibilities" have won the respect of many netizens; for example, yu minhong, founder of new oriental, has also maintained a high frequency of updates on his public account. his life insights and educational experiences have inspired many fans.

some have a strong sense of the internet.there is another type of entrepreneur who closely follows social hot topics and actively interacts with netizens. for example, 360 founder zhou hongyi often expresses his views on topics such as network security and new technologies. some netizens say, "i admire mr. zhou very much. he can say a few words about relevant and irrelevant issues, whether he knows or doesn't know." there are also some young entrepreneurs who have light burdens and many "burdens". they can use short short plays and other forms to show their corporate brands and personal lives to netizens, getting closer to young people.

some skills are maxed addition to being an entrepreneur, some people may have more identities and labels. some even become "skill bloggers" and display their "eighteen martial arts" on social platforms. for example, the column "zhang chaoyang's physics class" opened by zhang chaoyang, the founder of sohu, has been updated for more than 200 issues. with the sharing of professional knowledge and in-depth and easy-to-understand explanations, it has attracted many netizens.

the column "zhang chaoyang's physics class" opened by zhang chaoyang. source: "zhang chaoyang's physics class" video account


creating content is difficult; creating quality content is even more difficult. for entrepreneurs to become internet celebrities, it means investing some time and energy, maintaining exposure and topicality, and continuing to interact closely with fans. they may also face public opinion pressure. what is the driving force behind entrepreneurs stepping forward and frequently "touching the internet"? the author believes that there are at least several reasons.

get involved with consumers.the 54th "statistical report on the development of internet in china" shows that by june 2024, the number of chinese internet users will be nearly 1.1 billion. for a business, where the customers are, there is the market; whoever captures the attention of internet users will capture the flow of traffic.

through short videos and live broadcasts, entrepreneurs are able to mingle with netizens across the country and even around the world, which is equivalent to broadening marketing channels and increasing user stickiness. for example, some entrepreneurs reply to netizens' comments in a humorous and down-to-earth style, "check-in" to report their personal lives, and humbly learn all kinds of new internet knowledge and skills, breaking the stereotype of entrepreneurs, and many people have become their fans.

deeply link with the the era of information explosion, brand stories and values ​​have become important considerations for consumers when choosing products. entrepreneurs are the "soul" of the company, and their personal image, words and deeds are closely related to the brand image. through the internet, they can more vividly show their work philosophy, life philosophy, corporate culture, etc., so that consumers can more comprehensively understand and know the brand and have a certain emotional connection. when consumers feel their personal charm and sincere attitude, they will be more willing to believe in and choose this brand to a certain extent.

meet a better self.the convenience of the internet has changed the way people obtain and transmit information, and has also given everyone more opportunities to share and show off. for entrepreneurs, showing their talents and abilities on the internet can be seen and recognized by more people. in the process of continuous output, they can also constantly think about how to "gather" netizens' emotions, meet consumer needs, and combine with the main business, etc. it can be said that the courage to move from offline to online and constantly train oneself is itself a manifestation of actively stepping out of the comfort zone and a process of self-breakthrough.

image source: ic photo


as the head of a company, the main job of an entrepreneur is to run and manage the company well. but is it really a waste of time for an entrepreneur to become an internet celebrity? the author has three opinions on this.

"even a tough life needs an explanation."in the internet age, even the best wine needs to be promoted through effective communication. different from the promotion method of "spending" on advertising, nowadays, enterprises are more likely to exert a certain influence by making good use of the internet platform.

especially when the "boss" speaks out, demonstrates the strength of the brand, shares life stories, and expresses personal opinions, helping netizens to resolve doubts and gain knowledge, they can get closer to consumers and improve marketing effectiveness. they still serve their main business. for example, after lei jun joined social platforms such as video account, his number of fans on the entire network reached tens of millions. various related topics made him frequently appear in the public eye, which also helped the xiaomi brand reach more customers.

"product is 1, marketing is 0".for entrepreneurs, doing everything possible to make the enterprise stronger and forge excellent products and quality is always the first priority and the "right way in the world". products are "1". good products come first, and then there will be the subsequent marketing "multiplier" effect. most entrepreneurs who appear in front of the camera will not ignore the foundation of the enterprise. some entrepreneurs have been standing behind the stage and even don't want to be paid too much attention. although they are not active online, they have also become internet celebrities in people's hearts with their "national-level" brand products.

however, there are also a few people who enjoy the feeling of being seen, indulge in the carnival of traffic, ignore the "quality is king", and ultimately lead their business operations into trouble. it is understandable that entrepreneurs follow the trend and become internet celebrities, but excessive pursuit of "eyeball effect" is not a long-term solution.

innovation is the key to some extent, entrepreneurs joining the online celebrity race is a marketing method with low investment and quick results. however, if enterprises want to consolidate their foundation and achieve long-term development, entrepreneurs need to calm down and make unremitting efforts.

while attaching importance to brand promotion, more attention should be paid to product r&d and innovation. whether an enterprise has a market, a product or a business model is vigorous, still depends on its own competitiveness. in order to both gain a foothold in the market and innovate to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers, entrepreneurs need to balance the relationship between quality control and marketing in transformation and upgrading.

what really makes a company "invincible" is to have a deep insight into consumer needs and build a solid and lasting brand influence through value creation and product innovation; at the same time, it is also necessary to grasp the trend of the internet and "add icing on the cake" for good quality and good stories. only in this way can it win the market and reputation.