
in the indifferent school of shanghai, a child fell down and no one cared


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the school season is back again. it has always been the wish of parents that their children go to school happily and return home safely.

however, a recent video from shanghai xuhui middle school has made countless people heartbroken.

this short 2-minute video exposed the indifference of teachers and classmates and deeply hurt the hearts of countless parents.

these scenes are chilling: in their eyes, are students’ lives really so unimportant?

no one picked up the fallen child

in the video, students were lined up neatly with their hands behind their backs. suddenly, one student fell to the ground, and none of the teachers or students around him came forward to rescue him.

the fallen child lay on the ground for several minutes. after he struggled to sit up, still no one was willing to lend a hand and take him away from the scorching sun.

in this process,after hearing the noise, a male teacher walked slowly to the child, glanced at him casually and walked away.

another teacher stood just a few meters away from the student line, but he kept his head down looking at his mobile phone the whole time.even when the student fell to the ground and other students cried for help, she didn't even turn her head.

another security guard walked past the child and was equally indifferent.

under the scorching sun, the child fell to the ground, but to them it didn't seem like a big deal and not worth paying too much attention.

seeing such a teacher makes people understand why school bullying incidents occur so frequently, but teachers often choose to turn a blind eye.

these two short minutes may be the most terrifying moment that the collapsed student has ever experienced. when he fell to the ground due to physical discomfort, he found that none of the teachers and classmates around him offered a helping hand.

but for many parents, this incident still left a deep is really hard to feel at ease leaving our children in the care of such an indifferent and irresponsible teacher.

just imagine, if it was your own child who fell down, if his life was in danger, if he met with misfortune because he missed the golden time for rescue...the possibilities are simply unbearable to contemplate.

this is not an exaggeration. in 2021, a second-year junior high school student in beihai city, guangxi, fell to the ground unexpectedly while jogging on campus in the morning.

because the "golden five minutes" of first aid were missed, the student's heart stopped beating before the ambulance arrived.

these events make us reflect deeply: in our education, are students’ lives and health given due attention?

although the school did not provide timely rescue, it did issue a notice very quickly.after the video was released, the school immediately issued a notice in an attempt to calm public opinion.

this kind of "hindsight" crisis public relations gives people the feeling that it does not really care about the lives and health of students, but rather is more like trying hard to protect its own reputation.

not corporal punishment but better than corporal punishment

if the video had not been released, such incidents might have been regarded as insignificant and covered up lightly.

the person who filmed the incident revealed that the students had been standing in the scorching sun for half an is not known why they had to endure such scorching sun, whether it was because they were punished to stand or for other reasons.

however, the school’s notice stated that this was a “physical exercise class” conducted by the school.

however, we can't help but question: what kind of "physical exercise class" would require students to be exposed to the scorching sun for half an hour?this is more like corporal punishment in the name of exercise.

otherwise, why was the female teacher standing by fully armed with sun protection, while the other male teacher did not even appear in the camera, and only the young students were exposed to the sun, without any regard for whether they could bear it.

this incident can't help but remind people of the start of the school season in the opening ceremony of wuhan no. 3 junior high school, a student fainted in front of everyone and no one came forward to help him up for 30 seconds.

the live camera recorded this scene. the students did not dare to help the fainted classmate. they just raised their hands to signal, and the students behind them continued to applaud.

such scenes are not uncommon in many primary and secondary schools. both adults and children have probably experienced similar scenes: standing in the heavy rain to listen to the principal's speech, while the principal and teachers hide under the awning.

these incidents not only expose the schools’ indifference in dealing with students’ health and safety issues, but also reveal the bureaucratic and formalistic tendencies that are prevalent in the current education system.

the various activities in school seem to focus on the all-round development of students, but they often only pursue superficial results, neglect the real needs and feelings of students, and lack substantive care and humane management.

in recent years, although the school's hardware facilities have been improved and the educational requirements for teachers have been raised,but in terms of educational concepts, especially respect for students, it seems to be still stuck in the past.

this indifferent attitude reflects the backwardness of management concepts in some schools, which focus too much on grades and discipline but ignore the physical and mental health and safety of students.

wang shiling's father, wang yuelun, once mentioned why he transferred his daughter to an international school.

the main reason isduring the children's day activities on june 1, he saw the principal and teachers standing in the shade of the trees, while the children were exposed to the scorching sun, their little faces getting sunburned.

when wang yuelun was recounting this experience, he was so emotional that he almost cried. he even apologized for his gaffe, which shows how much he felt sorry for his daughter's situation at the time.

parents treasure their children, but schools are so indifferent to students' lives and health.

how can parents feel at ease leaving their children in the hands of school teachers? can such an environment really protect the growth of children?

indifferent education, numb children

what’s even more frightening is that this video may only reveal the tip of the iceberg of the problem, and hidden behind it may be more educational ills that have not been exposed.

it is often not the teacher who should be the first to discover the problem, but the classmates around him.

normally, when a classmate suddenly faints, the children around him/her should immediately go forward to check and quickly notify the teacher.

but what was presented in the camera was a completely different scene. the children were still standing there with their hands behind their backs, behaving properly.

faced with their fallen classmate, they were at a loss and looked at each other. after dozens of seconds, some students hesitantly raised their hands to signal the teacher.

these children may be afraid to break the rules or worry about being punished, so they dare not lend a helping hand.

this is not just a manifestation of the children's individual behavior, but also reflects the profound problems in the educational environment and cultural atmosphere in which they live.

our education is subtly shaping children into indifferent, empathetic, and obedient individuals.

rules and discipline are important, but when these rules begin to suppress children's instinctive reactions, compassion and sense of responsibility, the original purpose of education is seriously distorted.

as a well-known institution in shanghai, xuhui middle school shoulders the important task of cultivating future pillars of society. but can the school's education method really cultivate students with both good character and good academic performance?

the indifference of teachers and the apathy of children will only make people more and more mechanized and lose their due compassion in such an educational environment.

the core of education should not just be to impart knowledge, but more importantly to cultivate students' values, compassion and social responsibility.

education should be people-oriented, so that children can learn how to become a warm and emotional person while acquiring knowledge.

on a deeper level, this is not just an education issue, it also reflects the current state of society.

everyone in society seems to be increasingly focused on their own lives, concerned with their own interests, and indifferent to the plight around them and the suffering of others.

when a classmate falls to the ground, the human instinct to help is suppressed by various rules and punishments. this is the tragedy of education and the tragedy of society.

we hope that every educator can reflect and truly care for children as emotional and living beings.

let them grow up in an environment full of love and warmth, rather than gradually losing their humanity in cold and mechanical discipline.

in this school season, we hope that such incidents will not happen again. we hope that every school and every educator can learn lessons from it and re-examine the responsibilities on their shoulders.

the future of our children is not just about their academic performance, but also about who they become.

i hope that every child can grow up healthily in a caring campus, rather than gradually losing warmth in indifferent education.