
yu jingmin: saic passenger vehicle's "learning from others" team prepares dishes for users | auto focus


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auto-first|liu tianming

"who are the members of saic passenger vehicle's team? the first is wang jun, who plays tang monk, the second monkey king is master qiu jie, fathead fish (yu jingmin) is bajie, zhu yong is monk sha, and shao jingfeng is the white dragon horse," said yu jingmin, executive vice general manager of the passenger vehicle branch of saic motor corporation limited, in an interview with auto-first at the chengdu auto show. roewe is the new volkswagen, reliable and not showy. roewe orders the "dishes" first and serves them to users, making it stand out from the homogeneous products.

at the 2024 chengdu auto show, saic roewe brought all the d family products, including roewe d7 dmh, roewe d7 ev and roewe d5x dmh, as well as star models such as roewe rx5 plus, i5 and imax8. at the same time, saic roewe has brought exclusive subsidy policies for sichuan and chongqing users. the replacement subsidies for roewe d7 dmh, roewe d7 ev, roewe rx5 and roewe imax8 are as high as 50,000 yuan; the replacement subsidies for roewe d5x dmh and roewe i5 are also as high as 40,000 yuan. the full price of roewe i5 after subsidies is only 39,800 yuan.

in addition to product displays and car purchase discounts, saic roewe demonstrated its strong technical capabilities at the chengdu auto show. the dmh super hybrid technology and "super anxin commitment" showed the true hybrid strength of china's national team of independent brands and provided consumers with the industry's best car options.

the dishes are ready, and roewe takes the order

the reason why saic roewe develops a new car in 18 months is the strong technical foundation of saic group. zhu yong, deputy general manager of the passenger vehicle branch of saic motor corporation, pointed out that in order to speed up the launch of new cars, technical accumulation is very important. saic has 7 major technical bases, divided into 3+4. "3" refers to the three major vehicle technology bases, including the "nebula" pure electric exclusive series platform, the "everest" mechatronic vehicle architecture, and the future-oriented "galaxy" electric-hydrogen integrated vehicle architecture. the "4" key system technology bases include the "blue core" hybrid powertrain, the "green core" electric drive assembly, the saic rubik's cube battery and the galaxy brain.

zhu yong emphasized that from the perspective of rolling technology, saic is not afraid, our "dish" has been prepared, and after saic roewe "orders" it, we will make it solid and serve it to users.

thanks to saic's strong technical foundation, saic roewe launched the highly competitive dmh super hybrid system, which won the first place in many third-party tests and won the favor of consumers. yu jingmin introduced that users call dmh "great beauty". "great" means master qiu jie, "beautiful" means the world's first and only, and picu five-in-one efficient control. "good" means ensuring that the fuel consumption is reduced to 2 to 1, the range reaches 2,000 kilometers, and it can be used normally in all road conditions, all scenarios, and all performances, and it can also be used normally in cold weather.

behind the "great beauty" of the fifth-generation dmh super hybrid technology is the systematic support of a number of unique technologies. this hybrid technology has many world-leading technologies such as the industry's first powertrain brain picu, engine + p1 motor coaxial structure, etc. it has achieved a software algorithm as the core, matching special hardware such as hybrid-specific efficient engines, gearboxes, and long-range batteries, achieving a super integration of software and hardware.

at the same time, dmh super hybrid technology has three major technical characteristics: modularity, integration, and exclusivity. through a set of systems matching different hybrid routes such as phev/erev/hev, it can cover the driving needs and fuel consumption regulations of different users around the world.

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in the "second half" of the competition in new energy vehicles, saic roewe, relying on its solid technical foundation and excellent system strength, began to focus on services and guarantees, truly creating value for users.

based on the dmh super hybrid technology that leads the entire hybrid technology industry, the quality car manufacturing capabilities under the large-scale manufacturer system, and the outstanding performance of 300,000 vehicles equipped with saic magic cube batteries delivered worldwide and setting a record of zero spontaneous combustion, saic roewe broke the industry convention and took the lead in launching the "super safe chip commitment".

the "super anxin commitment" offers a "zero spontaneous combustion guarantee" of "one burn, one compensation" within 20 working days, as well as a "three-electric lifetime warranty" with no mileage limit and not limited to the first owner. the promised warranty parts include the high-voltage battery pack, drive motor, drive motor control module, and covers the powertrain integrated control module of hybrid models, etc.

it is worth mentioning that the "super safe chip commitment" is for all users. yu jingmin pointed out that the "super safe chip commitment" does not distinguish between new and old car owners, and those who bought in the past are also guaranteed.

"why do we have such a bold promise? because we have paid a lot of price and cost in terms of technology," said zhu yong. saic motors, a joint venture between saic motor and catl, ensures the high quality of battery cells. the fully independently developed bms cell controller can sample the cell temperature, power, voltage output and other indicators of each cell at the millisecond level to ensure that the temperature of each cell is kept at 10-20 degrees.

in addition, structural safety is also very important. saic roewe has fully verified and prepared through rigorous calculations, simulations, and collision tests. in terms of cooling, saic roewe uses refrigeration and liquid cooling technology to ensure that each battery cell is cooled evenly and will not be overloaded.

saic roewe launched the "super safe chip commitment", which not only provides users with full life cycle safety protection, but also brings value enhancement to users. it is understood that after the launch of the super safe chip commitment, the value retention rate of roewe's related products increased by 5%, that is, a product worth about 100,000 yuan can be sold for 5,000 yuan more in used cars.

long-termism: roewe wants to bring surprises to users

"our current product prices are all surprising prices, and in the future we will only make products with surprising prices," yu jingmin explained to auto-first when explaining saic roewe's future products. he pointed out that next year saic roewe will launch new products to stand out from the homogenized products.

in order to bring surprising products to users, saic roewe adheres to long-termism, relies on core technology, relies on user needs, and goes all out to promote the brand's new energy transformation. it also begins to make deep adjustments and integrations to the structure, personnel, and key methodologies, in order to achieve a sales target of 200,000 while reserving potential for long-term sales growth.

yu jingmin pointed out that roewe will make good plans for the "short, medium and long term", taking into account all current and long-term relationships. at present, roewe needs to polish its technology brand label, return marketing to its essence, focus on user needs, and get closer to users, media and dealers.

in terms of channels, yu jingmin pointed out that roewe will reduce or exempt the assessment of dealers, but will add investment in software, online live broadcasts, and videos, build business plans and funding plans, potential customer transaction centers, and user service centers, first awaken the dealers, and turn these two funnels and large cycles around, forming a strong internal driving force.

yu jingmin also mentioned the development of feifan automobile, and revealed to auto-first that "the focus of work will be on the integration of the marketing and service organizations of roewe and feifan. we will also take on greater responsibilities in three aspects: first, we must honor our promises to users; second, we must do a good job and be more responsible in what we promised to dealers; third, we must speed up and further develop the product spectrum of roewe and feifan."

faced with the increasingly fierce and inward-looking automobile market, yu jingmin, who returned to saic passenger vehicle, quickly worked out a set of strategies to break through the competition, using technical details to provide the best products in order to survive and live well in the market elimination competition in the next three to five years.