
the fatal shortcomings of the “three sheep”: lack of reverence and absence of business ethics


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from the "mei cai kou rou" incident exposed at the 3.15 gala to the "meicheng mooncake" storm during the mid-autumn festival, the live streaming e-commerce super ip "three sheep network", which is caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, has increasingly exposed its fatal shortcomings.
simply put, its shortcomings can be summarized into two aspects: one is the absence of business ethics and the lack of integrity; the other is the use of tricks in business and the lack of awe.
let's talk about business ethics first. honesty, as the foundation of business, is the bottom line and red line of business ethics. the basic manifestation of honesty is that the goods are genuine and the price is fair. the goods are genuine first, and the price is fair later. but as we can see, the "meicai kou rou" incident exposed by the 3.15 gala directly pointed to the product quality, which was a problematic food made with "lymphatic meat" as the raw material. the "meicheng mooncake" incident not only involved temporarily raising prices in the live broadcast room and deliberately creating the illusion of "price reduction", but also involved false propaganda and expanded publicity, which can be described as "unreal prices" and "insincere words". this is the absence of business ethics.
let's look at business skills. in terms of the speed of the rise of "three sheep" as a leading e-commerce company, it is undoubtedly the "master among masters" in terms of business skills. data shows that in 2023, its total sales of goods will reach 16 billion yuan, making it the hottest "number one" in the live e-commerce industry. but business skills are not limited to the sales link. after-sales service and public opinion management in the "post-sales" link are also organic parts of business skills. in terms of the after-sales service strategy of "three sheep" and the public opinion response performance of its relevant core personnel, it is obviously unqualified. for example, in the face of the "problematic meicaikourou" issue, it has been slow to make a statement. especially after other well-known goods-carrying agencies have apologized and issued compensation policies at the first time, its performance is particularly dwarfed, and it has become more and more caught in the trend of public opinion. the same is true for the "meicheng mooncake" incident. the "three sheep" has been slow to make a positive statement, and even caused the head of the peers to name and crusade, and the "moral high ground" has been lost. at the same time, when there was a lack of commercial responsibility, the anchors' "crying with their faces covered" in the live broadcast room was regarded as a deliberate performance and was criticized. the managers' "talking nonsense" and "hard-working" in the live broadcast room became a laughing stock. this exposed the limitation of having skills but no strategy.
the ultimate manifestation of being skillful but without strategy is to value profit over business and neglect responsibility. profit is right, responsibility is obligation. rights and obligations are two sides of the same coin of business behavior, and they are inseparable. anyone who gains profit through business behavior must also bear corresponding responsibilities. issues such as product quality and after-sales service are the first and must-be-borne obligations. trying your best to make a profit but making excuses when fulfilling your responsibilities is a typical case of being skillful but without strategy, and also the most typical short-sighted act.
the appearance of valuing profits and shirking responsibilities is a kind of fluke. they think that they can escape the pursuit of public opinion and the public's accountability by burying their heads in the sand like an ostrich. its essence is the lack of awe, the lack of awareness and awe of business ethics, and the lack of understanding and awe of consumer psychology. as the head ip that has risen rapidly in the era of live e-commerce, the essential driving force of the rapid rise of "three sheep" is fans, that is, users. users accumulate sand into a tower, giving it height; users converge into a river, boosting its market. the so-called traffic is a collection of user attention. traffic is like water, which can carry a boat or overturn it. only by always being in awe can we achieve good interaction. they should have a deeper understanding and cognition of traffic and users. as far as their blindly opportunistic performance is concerned, they obviously did not respect users and traffic.
good intentions and determination are the ultimate power for entrepreneurs to lead their companies to achieve healthy development. good intentions are to be kind to others, and the core is to be kind to users, always serving users and creating value for users with one's own strength; determination is a sense of responsibility, always sober and never expanding, always taking the practice of social responsibility as one's own responsibility, and promoting social development with corporate development. whether it is the "old brands" from ancient times to the present, or the brands that have been evergreen since the reform and opening up, the reason why they can become symbols of social development is that they have always been in the same frequency with social development, helping social development and adding color to the life of the times. in contrast, the "three sheep" that have soared into the sky are far from reaching the conceptual level of entrepreneurs. the response performance of its management team to complex problems shows that the speed of its cognitive and behavioral abilities has not kept up with the speed of the rise of the business empire. in a sense, the asynchronous business level and ability level constitute its achilles' heel, and the more critical the moment, the more fatal the consequences will be.
the rise of the "three sheep" is not easy. creating a business miracle from 0 to 10 billion in two years can be regarded as a landmark enterprise in the era of live e-commerce; the core management represented by big yang, little yang and their co-founder lu wenqing can also be regarded as the top figures in the era of live e-commerce. even when the wind is open, not everyone can ride the wind. they have proved their unique abilities with their past successes and demonstrated their unique value of the times. the complex situation they are experiencing now seems to also show that not everyone who rides the wind can maintain the momentum to move forward and continue to ride the wind and waves.
on september 18, the guangzhou huadu district market supervision and administration bureau, where the "meicheng mooncake" company is located, issued an announcement that no problems have been found in the company and its product links during supervision. this notice promptly clarified the responsibilities of the manufacturers of the products involved and reflected the active efforts to protect the companies in the jurisdiction. we believe that as a super tax source enterprise with an annual tax payment of hundreds of millions of yuan, the "three sheep" station also has its own strength to strive to create a better business environment for them. but the core of corporate development and progress will ultimately depend on the managers' own cognitive and behavioral abilities. especially in the current situation where "all responsibilities are in the sales link" has become an established fact, every step forward for the "three sheep" may mean a step to heaven or a step to the abyss. let us wait and see.
(reporter shi nianjun of dazhong news)