
youthful chapter: becoming a teacher for the first time | a female elementary school teacher born in the 1990s was "taught a lesson" by her students when she first entered the workplace


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editor’s note
they dedicated their youth to the podium and left their love to their students. they became teachers for the first time and dedicated their first job in life to the cause of education. they love this profession and are working hard to write a brilliant chapter of youth on the land of the motherland. on the occasion of the 40th teachers' day, the paper launched a special plan of "brilliant chapter of youth·the flourishing youth" - becoming a teacher for the first time, to pay tribute to these new forces who have firmly chosen the cause of education.
xiong yinqiu, 26 years old this year, is a second-grade chinese teacher at the bayi harvest hope primary school in donghu district, nanchang. three years ago, after two years of hard preparation, she officially joined the school as a new teacher. she was full of confidence when she first stepped onto the podium and wanted to give students a wonderful chinese lesson, but unexpectedly, she was "taught a lesson" by the naughty children first.
now, after three years of training and growth, xiong yinqiu, a young teacher born in the 1990s, has gradually grown from immaturity to maturity and has been named an "excellent young gardener" in the district. september 10 this year is the fourth teachers' day in her career. she said that she has no special wishes, "i hope to teach the children until they graduate from the sixth grade and accompany them through the entire primary school stage."
unforgettable first teachers' day
when he was still in elementary school, xiong yinqiu had the idea of ​​becoming a teacher when he grew up.
when she was young, xiong yinqiu was an introverted child. she always sat quietly in her seat after class and never talked or played with her classmates. "after the teacher discovered my state, he not only patiently encouraged me to express myself bravely, but also actively guided my classmates to play with me. later, i gradually became cheerful and outgoing." xiong yinqiu recalled that when she was a student, she had met many gentle, kind and persuasive teachers, which made her yearn for the teaching profession very early. later, when she went to college, she chose a teacher-related major without hesitation.
xiong yinqiu is teaching. all pictures in this article are provided by the interviewee
in 2019, after graduating from a normal university, xiong yinqiu began to apply for a teaching position in nanchang. in the first year, she missed the position due to her unsatisfactory written test scores; in the second year, after more sufficient study and preparation, she finally passed the exam with excellent results and was admitted to the bayi harvest hope primary school in donghu district, nanchang, and became a third-grade chinese teacher.
"i volunteer to become a people's teacher, be loyal to the party's education cause, abide by education laws and regulations, perform the duties of teaching and educating, guide students to grow healthily, have ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and a benevolent heart, and work hard for educational development, national prosperity, and national rejuvenation!" on september 10, 2021, the first teachers' day in his life, xiong yinqiu participated in the new teacher's oath-taking ceremony organized by the district.
"after two years of hard preparation, i finally got my wish and became a glorious people's teacher. the moment i recited the oath, i felt that all the hard work and efforts were worth it!" xiong yinqiu remembered that after the oath, an award ceremony for outstanding teachers was held on the spot. "at that time, i secretly made up my mind that one day i would stand on the podium."
xiong yinqiu did not tell her students in advance that she was going to participate in an event in the district that day, but when she returned to school after the event, she was surprised to find that the children had been waiting for her. when she appeared in the office, the students who were looking out the window immediately rushed over and gave her teacher's day blessings. some handed her a piece of chocolate, some wrote a greeting card, and some gave her two red pens for marking homework...
"it was the beginning of the new semester and i had just been their teacher for a few days. i didn't expect the children to miss me so much." xiong yinqiu said that the simple gifts from the children brought warmth to the heart of a young teacher, "that was the first teacher's day i will never forget."
being taught a lesson by students
before her first class, xiong yinqiu, a new teacher, was full of confidence. she prepared the lesson carefully and prepared the questions to be asked in class. however, when she stood on the podium, the expected lively classroom atmosphere did not appear. instead, a few naughty students "taught her a lesson" first.
"there are always a few naughty students in every class. some seem to be always distracted, while others just pick up their pencil cases and play with them as guns." xiong yinqiu said that when she asked the carefully prepared questions, most of the students looked confused, and rarely responded or interacted. "this made me a little panicked at the podium, and i wondered if there was something wrong with my teaching method."
fortunately, the teacher sitting next to xiong yinqiu’s desk had more than 20 years of teaching experience, so she began to ask for advice humbly, such as how to reasonably arrange the explanation of knowledge points when preparing lessons, and how to better guide students to think independently when asking questions. through the sharing of her predecessors, she gradually found the crux of the problem.
