
ai study room becomes popular


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with the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence, ai education has ushered in new opportunities.
"oriental outlook weekly" reporter jian hongni, editor chen rongxue
the "ai study room" solution was displayed at the 83rd china education equipment exhibition held at the chongqing international expo center in april 2024 (photo from the internet)
on august 22, the 2024 national digital education summit forum and ai study room model seminar was held in suzhou. the conference defined the industry standards for digital education smart study rooms, which indicates that education and training institutions will transform from a single knowledge transmitter to a builder of an intelligent learning ecosystem.
as the name suggests, ai study rooms combine traditional shared study rooms with intelligent learning systems to provide students with a more efficient and convenient learning experience. unlike traditional study rooms, ai study rooms are equipped with intelligent learning terminals for students. these devices can adjust the difficulty according to the students' answers and accurately push questions based on the students' weak knowledge points. li longfei, principal of hebei hengtai boyuan education and training school, told outlook weekly that the ai ​​study room market is currently in a rapid development stage, attracting the attention of a large number of education technology companies and education and training practitioners.
earlier, liu yong, executive deputy director of the academic committee of the china educational technology association, said at the forum on the construction of potential ai-enabled education service scenarios that developing digital education and promoting the digital transformation of education are necessary for development. the essence of the digital transformation of education is to promote the digitization of resources, innovate teaching and learning paradigms, reconstruct the education ecology, and achieve the development of inclusive education and the leap of lifelong education based on new-generation information technologies such as artificial intelligence.
"artificial intelligence empowers thousands of industries, and ai study rooms are an important product of artificial intelligence's precise empowerment of the education field." hu naying, senior business manager of the artificial intelligence research institute of the china academy of information and communications technology, told outlook weekly that with the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence, ai education has ushered in new opportunities.
with the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence, ai education has ushered in new opportunities. the picture shows students practicing programming on smart devices at a school in liuzhou, guangxi.
the general trend
"a few days ago, i saw someone sharing an introduction link to the ai ​​study room in the study group. when i opened it, i found that it had been viewed more than 40,000 times." zhang di (pseudonym) is a parent of a primary school student. he told outlook weekly that some of his friends have taken their children to experience it.
our reporter walked into an ai study room in beijing, where students from primary school, junior high school and high school were sitting, all staring at their own learning machines and busy studying.
the learning model of the ai ​​study room is: the institution tests the users and provides machine learning based on the test results; offline teachers do not give lectures or answer questions, but mainly play the role of supervision, companionship, tracking learning progress, and formulating academic plans.
"our target users are teenagers aged 8 to 18. we provide personalized learning, supervisor companionship and intelligent tutoring for primary and secondary school students who are under pressure to enter higher education." the staff of this ai study room told the reporter of this magazine.
li longfei said that ai empowering precision education is the general trend.
"smart educational products, supervisor-assisted learning services, and self-study spaces are the three key elements of ai study rooms." li longfei told outlook weekly that improving efficiency within a limited time is everyone's common pursuit.
"in the ai ​​study room, the system can carry out precise personalized learning design through learning process management and feedback, learning analysis and answers, diversified learning resources, interactive communication and collaborative learning, thereby helping students better master knowledge, improve learning efficiency and independent learning ability." said li longfei.
"generative ai has great advantages in information retrieval, learning planning and collaborative creation, and can help teachers and students improve the quality of education and teaching." hu naying said, "if we can build an open education platform, it will also help bridge the education gap between different regions."
regarding the effect of ai study room on improving academic performance, users have different feelings.
parent cai jin (pseudonym) said that the study room provides a place and atmosphere similar to a classroom, which can effectively help students improve their learning efficiency. however, some parents believe that frequent practice will solidify thinking and is not conducive to students' self-thinking and inquiry abilities. some students said that ai learning is more effective in finding deficiencies and filling gaps. zhang di did not enroll his child, and the reason was: "frequent study on a tablet will affect eyesight."
industry insiders pointed out that the organic combination of "academic management + trusteeship" is the core of ai study rooms to meet the education needs of modern families.
in this regard, li longfei said that ai study rooms cannot completely replace traditional learning methods, and students' academic performance is affected by many factors such as learning attitude, degree of effort, family environment, etc. therefore, parents and students should have rational expectations when choosing ai study rooms and make decisions based on their actual conditions.
september 3, 2024, fujiapo, wuhan, hubei, ai study room
many players
many entrants have joined the market as the trend has emerged.
liu rui is an entrepreneur. the ai ​​study room he opened is about 2 kilometers away from a middle school, with a total of 25 semi-enclosed seats. he did some calculations and found that he had sold 6 learning machines in the two months since opening. he also provides evening and weekend care services. no one has returned the card yet, so he is basically satisfied with the overall revenue.
another practitioner, jiang xiaolin, said: "in addition to the rent and decoration expenses for opening an ai study room, there are also expenses for ai learning tablets and learning accounts, which is the bulk of the expense." she said that she mainly carried out marketing and promotion through local promotion, mothers' communities, and cross-industry cooperation with stationery stores and snack bars, and quickly attracted the first batch of students.
"my fees are based on a membership system. the fees for primary and junior high schools are slightly different. each registration is charged for three months. currently, there are 88 students enrolled." jiang xiaolin said that holidays are the peak season. before the summer vacation, more than a dozen seats were booked, and the number of students coming to the study room increased during the holidays.
li longfei said that there are three main operating models for ai study rooms: direct operation, franchising, and cooperation. they are directly operated by educational technology companies or large training institutions; attracting individuals or small institutions to join through brand authorization and technical support; and cooperating with public institutions such as schools and libraries to share venues and resources. there are four profit models: one is the membership system, which attracts users to consume for a long time by launching membership cards and providing membership privileges such as discounts and priority reservations. the second is course sales, selling online courses or cooperating with other educational institutions to provide users with rich learning resources. the third is equipment sales and leasing, such as smart tablets, headphones, etc., to obtain additional income. the fourth is advertising cooperation, placing corporate advertisements inside the study room or on online platforms to obtain advertising revenue.
"at present, profits are mainly concentrated on the membership system and course sales," he said.
new track, new challenge
despite the clear business model, some industry insiders are still cautious about ai study rooms.
an education entrepreneur told outlook weekly that he was not optimistic because some institutions were "selling dog meat under the guise of sheep" or skirting the rules, and there was a suspicion of hidden subject training, and some regions have restrictions on the opening of ai study rooms. second, for a track like education and training that focuses on service and results, the franchise model is not desirable, and the difference in interests between the brand and the franchisee will lead to huge differences in service quality and service results.
in li longfei's view, the challenges and problems faced by ai study rooms have surfaced. first, due to the high technical threshold, some small institutions may find it difficult to bear the high equipment purchase and maintenance costs; second, market competition is increasingly fierce, and price wars and homogeneous competition are serious.
hu naying said: "as an artificial intelligence product, the learning machine in the ai ​​study room, if it involves providing algorithm recommendation services or generative artificial intelligence services, will be subject to the "internet information service recommendation management regulations", "internet information service deep synthesis management regulations", "interim measures for the management of generative artificial intelligence services" and other restrictions. if it involves students' personal information and data processing, it will be subject to the "cybersecurity law", "data security law", "personal information protection law" and other regulations." ai study rooms should pay attention to scientific and technological ethics issues, ensure that the content of artificial intelligence services provided is in line with mainstream values, prevent excessive dependence, and maintain the physical and mental health of students and minors.