
new railway regulations bring new improvements to people’s well-being


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cctv news:starting from september 20, new regulations have been introduced for transportation services for key passengers such as the elderly, children, the sick, the disabled, and pregnant women, which clearly define the standards, content, and methods of providing quality services. by further scientifically allocating resources, standardizing service processes, and improving relevant rules, travel for key passengers will become more warm, convenient, and easy.
the new regulations focus on clarifying the service objects and scope of key passengers. the passenger transport service objects are: key passengers such as the elderly, children, the sick, the disabled, and pregnant women, as well as special key passengers who need to rely on assistive devices. the service scope includes railway ticket sales, entry, waiting, boarding, exiting and other links, covering all scenarios of railway travel. in order to provide more accurate services, the special key passenger services are expanded and subdivided into "services for unaccompanied elderly passengers, services for unaccompanied pregnant passengers, services for passengers with visual/hearing impairments, services for passengers with mobility impairments in wheelchairs/stretchers (cars), services for passengers with guide dogs", etc., and classified service measures have been formulated.
the reservation time limit for key passenger services has been further relaxed. it has been adjusted from "within 72 hours before departure of the train at the station" to "from 6 hours before departure to the pre-sale period". if the time before departure is less than 6 hours, you can apply at the 12306 service desk or comprehensive service center at the station. in principle, the application time limit should not be later than 60 minutes before departure. the railway department reminds that in order to better experience the online reservation service, please complete the railway 12306 app version update as soon as possible.
in recent years, the travel service needs of key passengers have shown a diversified trend. the railway department has created a number of key passenger service brands such as the "036 waiting room" at beijing west railway station and the "158" lei feng service station at nanjing station, and basically built a humanistic care service system for key passengers such as the elderly, children, the sick, the disabled, and pregnant women, and continuously improved the level of railway public services and the travel experience of key passengers. in 2023, the national railway will serve a total of 919,000 special key passengers who have made reservations at the 12306 customer service center, a year-on-year increase of 163%.
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