“the chinese textbooks are all works of famous writers. every paragraph and even every sentence has its own meaning, so i always want to explain every knowledge point thoroughly, but this actually loses the focus and makes students sound a little overwhelmed.” later, through constant adjustment with the students, xiong yinqiu began to find her own classroom rhythm and teaching methods that suit the overall knowledge level of the students in the class. her chinese classes have gradually become easy to understand and fascinating.
new year gifts given to xiong yinqiu by students.
in the new school year of 2023, according to the school's arrangement, xiong yinqiu began to teach the newly enrolled first-grade students. in order to cultivate students' interest in reading from the beginning, she tried to organize a "read a book together" activity in the class, allowing the whole class to regularly share their thoughts after reading the same book. through this form of activity, she used the after-school service time last semester to lead the whole class to finish reading "the nine-colored deer".
"students in lower grades actually can't express their feelings after reading." xiong yinqiu said, but even if students can only express such simple feelings as "wow, the stories in the book are so magical!", it means that the children's interest in reading has been aroused, "and that's enough."
in addition, after becoming a teacher, xiong yinqiu also paid special attention to those children who were as introverted as she once was. for example, in her class, there was a student named xiaojie (pseudonym) who was very sensitive. when he first entered school, he was always silent and unwilling to communicate with others. when xiong yinqiu observed that xiaojie had a special love for painting, she decided to use this as a breakthrough to help xiaojie open his heart and integrate into the class.
therefore, xiong yinqiu encouraged xiaojie to join the school's painting club, often showed xiaojie's paintings in class, and specially held a small painting exhibition for xiaojie, giving him the opportunity to show his talent in front of the whole school. since then, xiaojie has gradually become cheerful, started to actively communicate with others, and his academic performance has also improved significantly. xiong yinqiu said, "more importantly, he has found confidence and has his own dreams."
i hope to bring out a complete
the bayi harvest hope primary school where xiong yinqiu works is located on the edge of the city, but it is a rural primary school. in every class of the school, there are more or less left-behind children. because they come from rural areas and their parents are not around for a long time, it is always more difficult for these students to study.
"most of these left-behind children are only taken care of by their grandparents. after school, there is almost no one to help them with their homework. once they encounter difficulties in their studies, they are easily afraid of difficulties and dislike studying." xiong yinqiu said that this requires teachers to take on more of the role of parents, help these students more in their studies, and help them build confidence in learning.
xiong yinqiu is visiting home.
"of course, education cannot only focus on students' grades, but also on the cultivation of good behavioral habits in children so that they can grow comprehensively." whenever she finds that children in the class have bad behavioral habits, she will educate and correct them in time. "every student is a unique individual. we cannot just criticize them, but we must guide them correctly and teach them in accordance with their aptitude."
how did xiong yinqiu find out about students' bad behavior or abnormal situations in time? this was because she was also the head teacher of the class.
"as a class teacher, there are a lot of things to take care of." xiong yinqiu said that whenever students encounter any grievances or bumps, they will look for the class teacher first. sometimes when the subject teachers encounter "troublesome" students who are difficult to deal with in class, the class teacher also needs to come forward to help rectify class discipline. "in short, no matter whether it is a big or small matter, the students are used to looking for the class teacher. this is also a great advantage for me to grasp the students' dynamics in a timely manner."
"i used to naively think that a teacher only needed to teach well. but after i became a class teacher, i found that the class affairs i had to deal with every day accounted for nearly half of my job content." however, this did not affect the original teaching tasks. this year, xiong yinqiu was also named "outstanding young gardener" in the district. this was a great encouragement to her. "the goal i set when i took the oath has been achieved. it can be regarded as a small fruit of my three-year teaching career."
regarding the future, xiong yinqiu said that as a young teacher, she hopes to make more progress in her chinese language major. "i have been to other places to observe and learn from the province's excellent lesson demonstrations. the district will also organize some senior and excellent teachers to come to the school for special teaching inspections and guidance, which is of great help to young teachers. i hope there will be more such learning opportunities in the future."
september 10th this year is xiong yinqiu's fourth teachers' day. "the first class i took over after joining the school was the third grade, but i only taught it for two short years. the second grade i am teaching now is the one i started teaching in the first grade." she said that she does not have any special wishes for teachers' day, "i hope to teach the children until they graduate from the sixth grade and accompany them through the entire primary school stage."
the paper reporter luo zhenyu and intern guo yuzhu
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)