
many places continue to take measures to stabilize the property market, increase provident fund loan quotas, and issue housing purchase subsidies...


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many places have taken action to stabilize the property market.

on september 10, qingyang city, gansu province introduced measures to activate real estate investment and consumption. in addition to reducing down payments and interest rates and increasing provident fund loan amounts, it also proposed to cancel the registration of sales prices of newly built commercial housing and carry out group purchasing activities for commercial housing.

on september 9, tonglu county, hangzhou, zhejiang province, issued a new housing policy, which proposed that housing purchase vouchers will be issued, and those who receive the vouchers and purchase newly built commercial housing will be given a housing subsidy of 30,000 yuan per unit, with a total subsidy of 6 million yuan. at the same time, for senior workers and above, and professional and technical personnel with intermediate professional titles and above who are employed and start businesses in tonglu, a down payment subsidy of 100,000 yuan will be given to each household who purchases newly built commercial housing for the first time.

on the same day, xiangtan, hunan province adjusted some housing provident fund use policies, including adjusting the housing unit identification policy, and only verifying the housing conditions in the district, county (city) where the resident household newly purchases the house; increasing the provident fund loan amount for families with three children and high-level talents, and reducing the down payment ratio for purchasing affordable housing. the repayment period of provident fund loans can be extended to 5 years after the statutory retirement time, and the maximum loan repayment period shall not exceed 30 years.

qingyang introduces measures to stimulate real estate investment and consumption

on september 10, the housing and urban-rural development bureau of qingyang city issued "several measures to activate real estate investment and consumption in qingyang city".

it is proposed to lower the down payment ratio for home purchases, adjust the minimum down payment ratio for commercial loans for the first home to no less than 15%, and adjust the minimum down payment ratio for commercial loans for the second home to no less than 25%. cancel the policy floor for commercial loans for the first and second homes.

at the same time, the housing fund loan interest rate and down payment ratio were lowered, with the housing fund loan interest rates for the first house of less than 5 years (including 5 years) and more than 5 years adjusted to 2.35% and 2.85% respectively, and the housing fund loan interest rates for the second house of 2.775% and 3.325% respectively. the minimum down payment ratio for housing fund loans for the first and second houses was reduced to 20%.

in addition, the housing provident fund loan amount will be increased. for couples who pay housing provident funds normally, the maximum loan amount will be increased from 600,000 yuan to 700,000 yuan. for one party who pays housing provident funds normally, the maximum loan amount will be increased from 500,000 yuan to 600,000 yuan. for employees who raise multiple children and purchase self-occupied housing in the city, the maximum loan amount will be increased by 100,000 yuan. direct relatives are allowed to participate in the loan together. all loan employees can add a direct relative (parent or child) as a co-borrower to increase the actual loan amount. comprehensively implement housing provident fund loans in other places.

in addition, the record keeping of sales prices of newly built commodity housing will be cancelled. the record keeping system for sales prices of newly built commodity housing will no longer be implemented. developers will set prices independently according to market needs, and the prices of newly built commodity housing will be fully market-oriented. enterprises are encouraged to carry out various promotional activities to promote housing consumption. group purchases of commodity housing will be carried out. in accordance with the principle of "government support, enterprise concessions, and public benefits", all levels of government agencies, enterprises, institutions and social groups in the city will be supported to negotiate with real estate developers to form groups to purchase commodity housing; real estate companies are encouraged to make reasonable and compliant concessions for group purchases and give preferential treatment.

tonglu releases new housing policy

on september 9, the “tonglu release” wechat official account announced new housing policies.

it was proposed to issue housing consumption vouchers. from september 10, 2024 to december 31, 2024, those who received the housing consumption vouchers and purchased newly built commercial housing will be given a housing subsidy of 30,000 yuan per unit, with a total subsidy amount of 6 million yuan.

at the same time, a policy of subsidies for down payments for skilled and professional personnel to purchase houses was proposed. from september 10, 2024 to december 31, 2024, for senior skilled workers and above, and professional and technical personnel with intermediate professional titles and above who are employed or start businesses in tong and purchase new commercial housing for the first time, a down payment subsidy of 100,000 yuan will be given to each household.

in addition, we will promote the "transfer of ownership with mortgage" service for second-hand housing transactions to optimize transaction links and reduce transaction costs.

in addition, the following policies will continue to be implemented: a down payment subsidy policy of 100,000 to 200,000 yuan will be provided for g2-f talents to purchase houses; a down payment subsidy policy of up to 150,000 yuan will be provided for college students to purchase houses; the maximum provident fund loan amount for purchasing the first commercial residential property will be increased by 20%, and the provident fund can be used to directly pay for the down payment on the house; a subsidy policy of 50,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan will be provided to families with two and three children respectively (families with two and three children between december 1, 2023 and may 31, 2025); for families with only one commercial residential property that is currently listed for sale, the subsequent mortgage loan can be recognized as the first house according to the policy; a subsidy policy for the hangzhou ⇄ tonglu expressway toll; a housing subsidy policy for rural population agglomeration development in the watershed area; a property rights replacement policy for families of dilapidated houses in urban areas to "eliminate danger and ensure safe housing"; and a preferential personal income tax refund policy to support residents in purchasing housing.

xiangtan adjusts housing provident fund use policy

on september 9, the xiangtan housing provident fund management committee issued the "notice on adjusting the use policies of some housing provident funds."

it is proposed to adjust the housing unit identification policy. when a resident family (including the borrower, spouse and minor children) applies for a loan to purchase a new commercial housing, only the housing situation in the district, county (city) where the resident family purchases the new housing will be checked. if a family member does not have a complete housing unit in the district, county (city) where the new housing unit is located, the housing credit policy will be implemented as the first housing unit; for a family that owns one housing unit and has paid off the housing loan, if they apply for a loan again to purchase a new commercial housing unit to improve their living conditions, the first housing loan policy will be implemented. housing outside the city with outstanding commercial housing loans shown in the personal credit report will not be recognized as housing units when applying for provident fund loans.

at the same time, the loan amount will be increased, the down payment ratio will be reduced, and the provident fund loan policy will be optimized. the maximum amount of provident fund loans for families with three children and high-level talents will be increased from 900,000 yuan to 1 million yuan; the minimum down payment ratio for purchasing affordable housing with provident fund loans is 15%; the repayment period of provident fund loans can be extended to 5 years after the statutory retirement age, and the longest loan repayment period shall not exceed 30 years.

in addition, the policy on withdrawal and use of housing provident funds will be optimized and standardized. when families with two or more children apply for rental withdrawals, they can present relevant supporting documents, such as household registration books, birth certificates, etc., and the total annual withdrawal amount will not exceed 15,000 yuan/year; support will be provided for employees who have made contributions to withdraw funds on a quarterly basis for rental purposes, which can be applied for once per quarter. the total annual withdrawal amount for the employee's family will not exceed 12,000 yuan (not exceeding 15,000 yuan for families with two or more children).