
the first contact network pole of chaoma intercity railway was successfully assembled


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hefei, september 15 (xu wenfeng, xu chengze, zhao shengjie) at the construction site of the super-large bridge across the s206 provincial road at zhengpugang station of chaoma intercity railway, the "first pole" of the contact network of chaoma intercity railway was successfully assembled on the 14th. the assembly of the contact network pillar is the first important node of the "four electricity" project of the chaoma intercity railway project.
the first contact network pole of chaoma intercity railway was successfully assembled. photo by gao zongmin
as the main framework of the electric traction power supply project in the "four electricity" (i.e. communication, signal, electricity, electric traction power supply) project, the overhead line is a special form of transmission line erected above the line to supply power to trains. the chaoma intercity railway is designed to have 2,591 overhead line pillars.
the first overhead contact network support pole assembled on that day was 8 meters high and weighed about 1.4 tons. the project construction management unit ning'an railway company, together with the construction unit china railway electrification bureau, formulated detailed operation instructions, carried out safety and technical explanations in advance, strictly controlled key processes such as transportation, positioning, assembly, and assembly, and strictly followed the operation process and process standards.
schematic diagram of the chaoma intercity railway line. map by yin chao
the chaoma intercity railway has a total length of 61 kilometers and a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour. there are five stations along the line, including chaohu east (existing), hanshan, zhengpugang, ma'anshan south, and ma'anshan east (existing). the chaoma intercity railway connects to the hehang high-speed railway in the north and the ning'an high-speed railway in the east. it is a direct connection between ma'anshan and hefei, the capital of anhui province. after the project is completed and put into operation, a new fast channel will be built on both sides of the wanjiang river, which is of great significance to further shorten the time and space distance between the hefei metropolitan area and the nanjing metropolitan area, create a "yangtze river delta on tracks", improve the regional road network layout, and serve the integrated development of the yangtze river delta and the development of the yangtze river economic belt.