
xianyu has collected service fees for half a month, why haven’t the sellers revolted yet?


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september is almost halfway through. during this period, we have experienced taobao’s integration with wechat pay, and apple and huawei’s successive releases of new products. but who still remembers?xianyu’s service fee has been implemented for some time.

about two months ago, xianyu issued an announcement saying that starting from september 1, all transactions on the platform will be subject to service fees.

specifically, a service fee of 0.6% is charged for each transaction, capped at 60 yuan.the number of transactions in a single month exceeds 10, and the cumulative transaction amount exceeds 10,000 yuan.a service fee of 1% is charged, which means that the maximum charge for the amount exceeding the limit is 1.6%.

this time, both individual and professional sellers will be charged.

so when the announcement came out, some users were unhappy and used words like "ugly eating manners", "disgusting, shameless".

however, i also found that now that the service fee has been charged, the online discussions are not as intense as when the news was first released.

one is everyone's attitude towards xianyu charging service's not as one-sided as imaginedsome people do think that even a fly leg is meat, so why should xianyu charge money? but there are also many people who think that it is only 0.6%, which is no big deal.

the points of complaints from everyone have also changed from the initial united front to scold xianyu to the currentthere is a dispute over how the platform should charge service fees and whether the money should be paid by the seller or the buyer.

in order to find out the current situation of xianyu, chapingjun also went to the front line and talked with several sellers on xianyu about their attitudes towards the xianyu service fee.

first of all, let’s put aside whether or not to charge a service fee... some sellers think that the service fee isthe composition is actually a bit confusing.

xiaohu, who sells digital products on xianyu for many years, told chapingjun that xianyu's service fee is deducted by adding the total price of the product and the shipping fee. for example, in this order, the total price of the product is 180, the shipping fee is 20, and 0.6% is deducted, which is 1.2 yuan.

but the shipping fee is obviously paid to the courier company, and the seller himself does not make any profit at all.xiaohu was a little confused by the deduction of this money.

some sellers also analyzed that the platform might be trying to prevent the product price from being marked with 0.01.the result is that the postage is 2,000 yuan... but in fact, the maximum postage can be set to 100 yuan now, and it is basically impossible to avoid the service fee by using shipping fees.

of course, some sellers think thatthis may be to promote the special discounts on the xianyu delivery sent through this channel may be several dollars cheaper than ordering it yourself, which saves much more than the service fee.

but no matter what, it is a bit uncomfortable for sellers who normally go through idle transactions and pay for shipping costs themselves.

moreover, xiaohu told us that the fee will not be displayed when the transaction is successful, but it will be displayed after the buyer confirms receipt and the seller deposits the money into the account.

as a result, many people didn’t even notice that the service fee had been deducted. only when they opened their alipay accounts did they find that the sky had fallen.

at the same time, chapingjun also learned that many users are already thinking about how to "avoid" service fees.

for sellers, the most direct approach is toit means passing the service fee cost to the buyer.

for example, when you put a mobile phone on hold, you should first factor in the service fee. if a mobile phone costs 6,000 yuan and the service fee is 36 yuan, it will be marked as 6,036 when you put it on the market.

xiaodu, an old seller on xianyu, also told chapingjun that although the service fee is a small amount, no one’s money comes from the wind, and the price of the goods will definitely be increased.

of course, another way is to conduct a normal transaction and pay the service fee as required, but the buyer needs to transfer the excess service fee to the seller separately.

however, in a certain book, the question of whether the service fee should be paid by the buyer or the seller has sparked a wave of discussion, with debaters on both sides holding different views.“if i’m the seller, i pay. if i’m the buyer, i still pay” is perhaps the norm for most people.

for other purposes, you can contact others on xianyu, but the transaction will be conducted directly through wechat or alipay, or you can go to other platforms and open a new link.

it’s not that it’s impossible to do this, but the transaction risk will increase sharply, and it’s very troublesome to go through so much trouble.

in short, according to the observation of the bad reviewer,the vast majority of merchants will not leave xianyu because of service fees.

one reason is that charging fees does make some people unhappy, but it doesn’t have much impact.

according to xiaohu, although everyone has their own opinions on the service fee, the platform has not changed much after charging. at most, the price will be higher in the future, or face-to-face transactions in the same city will be preferred.

xiao li, a seller of ccds on xianyu, also feels that his monthly income is normally around 20,000 yuan, and the service fee for a ccd order of 300 to 500 yuan is only a few yuan for him.i don't feel anything at all

in addition, the sellers also told the bad reviewer,in fact, most of the second-hand platforms on the market currently charge service fees, and there are not many places to go if you want to change platforms.

for example, the world-renowned ebay will charge listing fees and transaction fees. zhuanzhuan has already implemented a 0.6% payment channel fee as early as 2022, and there will be activities in some categories that are free of channel fees during the winter and summer vacations.

there is also an app called qiandao. they mainly provide some grains and charge a transfer service fee of 0.6% for each transaction.

as for the "wuyuan" mini program that has been frequently appearing under the complaints of xianyu recently and has been flooding the screen, it is based on wechat and will incur a 0.6% handling fee for each transaction. it's just that the platform has just been launched, so there are some subsidies.

therefore, xianyu, which was free before, is actually an outlier in the industry.

in addition, i think xianyu’s huge size and its position in the idle platform industry also make it difficult for users to give up this platform.

according to the questmobile report, the total number of monthly active users of china's idle e-commerce is 178 million, and in the idle trading industry, the number of monthly active users of xianyu reaches 162 million.

you know what i mean? this isa cliff-like lead.

however, it is precisely because of xianyu's advantages such as large number of users and free service fees that a large number of professional sellers and e-commerce sellers have flocked to it.

this feature of the idle trading platform seems to be becoming increasingly blurred.professional profiteers and even merchants from taobao and tmall began to occupy the space on xianyu, compressing the exposure of real individual sellers.

however, i think that charging service fees can indeed dissuade professional merchants to a certain extent.

let me put it this way, we also compared it with taobao next door. they also have basic software service fees, and they were all implemented after september 1st. taobao's fee rate is 0.6%.

this is much lower than xianyu’s 1.6% service fee.

although some sellers complain that they cannot get traffic from taobao without spending money to open a through train, the 1% difference in fees is still worth considering for professional sellers.

in addition, i think that making money is not a bad thing for xianyu.

after all, for a commercial platform, it is definitely unhealthy and unsustainable if it does not have a suitable money-making model.

xianyu’s main sources of income previously came from advertising, product recycling, consignment, testing and other value-added services, which were basically all b-side.this is actually inconsistent with the large number of c-end users of xianyu.therefore, according to the practice in the second-hand idle platform industry, charging service fees and making some money can be regarded as a new attempt.

but if i put myself in their shoes, i can understand why some users do not support service fees. after all, it was free before... the related costs will also be added to sellers and buyers.

of course, i believe that most xianyu users do not want to see xianyu become the second taobao tmall, filled with professional sellers and losing the characteristics of a personal idle platform.

chapingjun noticed that in addition to the service fee implemented after september 1, xianyu also launched the "personal seller traffic guarantee plan" and launched a new entrance for "personal idleness", which shows that the platform is still biased towards individual sellers.

in short, charging service fees is a foregone conclusion. i hope that since xianyu has collected the money, it can do more to truly optimize the service quality and product functions.

otherwise, if users don’t buy it, let alone charging service fees, it may not even work if you lose money.

author: bad review, written by: xixi, edited by: jiang jiang, mianxian